Genesis Flashcards
How is Abram a new creation?
- Abraham is a new creation in response to the turmoil of the first 11 chapters of Gen.
- bless, be fruitful, multiple used in creation covenant and Abramhamic covenant
Kingdom through Covenant
metanarrative of scripture - we are created with an identity for a mission
What book and chapter is the covenant making ceremony for Abram?
Gen. 15
When is the renewal of the Abram covenant
Gen 17
Who does Yahweh reveal himself to Abram as?
El Shaddai
What is the meaning of walk before me?
? lecture 2 of abram?
What is the meaning of the sign of circumcision?
? lecture 2 of abram?
Why the Covenant with Abraham?
1) It is the Basis for all of God’s plans and purposes for
2) Covenants reveal the character of Yahweh most clearly
What does Mary’s Magnificant describe?
The birth of her son as God “remembering mercy”
What is a Covenant?
The word is used in Scripture for a wide diversity of oath-bound commitments in various relationships.
- ) It is used to refer to international treaties (Josh 9:6)
- ) Clan/tribal alliances (Gen. 14:13) 3.) Personal agreements (Gen. 31:44)
- ) National legal agreements (Jer 34:8-10)
- ) Loyalty agreements (1 Sam 20:14-17) including marriage (Mal. 2:14; cf. Prov. 2:17).
Form of a contract
- Date
- Parties
- Transaction
- Investiture
- Guarantees
- Scribe
- List of Witnesses
Form of a covenant
- Speaker introduced
- History of relationship
- General command
- Detailed stipulations
- Document statement
- Witnesses
- Blessings and curses
6 covenants of scripture
1) The covenant with creation
2) The covenant with Noah
3) The covenant with Abraham
4) The covenant at Sinai
5) The covenant with David
6) The New Covenant
Covenant with Noah
Phase 1: precreation. Just as God’s Spirit hovered over the abyss (1:2), God sends a wind over the engulfing waters to renew the earth
Phase 2: second day. Just as God initially divided the waters (1:6-7), God regathers the waters, reestablishing the boundaries between sky and earth
Phase 3: third day. Just as God separated the dry, arable ground from the water to sustain vegetation, so again, the dry ground emerges in successive stages
Phase 4: fifth day. The sky once again houses the winged creatures, as God first proclaimed it so to be
Phase 5: sixth day. The living creatures of sky and land are classed out from the ark, as in their first creative calling from the voice of God
Phase 6. The reappearance of the nuclear family, all of whom bear God’s image, as the heads and sole representatives of the human race functions as a reprise of the creation of ‘adam, male and female in God’s image
Phase 7. The heavenly King graciously grants his blessing on humanity, feeds them with the fruit of the restored earth, and, renewing the cultural mandate, restores then as lords over the creation
Who is Noah a new version of?