Genetic Disorders Flashcards
Genotype is..
entire genetic composition
Phenotype is…
expression of genes
Chromosome contains
DNA is made up of
nucleotide bases
Cytosine, thymine, adenine, and Guaninine
How many pairs of chromosomes; how many total?
23 pairs; 46 total
There are 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes?
There is 1 pair of sex chromosomes?
True dat
What does this mean?
47, xx, +21
47= extra chromosome xx= female \+21= extra chromosome is on #21
What does this mean?
46, xy, -10q
46= correct number of chromosome xy= male -10q= chromosome #10 is missing its q arm
Monosomy means
When one chromosome of a pair is missing
Trisomy means
Presence of an extra chromosome
Deletion means
part of the chromosome is missing; part of the genetic code has been omitted
Translocation means
part of a chromosome has been detached and reattached its self to another chromosome
Trisomy 21
47xx+21 0r 47xy+21
Down syndrome
most common trisomy
Trisomy 18
47xy+18 OR 47xx+18
Edwards Sydrome
2nd most common trisomy with more serious organic malfunctions
Trisomy 13
47xy+13 OR 47xx+18
Patau syndrome
Does the risk of incident increase with age?
Does a bear shit in the woods?….yes
Down syndrome common physical features are..
upward slanted eyes, small oral cavity resulting in a protruding tongue (macroglossia), Epicanthal fold at the eyes, saddle nose, small ears
Common instability associated with down syndrome?
AA instability
clinical picture of Down syndrome?
1) Simplicity in convolutional pattern ( not so deep gyri and sulci)
2) reduced synaptogenesis
3) lack/delay of myelination
4) decreased # of small neurons
5) Structural abnormalities of neurons
6) increased # neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques
7) MR
8) Microbrachyechaly ( flat skull A/P and wider M/L)
9) Cardiopulm abnormalities (valve issues)
Down syndrome, musculoskeletal clinical picture
1) hypotonia (low resistance to stretch, hang on Ligamentous structures)
2) Foot deformities
3) Hip sublux/dislocation
4) patellar instability
5) Scoliosis
6) AA instability
Down syndrome, Sensory deficits
1) Hearing loss
2) Strabismus (esotropia= eye turned out)
3) Cataracts
4) Chronic otitis media (ear infections)
5) Nystagmus
6) Myopia (near sighted)
Is Edward syndrome related to maternal age?
what percentage of children survive past 1 year?
seen more in females then males 3:1
the truth
Clinical picture of Edwards Syndrome
1) LBW, small stature
2) CV/GI/urogenital/skeletal malformations
3) Long narrow skull with misshapen ears
4) Tone abnormalities
5) profound MR
6) Leads to poor cerebellar function
Is Patau syndrome correlated with advanced maternal age?
dats da truth
Clinical picture of Patau syndrome
1) CNS/CV/MS/urogenital
2) severe-profound MR
3) An/microopthalmia - no eyes/small eyes
What percentage of babies survive past 3 years?
Sec chromosome disorders are characterized by…
absent, extra, or damaged chromosomes
45XO is also known as
Turner Syndrome
Turner syndrome is only found in which Sex?
Turner syndrome is the most common cause of spontaneous abortions