Genetics Flashcards


Explain benefits and risks of using genetically modified crops for the environment and also for human health.

  1. pest-resistant crops can be made
  2. so less spraying of insecticides/pesticides
  3. less fuel burned in management of crops
  4. longer shelf-life for fruits and vegetables so less spoilage
  5. greater quantity/shorter growing time/less land needed
  6. increase variety of growing locations / can grow in threatened conditions

Environment risks:

  1. non-target organisms can be affected
  2. genes transferred to crop plants to make them herbicide resistant could spread to wild plants making super-weeds
  3. GMOs (encourage monoculture which) reduces biodiversity
  4. GM crops encourage overuse of herbicides

Health benefits:

  1. nutritional value of food improved by increasing nutrient content
  2. crops could be produced that lack toxins or allergens
  3. crops could be produced to contain edible vaccines to provide natural disease resistance

Health risks:

  1. proteins from transferred genes could be toxic or cause allergic reactions
  2. antibiotic resistance genes used as markers during gene transfer could spread to «pathogenic» bacteria
  3. transferred genes could cause unexpected/not anticipated problems
    health effects of exposure to GMO unclear
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