General Survey & Vital Signs Flashcards
What is the general survey?
Occurs during the first moments of the pt. encounter and includes a survey of the pts appearance, height, and weight. In addition, the pts mood, build, and behavior should also be observed.
What should you observe for in a patient’s general appearance?
- Apparent state of health
- LOC - Is the pt. awake, alert, and responsive to you and others in the environment
- Distress - Cardiac/respiratory, pain, or anxiety/depression
- Skin color/lesions - Pallor/cyanosis/jaundice/rashes/bruises?
- Dress, grooming, and personal hygiene - How is the pt. dressed, clean and appropriate clothing? Any unusual jewelry?
- Facial Expression - Hyperthyroidism stare? Immobile facies of parkinsonism? Sad face?
- Odors of the body and breath - Alcohol/acetone?
- Posture, gait, and motor activity - Any agitation/restlessness? Pts in pain avoid movement. Any abnormal gait?
- Height & weight - Measure the pts height and weight, determine BMI. Any weight loss? DM/hyperthyroidisim/infection/depression
What is the value of a normal blood pressure?
Normal is <120/80
What is the range for prehypertension?
What is the range for Stage I hypertension in people aged 18-60?
What is the range for Stage I hypertension in people aged 60+?
What is the range for Stage II hypertension?
What is orthostatic hypotension?
- Measure the patient’s BP lying/sitting/standing, waiting 3-10min between position changes.
- Orthostatic hypotension is a drop of SBP of 20mmHg or DBP of 10mmHg within 3 minutes of standing
What is the normal heart rate?
60-100 bpm
What is a normal respiratory rate?
- 12-20 respirations/min
- If the pt. is not showing any signs of respiratory distress/is talking clearly and normally/AOx3 a lower RR is not abnormal
- Older adults have higher respiratory rates b/c of decreases in tidal volume
Define Tachypnea
- A faster than normal respiratory rate >20 BPM and usually indicates cellular hypoxia, acidosis, or conditions that interfere with gas exchange, ventilation, or perfusion. Ex: pulmonary edema, pneumonia, PE
- Tachypnea may also be a response to pain
What does the quality of pulse indicate?
- A strong peripheral pulse usually indicates good left ventricular filling and contractility.
- A weak and thready pulse is usually an indication of an increased systemic vascular resistance, poor left ventricular filling, or an ineffective left ventricular contractile force
What is systolic BP a measure of?
is a measure of left ventricular function
What is sepsis?
- Sepsis is the clinical syndrome that results from a dysregulated inflammatory response to an infection that is non-resolving and deleterious, often leading to organ dysfunction.
- Sepsis is defined as the presence (probable or documented) of infection together with systemic manifestations of infection
What are the diagnostic criteria for sepsis?
- Documented/suspected infection
- Temperature >38.3*C or <36*C
- HR > 90
- RR > 20
- SBP <90, MAP <79=0, or SBP decrease of >40
- Edema or positive fluid balance
- Hyperglycemia BG >140 in the absence of DM
- WBC > 12k or <4k
- Acute Oliguria (U/O <0.5mL/kg/hr)
- Creatinine increase >0.5
- INR > 1.5 or aPTT > 60
- Lactic Acid >1.0