generic Flashcards
3 strengths?
very hard working: Masters- Work 3 jobs- thyme intern disability, anatomy society, biomed netball, lacrosse, biomed mentor.
-creative- think outside the box- dissertation- suggested ideas- using a different colour dye to pick up the cells more clearly undermicroscope to black.
Communication/enthusiasm: Disability service and waitress
3 weaknesses?
Can obsess over details- stress about things that aren’t very important- .
Busy- take on a lot e.g. third year secretary of anatomy society, lacrosse team etc
Lack of self belielf. Internship helped- asked for feedback etc built on this.
Difficult time/ resilient:
Dyslexia report- used it as a positive- became a disability ambassador, learnt how I learn best, and to understand more how my brain works which was interesting- Brainscape. I also learnt that 60% of all self made millionaires are dyslexic, as they tend to think outside of the box and approach problems creatively. Now i work for the university to speak to high school children to show that no matter what their disability, university can still be an opportunity for them.
Flexible/ Adaptable?
Anatomy soc revision sessions last year, so initially Facebook poll to find out which topics students most wanted revision for. Constant feedback- second term unable to book mtu- kohoot quiz similar to a mock spotter exam. We learnt to book MTU early. Also, illistration sessions- skype.
Or internship- when previous case study got stopped and given a new one to get on with. Asked for feedback after the first case study. Used the skills I learnt on the previous case study to inform how to excel at this.
Enabler/ Improver?
All Anatomy soc events- demonstrating for etc, facebook polls, feedback forms. Demonstrating- I hadnt done before but reviewed past feedback for other demonstrators to gauge how to tailor the sessions to them the best. Used a variety of teaching methods as people learn in different ways- speaking while using the specimens, using pictures on white board and asking questions- interacting. Being inclusive to people who learn all different ways, and also sharing our events beyond just medicine and biomed to anyone who was interested- had engineers come or humanities etc to illistration sessions.
OUTREACH Disability service- this fed into promoting change for anatomy society.
For the anatomy society- as well as secretary I was inclusions officer- and I took this multiple ways- so inclusivity for all subjects- had enginneers historians etc come to anatomy illistration sessions. But also spoke to other disability champions about the barriers they find at society events/ revision sessions- and this is what sparked the ideas for alternative learning at revision sessions- so the interactive quiz, the anatomy illistration sessions, demonstrating in a variety of methods- and looking at the feedback forms to see what was working and what wasn’t. Ensure all the events were wheelchair acessible etc.
Communication skills?
Disability service- being a positive inclusive ambasaddor for the university. Tour guides- interracting with a range of people with a range of needs, outreach events, working in Thyme, and demonstrating for the Anatomy society.
High pressure situation?
Msc dropped out the evening before- 1:30pm revision session demonstrating for year below biomeds revision session. None of the ususal demonstrators could help so I volunteered. Revised the content so knew everything v well instead of learning a script- could be flexible for what they wanted to know about. Read over past feedback forms- tailored the sessions to them.
High pressure situation?
Msc dropped out the evening before the revision session demonstrating for year below biomeds revision session. None of the ususal demonstrators could help so I volunteered. Revised the content so knew everything v well instead of learning a script- could be flexible for what they wanted to know about. Read over past feedback forms- tailored the sessions to them.
Relationship builder:
In a professional situation- Lab internship before third year- had a professor as my supervisor and i was then trusted to run some of his experiments when he wasn’t in for a week, given a mini project to work on. We This independence helped in my own lab project in 3rd year, where I could quickly establish trust with my new supervisor, and be confident enough to ask questions and suggest new ideas.
Or biomed mentor- girl had a disability and knew her from an outreach event- and supported her transition into university life- and with course specific questions.
Initiative/ resilience?
Ref internship:
In a meeting I brought up my concerns that the impacts, although plentiful, were not very engineering based, and that the report on the impacts of the MUP in Scotland would come out next year. My line-manager looked into this and met up with the academic and the faculty REF lead and they decided to pause to case study, better not to submit and then score badly as not only does the universitys research funding come from this but also their reputation. I was given another case study on regenerative medicine in developing countries to look at.
Anatomy society conference- worked as a team but I took the lead largely on the organisational side- ghannt like timeline of tasks, and in meetings we deligated the tasks that I had listed- everyone could interract on this googledocs giving feedback on their progress. Also emails- put everybodys emails into their folders and keep upto date on the progress of everything to inform the president.
Proudest moment:
Awards for anatomy soc- from first lecture when wanted a biomed representative, saw the progression of the whole society into what it was- had my ideas brought to life. Won best academic society and best committee.
Also half marathon on saturday- raised over £100 for the World Land Fund.
Anatomy society conference- I was the secretary so in charge of the communication largely. Before every meeting I would post about agenda points on our facebook group and add these to the minutes to talk about- to ensure all the topics were covered in the meetings and knew how much time we had to discuss them. For the conference in particular I made a timelined to do list like a gantt chart which was accessible to everyone on our shared google file so that everybody could cross off any tasks and everybody knew the top priority tasks. At the meetings people volunteered for which tasks they would be able to do to ensure the distribution was fair.
What idea have you had that had a large impact, how motivated are you to improve the way things are done?
Secretary/ inclusions officer Anatomy- wanted to diversify our revision sessions as people learn in different ways to be inclusive- Kahoot quiz, anatomy illistration sessions along with the wet specimen revision sessions.