General Strategy & Business Planning Flashcards
What is a strategy?
What is it based on? (2)
A strategy is a set of high-level decisions that set priorities and purpose.
These decisions are based on:
a) what you believe are the best ways of achieving your mission
b) where you believe your organisation is best placed to make a difference.
Developing a strategy involves making decisions about? (2)
- your organisation’s purpose and direction
- how you’ll direct your resources to deliver it.
The main parts of a strategy are? (4)
What else can be added?
- A vision
- A mission
- Values
- A set of goals
What else:
- A summary of how the world around you is changing
- information on how you will understand the difference you’re making.
What’s a vision?
A clear, inspirational and memorable statement about what the world will look like if your organisation achieves its aspirations
What’s a mission? (3)
- A brief statement of long-term overall intent and purpose:
- why the organisations exists and what it is doing to achieve its vision.
- It is what sets your organisation apart from others.
What are values?
The shared beliefs within the organisation which:
a) create its culture
b) guide how people behave and make decisions.
What are goals?
What you will do to bring about your strategy
How does having a strategy help your organisation? (6)
Make better decisions
When deciding what actions to take, or how to spend your money and time, a strategy provides a basis for making good decisions.
Adapt to change
By understanding what’s changing around you and how you need to respond, you can make sure your organisation’s set up well to respond to change.
Focus on what you’re best at
By identifying your strengths, you can deliver more impact.
By identifying organisations to work with, you can achieve more together.
Inspire and motivate
A strategy can inspire your staff, volunteers, supporters and partners, helping them to move towards a shared aim.
Demonstrate your impact
A strategy provides a starting point to understand and communicate the change you’re making.
What are strategic aims? (3)
A number of quantifiable activities to be completed which will help to achieve the mission and ultimately the vision.
They are statements of the key priorities for the organisation in the immediate to medium-term future.
Everything the organisation does should be related to a strategic aim.
Operational objectives:
Detailed, costed and timed plans of what the organisation will do under each strategic aim. They set out a work plan for the organisation.
What the organisation produces or delivers, such as 500 rights guides produced or 44 people trained.
Outcomes (3)
The difference that you make.
Some outcomes are about creating a change; others are about preventing something negative from happening.
There are short-term outcomes, such as ‘people know their rights’ and ‘jobs created’. These can then lead to an organisation’s long-term outcomes, i.e. the vision: ‘a world without discrimination’ and ‘all people with equal opportunities’.
Strategic thinking and planning
are about? (5)
How the organisation can best meet its vision;
Learning and involve evaluating current activities, analysing the issues that your organisation
is facing and identifying external trends and developments
Developing ideas about how the organisation should
develop, what its priorities are and what roles it should play in the future
Goals and outcomes: what do you want to change, create or prevent?
Getting focused and making sure that your goals are clear.
Business Planning is about (6)
Putting the analysis and agreed direction into a formal
planning format that can be used to guide the
Allocating resources to strategic priorities;
Showing/persuading others that the organisation has (or
can get) the resources to deliver the strategy: that the
plan is credible, achievable and worth backing;
How the organisation will manage and use its resources
to achieve the strategy;
Setting out the outputs that need to be delivered to create the desired outcomes;
Showing that the organisation has the capacity, resources and management ability to achieve the strategy.
Strategic Management is about (3)
The process of creating the strategy and making it happen
Ensuring that the business plan is implemented
Monitoring progress and managing change