Genetic DZ Flashcards
Mitochondrial Genome
- Myoclonic epilepsy & Red-ragged fibers (MERRF)- myopathy, dementia, hearing loss
- Mitochondrial encephalopathy & Lactic Acidosis (MELAS)
- Leigh Dz- basal ganglia defects, hypotonia & optic atrophy
- Kearns-Sayre Sy- ophthalmoplegia, retinitis pigmentosa, myopathy, cardiac conduction defects
- Pearson Sy- anemia, neutropenia, pancreatic dysfunction, myopathy
Trinucleotide Repeat Dz
- Fragile X Sx- most common inherited mental retardation Sy
- Myotonic dystrophy AD-involve facial & jaw M
4p- Wolf-Hirschhorn Sy
- “Greek helmet” facies
- “beaked” nose
- seizures
5p- Cri du Chat
- cat’s cry
- “moon face”
- short stature
- High-arched palate
- MR
18q- De GROUCHY Sy
- Atretic or narrowed ear canals
- Frog-like position w/ legs flexed
- Trigonocephaly (triangle head)
- exophthalmous
- short neck w/ pterygium colli
7q11- Williams Syndrome
Missing elastin gene
- Friendly “cocktail party” personality
- Supravalvular aortic steanosis
11p13- WAGR
- Wilms tumor
- Aniridia
- Genitourinary malformations
- mental retardation
20p12- Alagille Sy
- Bile duct paucity w/ cholestasis
- PVS & peripheral & branch pulmonic artery steanoses
- triangular facis w/ promintent chin
22q11- DiGeorge Sy
- Cleft palate
- Abscent thymus/thyroid-para- immune deficiencies, low Ca
- Congenital Heart Dz TOF> interrupted aortic arch > VSD > truncus arteriosus
47,XXY Klinfelter Sy
- tall
- gynecomastia
- small testes & infertile
45X Turner Sy
- Short
- ovarian failure with lack secondary development
- 50% Bicuspid aortic valves 20% coarctation of aorta
Pierre-Robin Sequence
Cause mandibular hypoplasia
- glossoptosis (down ward displaced of tongue
- cleft palate
Goldenhar SY
- hemifacial microsomia plus (cervical ventebral, renal & cardiac abnorm)
- epibulbar lipodermoids
Most common single suture fusion
- Sagittal synostosis
Sagittal –>
Long narrow head
Coronal + sphenofrontal
unilateral flattening head, elevation of ipsilateral orbit/eyebrow
Metopic sutures
-keel shaped forehead
AD from new mutation 2nd inc dad age
- disproportionate short stature
- trident hands
- macrocephaly
- FORAMEN magnum STEANOSIS &/or CRANioCervical junction abnorma
von Hipperl-lindau Sy
multiple cancers of eye, CNS kidneys, pancreas, adrenal
–> Classic: retinal angioma age 10 OR cerebellar hemangioblastoma adoles
High AFP
- open neural tube defects
- defects of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal system
- Turner syndrome,
- trisomy 18 and 21
Trisomy 21 maternal screen
- LOW AFP & estriol
- HIGH HCG & inhibin