Genetic & Non-Genetic Conditions Flashcards
Fragile X Syndrome facts
- FMR 1 gene on X chromosome
- Most common INHERETED genetic cognitive impairment
- X linked dominant (mostly male)
Fragile X Syndrome presentation
- Hypotonia
- Joint hypermobility
- delayed motor milestones
- poor coordination
- poor motor planning
- seizures
- autistic like characteristics
Looks like: - elongated faces
- large ears
- prominent mandible
Prader-Willi syndrome facts
- Microdeletion on chromosome 15
- severe hypotonia and feeding problems
- commonly diagnosed with early failure to thrive
- excessive eating
- onset 1-6 years
- obesity in childhood
Prader-Willi syndrome presentation
- hypotonia
- delayed milestones
- poor fine and motor coordination
- Sit at 12mo, walk at 24
- short stature
- small hands & feet
- low normal to moderate cognition
- high incidence of scoliosis/kyphosis & OA with aging
Angelman Syndrome Facts
- Deletion of chromosome 15
- Neurodevelopmental disorder with overall delays
Angelman Syndrome Presentation
- Ataxia
- Jerky or tremulous movements
- Hand flapping
- Puppet like gait “Happy puppets”
- Microcephaly
- Seizures
- Pale Blue Eyes
- Laughing behaviors and wide smiling mouth
- Scoliosis
- Pronated/Valgus feet
- No expressive speech
Rett Syndrome Facts
- Mutation of MECP-2 gene
- Progressive neurodevelopmental disorder
- Deceleration rate of head growth
- Gradual loss of acquired skills after 6-18 months
- 4 stages, last stage occurs after 10 yo
- May live to 40-50s
Rett Syndrome Presentation
- Minimal language
- Loss of purposeful hand skills
- Stereotypical hand movements (clapping, wringing, clenching)
Cri-du-chat syndrome facts
- Rare chromosomal disorder, deletion of chromosome 5p that is paternally derived
- congenital heart disease (common)
- cognitive delay
Cri-du-chat syndrome presentation
- Very distinctive high pitched cry
- low birth weigh
- hypotonia in early childhood, sometimes hypertonia later
- low set ears
- possible webbing
- wide set eyes
- hypertelorism
- better receptive than expressive language
- self injury behaviors
- repetitive movements
- hypersensitivity to sound
- clumsiness
Neurofibromatosis type 1 facts
- mutated copy of the nf1 gene on chromosome 17
- presents with non-cancerous tumors (neurofibromas) which grow on nerve tissue, which produces skin and bone abnormalities
- skin neurofibromas begin in puberty
Neurofibromatosis type 1 presentation
- multiple cafe au lait spots
- verbal & nonverbal disabilities
- deficits in IQ, attention, motor abilities & executive function
Williams Syndrome Facts
- Caused by mutation or deletion of the elsatin gene at 7q11.23
- occurs in 1-20,000 live births
- Many medical, social and developmental issues
William Syndrome Presentation
- Hypotonia
- Joint laxity
- Contractures when old
- Hyperrelexia
-Cerebellar dysfunction
-Mild neurologic dysfunction - Developmental delay
- Learning challenges
Phenylkeonuria Facts
- Inherited metabolic disease that prevents the body from properly metabolizing the amino acid phenylalanine
- Autosomal recessive
-Mutation of PAH gene - All babies are screened for it
Phenylketonuria Presentation
- Tremors
- Microcephaly
- Seizures
- Developmental delay
- Hyperactivity
- Reduced growth
- Eczema
- Distinct odor (Musty)
Phenylketonuria Treatment
- Treated through significant lifelong diet changes
- Enzyme therapy
- Pharm
Klinefelter Syndrome facts
- Extra x chromosome
- complications: osteoporosis, heart & blood vessel disease
Klinefelter Syndrome presentation
- Low sperm count/no sperm
- small testicles & penis
- low sex drive
- taller than average height
- weak bones
- decreased facial & body hair
- less muscular compared to other males
- enlarged breast tissue
- increased belly fat
Turner syndrome facts
- one X chromosome is missing or partially missing
- only affects females
- complications: variety of medical & developmental problems
- skeletal problems: scoliosis, osteoporosis, kyphosis
- normal IQ, but increased risk of learning disabilities
Turner syndrome presentation
- wide or weblike neck
- low set ears
- broad chest with widely spaced nipples
- short stature
- slowed growth
- cardiac defects
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Facts
-Triad of symptoms: Growth deficiency, cardiac defects, CNS disturbance
- CNS:
-Slow mentation
-Problems in al domains of adaptive functioning
-Balance and coordination issues
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Presentation
- Small head
- Epicanthal folds, small eye openings
- Smooth philtrum
- Thin upper lip
- Low nasal bridge
Congenital Cytomegalovirus Facts
- Commonly caused by prenatal infections, a herpes virus (cytomegalovirus)
- 1-150 babies have it
- 1/3 of women 1st infected during pregnancy will pass to fetus
- Prevented by decreasing exposure to body fluids with this virus
Congenital Cytomegalovirus Presentation
- Presents like CP, seizure disorder, hearing problems, heart defects