General review Flashcards
What basic examinations and physical examinations are done as part of a neurological assessment?
LOC - GCS and/or sedation assessment (RASS)
Delirium Screening (Cam-ICU)
How is a critically ill patients LOC consciousness best evaluated?
The level of stim required is the guide:
- Full consciousness - pt alert, attentive, follows commands etc.
- lethargy - pt drowsy but awakens to stimulus
- Obtundation - pt difficult to rouse, needs constant stimulus
- stupor - pt rouses to vigorous and constant stimulus
- coma - pt does not respond to stimulus
How is the GCS level modified when the patient is intubated?
Verbal is eliminated and a “T” is charted to indicate a tube in place.
Max GCS score than changes to 11T
A patient has a cervical spine fracture at C4 w/spinal cord involvement.
what is the affect on the respiratory system?
Can result in partial or complete paralysis of the diaphragm
- Pts with high cervical cord lesions seldom survive w/o immediate ventilatory support.
- Phrenic nerve (C3 to C5) control the diaphragm.
How can motor strength be assessed in an unconscious patient?
Noxious stimulus - a test to elicit withdrawal from pain.
i.e eternal rub, trap squeeze, nail bed pressure etc.
what brainstem reflexes do RTs typically assess?
which cranial nerves are responsible for these?
Gag reflex (9) = glossopharyngeal
Cough (10) = vagus
Pupils (2 and 3)
Define delirium
An acutely disturbed state of mind typically resulting in confusion, illusions, hallucinations, and incoherence of thought.
What does delirium in the ICU patient indicate?
“Think delirium” mnemonic
Presence of a underlying medical problem
T: Toxic situation
H: Hypoxemia
I: Infection/Sepsis
N: Non-pharmco interventions
K: Potassium/Electrolyte problem
D: Drugs
E: Electrolyte
L: Lack of drugs
R: Infection
I: Intracranial
U: Urinary retention
M: Myocardial
ABCDE protocol for recognition and management of traumatic head injury
ABC - awakening and breathing coordination
D - delirium management/interventions
E - early exercise and mobility
Describe why spontaneous awakening trials are coordinated with respiratory care?
promotes earlier extubation
fewer days in hospital
less time in coma
reduced exposure to benzos
forces RN and RT to communicate
how do you calculate cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)?
Describe the purpose of jugular venous oxygen saturation monitoring?
aproximates global cerebral oxygenation
- monitoring in TBI
- can provide early detection of cerebral ischemia
- normal = 50-75%
Describe the purpose of Licox monitoring
measure brain tissue oxygenation
- monitor is connected to a catheter that is inserted in brain tissue
- measures O2 and temp
- normal 25-35mmHg
How does Licox monitoring differ from SjvO2 monitoring?
-SjvO2 reflects overall brain oxygenation as a whole.
-PbtO2 (licox) reflects oxygenation in the area localized around where the catheter is inserted.
Left off at 17 (prelab 2 or 3 review)
risk factors if MAP drops below the safe threshold (and what is it)
Ischemia and infarction
- MAP < 60mmHg is dangerous.
- tldr; insufficient blood flow or restriction.
Where does the apneustic and pneumotaxic Centre reside?
The pons (in the brainstem)
Where does the dorsal and ventral groups reside?
Medulla (brainstem)
- primary control of breathing
What other factor other than the medulla and pons affects control of respiration?
Central and peripheral chemoreceptors.
What does acronym “BMOS” mean?
Bagger, mask, OPA, Syringe.
Describes the bare minimum to have at the bedside during transfer?
What do the following ICP values/ranges indicate?
- 10-15
- 15-20
- 30-35
- 40-50
- Normal ICP = 10-15
- Capillary bed compression/microcirculation compromised = 15-20
- Venous drainage impeded = 30-35
- 40-50 = cerebral perfusion not possible
Elements that should be assessed on a ETT (artificial airway)
- size/type
- Depth (confirm w/CxR)
- position at teeth
- Cuff pressure
- Inspiration (monitor ventilation w/etCo2)
- Skin necrosis (irritation)
Elements that should be assessed on a trach (artificial airway)
- size/type
- Cuff/Cuff pressure
- Secretions/discharge
- securement
What maintenance is typically required of an ETT during a routine assessment?
- A tracheostomy tube?
- Oral care/trach care
- Reposition of ETT (side to side)
- suction