General Principles: Behavioral Finance Flashcards
What is Heuristics?
Experiences and biases that can facilitate problem-solving and probability judgements. These strategies are generalizations or rules of thumb, but they often result in irrational or inaccurate conclusions
What is financial infidelity?
When one partner, typically a spouse, lies to the other about debts, credit cards, keeps money in a secret account, hides purchases and otherwise hides or lies about money.
What is anchoring?
Tendency of investors to become attached to a specific price as the fair value of a holding
What is attachment bias?
Holding onto an investment for emotional reasons rather than considering more practical applications for inheritance
What is endowment bias?
An emotional bias that causes individuals to value an owned object higher, often irrationally, that its real market value.
What is financial enmeshment bias?
When the finances of parents and children are inappropriately commingled or when parents involve their children in adult financial matters before the children are cognitively and emotionally ready to cope with the information.
What is cognitive dissonance?
The challenge of reconciling two opposing beliefs
What is confirmation bias?
The natural human tendency to accept any information that confirms our preconceived position or opinion and to disregard any information that does not support that notion
What are diversification errors?
Investors tend to diversify evenly across whatever options are presented to them
What is fear of regret?
The tendency to take no action rather than risk making the wrong one
What is gambler’s fallacy?
An individual erroneously believes that the onset of a certain random event is likely to happen following an event or a series of events
What is herd behavior?
The tendency for individuals to mimic the actions of a larger group
What is hindsight bias?
20/20 vision when we look at a past event and think we understand it, when in reality we probably do not and causes overconfidence
What is inappropriate extrapolation?
The tendency to look at recent events (or market performance) and assume that those events or conditions will continue indefinitely
What is analysis paralysis?
An individual/couple overanalyzing a situation and can cause decision making to become paralyzed, meaning that no solution or course of action is decided upon. The situation may be deemed as too complicated and a decision is never made due to the fear that a potentially larger problem may arise.