Genetic Disorders Part 2 Flashcards
what are complex multigenic disorders
- multifactorial or polygenic disorders
- variant gene + environmental factors
examples of complex multigenic disorders
- diabetes mellitus type 2
- congential heart disease
- cleft lip
what do you exclude when diagnosing multifactoral or polygenic disorders
- exclude Mendelian disorder
- exclude chromosomal mode of inheritance
what is a karyotype
- cells in metaphase
- chromosomes are arranged in decreasing length
when stain is used for katyotype
- Giemsa stain = G banding
- gives you light and dark bands
normal human chromosome #
n= 23
what is euploid
what is polyploid
what is aneuploid
not an exact number of n
what are cytogenetic disorders
- spontaneous abortions (50% due to chromosome abnormality)
- change in # and structure of chromosomes
which chromosomes do cytogenetic disorders affect
autosomes and sex chromosomes
what are the types of chromosomal rearrangements
- translocation (reciprocal/ balanced. Robertsonian)
- deletion
- isochromosome
- inversion
- ring chromsome
what is mosaicism
same individual 2 or more population of cells
- different complements of chromosomes
- mosaicism is common in sex chromosomes
what are the cytogenetic disorders involving autosomes
trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome) Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome) Deletion 5p (Cri du chat Syndrome)
karyotype of trisomy 21
21:47XX, +21 (95%)
what is the translocation type of trisomy 21
46XX der (14;21)(q10:q10) + 21 (4%)
what is the mosaic of trisomy 21
46XX/47XX, +21 (1%)
what are the 2 candidate genes for trisomy 21 (chromosome 21)
DYRK1A codes for a serine-threonine kinase
RCAN1 regulator of calcineurin 1
characteristics of Trisomy 21
- epicanthic folds, flat facial profile
- redundant neck skin; Simian crease
- mental retardation
- congenital heart disease (VSD, ASD)
- acute leukemia (ALL, AML)
- intestinal stenosis, umbilical hernia
- Alzheimer disease
characteristics of Trisomy 18 (Edward Syndrome)
- prominent occiput
- mental retardation
- micrognathia
- clenched fist
- IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation)
- polyhydramnios
characteristics of Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome)
Microcephaly Mental retardation Cleft lip Cleft palate Polydactyly –extra digits Cardiac defects –mostly VSD Renal defects
what is 22q11 Deletion syndrome
intestinal deletion: 22q11.2