Generalities Flashcards
Polypeptide d glutamate
Bacillus anthracis
Biofilm in prosthetics
Staph eipdermides
Flagella movement in bacteria
Spural/ rotatory
Double stranded circ dna capable if replicating independently if the bacterial chromosome
2 types of plasmids
Tansmissible & nontrnasmissible
Bacterial hrowth rate with zero growth rate
Phase 1 (lag) & phase 3 (max stationary phase)
Depleted metabolites but with vigorous merabolic activity
Rapid cell division; beta lactm act on this phase
Exhaustion of nutrients or accumulation of toxic products cause growtht o cease
Comp dependent on o2
Obligate aerobe
Use fermentation but can tolerate low amt of O2
Utilize o2 id present, fermentation f absent
Faculattive anaearones
Exclusively anaerobe but inseneitive to o2
Lacks sod, peroxidase, catalase
Obligate aerobes
Pseudomonas mycobac leptos
Campylobacter helicobacter
Mycoplasma non pneumo
Aerotolerant anaerobes
Propionobacteria lactobacillus
Onligate anaerobes
acrinomuces bacteriodes clostridium
Spore formers
2 bacillus
4 clostridium
Location of bacterial single chromosome
Dna transfer within bacterial cell
Transposons & programmed rearrangement
Movement if gene from inactive to active; relapsing fever caused hy
Programmed rearrangement; borelia recurrentis
Dna transfer to other nacterium
Dna transferred from one cell to orher by virus
Purified dna taken by a cell
3 mutations
Base substitution, frameshift, transposons
Nf of skin
Staph epidermidea
Nf nose
Staph aureus
Nf mouth
Virudans strep
Dental plaque
Strep mutans
Nf colon
Bacteroides, ecoli
Nf vagina
Lactobacillus vaginalis