General Principles Flashcards
A strategy that ignores part of the info w/ the goal of quickly making decisions. ( rule of thumb, heneralizations)
Tendency of investors to become attached to a specific price.
Attachment Bias
Holding on to an investment for emotional reasons ( grandpa gave stock so I can never sell)
Endowment Bias
Emotional Bias .. value an ownedobject higher, often irrationally, than it’s fair market value.
Financial Enmeshment Bias
Parent child finances inappropriately coming led. Leads to kids lower motivation, low confidence and self-esteem.
Cognitive Dissonance
The challenge of reconciling two opposite beliefs. ( remem bring positive and forgetting negative of an experience)
Confirmation Bias
Tendency to accept any information confirming
our preconceived notions.
Diversification errors
Tendency to evenly diversify across all options presented.
Fear of regret
Tendency to take no action rather than make the wrong decision.
Gambler’s Fallacy
Wrong belief that something will happen following an event or series of events.
Herd behavior
Do what the group does. Also FOMO.
Hindsight Bias
20/20 vision when looking at past events and thinking we understand, when in reality we might not. This causes overconfidence.
Inappropriate Extrapolation
Look at recent events and assume they will continue.
Prospect Theory
How people evaluate losses and gains…losses have a much bigger effect.
Mental Accounting
Looking at sums of money differently. ( having speculative money and safe money, having a CD with low interest and a cc with high interest)
Outcome Bias
Tendency to decide based on outcome vs probability of that outcome
Investors emotionally react towatd new market information.
Over-weighting the recent past
Assume the recent past will repeat itself. Assumption with little research.
Self-affirmation bias
Believe that when something goes right it is because of you. If it doesn’t work out, it is someone else’s fault.
Spotting trends that are not there
Investors seek patterns without good research.
Status quo bias
Tendency to do nothing.
Money Script/ Money avoidance
Money is negative, ignore finances to avoid emotional distress.
Money script/ money worship
Money brings happiness, compulsive spending.
Money scrips/money vigilance
Saving, being prepared, overly cautious with money and enjoyable things are sacrificed.