Genetic Disorder Pathology Flashcards
What are common clinical presentations for down syndrome?
- Hypotonia (“floppy babies”; poor muscle tone)
- Excess nuchal skin
- Epicanthic Folds
- Protruding tongue
- Small ears
- Upward sloping palpebral fissures
- Single palmar crease
- Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects
- Anal or Duodenal Atresia
- Short stature
- Strabismus (eyes do not line up)
What are some common health problems that develop from Down Syndrome?
- Congenital Heart Disease (40%)
- Intellectual Disability
- Alzheimer Disease (APP gene on C21)
- Decreased life expectancy
What are comon clinical presentations for Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome)?
- Severe cleft lip/palate
- Polydactyly
- Mean survival of 7 days
- Microcephaly (small than average head)
What are common clinical presentations for Trisomy 18 (Edward’s Syndrome)?
- Microcephaly
- CNS & CVS Malformations
- Prominent Occiput (Back of Head)
- Micrognathia (lower jaw smaller than normal)
- Overlapping fingers
- Rocker-bottom feet (sole flexes convexly)
- Mean survival of 14.5 days
What are common clinical presentations for Turner Syndrome?
- Short stature
- Delayed pubertal development
- Amenorrhea
- Gonadal dysgenesis ~ streak ovaries
- Webbing of neck
- Broad chest and widely spaced nipples
Turner Syndrome mechanism?
45X or 45 XO
What percentage of Turner Syndrome birth cases are mosaics?
What are common clinical presentations for Klinefelter syndrome?
- Feminization of secondary sex characteristics (hair and breasts)
- Hypogonadism (sex glands produce little, if any hormones)
- Disproportionate long limbs
- Tall and thin stature
Klinefelter Syndrome mechanism?
47 XXY
What do other trisomies of sex chromosomes have in common?
Tall statures and mental deficits
What happens to individuals when they have high numbers of X chromosomes?
As the X chromosomes increase, the mental impairment does as well.
How are extra X chromosomes inactivated?
Barr bodies
Although individuals may not be affected by balanced rearrangements of chromosomes, what might happen later?
Their children might be at risk of developing an unbalanced abnormality.
What do multiple congenital anomalies in the absence of an obvious diagnosis suggest?
A chromosomal aberration or abnormality.
What are the five acrocentric chromosomes in humans?
13, 14, 15, 21, and 22