Genetically Modified Foods Flashcards
What is a Genetically Modified Product?
A GM product is one that’s had it’s genes altered to give it useful characteristics
What is an example of a GM product? How does this help production?
GM Maize that is pest-resistant allows farmers to produce higher yield as less of the crop is eaten or damaged by pests
What are the 4 main advantages of Genetically Modified foods?
Crops can be made to grow quickly
Producers can gain a higher yield for the same amount of seed and fertilizer which makes it cheaper for the consumer
Crops can be altered to have a longer shelf life - meaning less food is wasted
Crops can be modified to ripen earlier than normal, so fresh foods can be available earlier in the year
What are the 3 main disadvantages of Genetically Modified foods?
GM foods haven’t been around for long so long-term effects are unknown to researchers
Concerns about modified genes spreading into unwanted areas (i.e. weedkiller resistant spreading to a weed making it unstoppable)
GM producers can’t sell their food everywhere. For example the EU restricts the import of some GM food products