General Practice Problems Incorrect 4 Flashcards
adjective: unrestrained by convention or propriety
Their large “donations” to the local police department gave the drug cartel the brazen confidence to do their business out in the open.
adjective: willing to be bold in social situations or to take risks
In my first week of teaching preschool, one especially audacious child tried to cut my hair without even asking.
verb: to cause confusion
Though Harry loved numbers, calculus confounded him.
verb: mistake one thing for another
Americans often confound sweet potatoes with yams, and refer to both vegetables by the same name.
To gird round the bottom; gird beneath.
transitive verb – To bind below; to gird round the bottom.
verb – To strengthen, secure, or reinforce by passing a rope, cable, or chain around the underside of an object.
verb – To give fundamental support; provide with a sound or secure basis; provide supportive evidence for.
verb – To lend moral support to.
verb – To secure below or underneath.
verb – make secure underneath
To furnish with marginal notes.
To make marginal notes.
verb – To relegate (something, especially a topic or a group of people,) to the margins or to a lower limit
verb – relegate to a lower or outer edge, as of specific groups of people
noun – One of the outer bony plates of the carapace of a turtle: commonly termed marginal.
Of, belonging to, or situated on the periphery, circumference, or surface generally; characteristic of or constituting the periphery: as, peripheral parts; peripheral expansion.
adjective – Of or pertaining to a periphery; constituting a periphery; peripheric.
adjective – External; away from the center.
adjective – on the periphery or boundary
adjective – beside the point
adjective – unimportant
adjective: not used anymore
Vinyl records are generally obsolete as a way to play music, but some collectors value them highly for their distinctive sound.
To entangle; involve; cause to be involved or entangled.
To plot for: scheme for.
To practise underhand plotting or scheming; exert secret influence for the accomplishment of a purpose; seek to promote one’s aims in devious and clandestine ways.
To have clandestine or illicit intercourse.
noun – Intricacy; complication; maze.
noun – Secret or underhand plotting or scheming; the exertion of secret influence for the accomplishment of a purpose.
noun – A clandestine plot; a scheme for entangling others, or for gaining an end by the exertion of secret influence: as, to expose an intrigue.
noun: overbearing pride or presumption
Bill Clinton was criticized for his hubris, since he believed he could get away with anything once in the White House.
adjective: charming in a childlike or naive way
She was winsome by nature, and many people were drawn to this free and playful spirit.
causing joy or pleasure; gladsome; pleasant.” Another is “attractive or appealing in appearance or character.” In these senses, it is a close synonym for “attractive.”
Having the power or faculty of drawing in, to, or toward by mechanical agency or action.
Having the quality of attracting by inherent force; causing to gravitate to or toward: as, the attractive force of bodies.
Having the power of charming or alluring by agreeable qualities; inviting; engaging; enticing.
noun – That which draws or incites; allurement; charm.
adjective – Having the power or quality of attracting or drawing.
adjective – Attracting or drawing by moral influence or pleasurable emotion; alluring; inviting; pleasing.
noun – That which attracts or draws; an attraction; an allurement.
noun – The practice of giving empty flattery for personal gain.
adjective: discontented as toward authority
After watching his superior take rations from the soldiers, he quickly became disaffected and rebelled.
Pertaining or related to astronomy; connected with or relating to astronomic observation or research.
adjective – Of or pertaining to astronomy; in accordance with the methods or principles of astronomy.
adjective – See under Clock.
adjective – See under Day.
adjective – See under Sexagesimal.
adjective –
adjective – Of or relating to astronomy.
Same as prohibitory.
adjective – That prohibits; prohibitory.
adjective – Tending to prohibit, preclude, or disallow.
adjective – Costly to the extreme; beyond budget.
noun – negative imperative
adjective – tending to discourage (especially of prices)
Great in deeds or action; especially, very liberal; munificent; generous; open-handed.
Making a great show; possessing or pretending to greatness; stately; ostentatious.
Grand in appearance or character; exhibiting greatness; splendid; brilliant; of extraordinary excellence: as, a magnificent building or view; a magnificent victory or poem; magnificent conceptions.
Exhibiting greatness of size or extent: as, the preparations were upon a magnificent scale; a city of magnificent distances.
Synonyms Superb, Splendid, etc. (see grand); imposing, august, gorgeous.
adjective – Doing grand things; admirable in action; displaying great power or opulence, especially in building, way of living, and munificence.
adjective – Grand in appearance; exhibiting grandeur or splendor; splendid; pompous.
adjective: under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon
Until the corporate office hands down a definitive decision on use of the extra offices, we will share their use in a provisional arrangement.
Not reproachable; not open to reproach or criticism; free from blame.
Synonyms Unblamable, blameless, spotless, immaculate, faultless.
adjective – Not reproachable; above reproach; not deserving reproach; blameless.
adjective – free from blame, not open to reproach or criticism; blameless.
adjective – free of guilt; not subject to blame
Freely bestowed or obtained; costing nothing to the recipient.
Unnecessary; not required; not warranted by circumstances or reason; uncalled for: as, a gratuitous insult.
Unwarranted, unnecessary, groundless.
adjective – Given without an equivalent or recompense; conferred without valuable consideration; granted without pay, or without claim or merit; not required by justice.
adjective – Not called for by the circumstances; without reason, cause, or proof; adopted or asserted without any good ground.
adjective – Given freely; unearned.
adjective – Not called for by the circumstances; uncalled-for; without reason, cause, or proof; adopted or asserted without any good ground; unjustified.
noun: use of physical or mental energy; hard work; agony or anguish
While they experienced nothing but travails in refinishing the kitchen, they completed the master bedroom in less than a weekend.
With a grave countenance; with a show of gravity.
adverb – In a demure manner; soberly; gravely; – now, commonly, with a mere show of gravity or modesty.
adverb – In a demure manner.
adverb – in a demure manner
In an oblique position; obliquely; awry; out of the proper position or arrangement; hence, askance; sidelong.
adverb – Awry; askance; asquint; oblique or obliquely; – sometimes indicating scorn, or contempt, or entry.
adjective – Turned or twisted to one side.
adjective – Untoward, unfavourable.
adverb – tilted to one side.
adverb – with disapproval
adverb – turned or twisted to one side
adverb – The quality of carrying oneself in a humble manner.
Of the nature of an axiom, self-evident truth, or received principle; self-evident.
Full of axioms or maxims; aphoristic.
adjective – Of or pertaining to an axiom; having the nature of an axiom; self-evident; characterized by axioms.
adjective – Evident without proof or argument.
adjective – Of or pertaining to an axiom.
adjective – Obvious.
adjective – containing aphorisms or maxims
given within
In or into the interior; inside; as regards the inside; on the inside; internally.
In the mind, heart, or soul; inwardly.
In the house or dwelliug; indoors; at home: as, the master is within.
In or into the inner or interior part or parts of; inside of; in the space inclosed or bounded by: as, within the city: opposed to without.
Included or comprehended in.
In the course, range, reach, compass, or limits of; not beyond or more than: of distance, time, length, quantity
verb: give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
verb: to strongly urge on; encourage
verb: react in an offended or angry manner
As we discussed the painting, I noticed the artist’s wife bristling at our criticisms, ready to defend her husband’s work
noun – A start or turn from the point in question, or from plain truth; an evasion; a prevarication.
noun – A pun; a trivial conceit.
To trifle in argument or discourse; evade the point in question, or the plain truth, by artifice, play upon words, or any conceit; prevaricate.
To pun.
intransitive verb – To evade the point in question by artifice, play upon words, caviling, or by raising any insignificant or impertinent question or point; to trifle in argument or discourse; to equivocate.
intransitive verb – To pun; to practice punning.
noun – A shift or turn from the point in question; a trifling or evasive distinction; an evasion; a cavil.
verb: laugh boisterously
In an oblique manner or direction; not directly; slantingly; indirectly.
adverb – In an oblique manner; not directly; indirectly.
adverb – in an oblique manner; sideways
adverb – at an oblique angle
adverb – to, toward or at one side
In a discursive manner.
Argumentatively; by reasoning or argument.
adverb – In a discursive manner.
adverb – in a rambling manner
adjective: to be deliberately teasing
The baroness was arch, making playful asides to the townspeople; yet because they couldn’t pick up on her dry humor, they thought her supercilious.
Resembling the fairy Puck; like what Puck might do; merry.
adjective – Resembling Puck; merry; mischievous.
adjective – mischievous; excessively playful.
adjective – naughtily or annoyingly playful
Having the character of a misanthrope; characteristic of a misanthrope or of misanthropy.
adjective – Hating or disliking mankind.
adjective – Hating or disliking mankind.
adjective – believing the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of others
adjective – hating mankind in general
noun: an indirect suggestion
At first the hostess tried intimation, praising the benefits of cutlery; when Cecil continued eating with his hands, the hostess told him to use a fork at dinner.
adjective: traveling from place to place to work
Doctors used to be itinerant, traveling between patients’ homes.
traveling by foot
adjective: to be shy, and to be inclined to retract from company
Nelson was always the first to leave soirees—rather than mill about with “fashionable” folk, he was retiring, and preferred the solitude of his garret.
adjective: practicing self-denial
His lifestyle of revelry and luxurious excess could hardly be called austere.
adjective: unadorned in style or appearance
Late Soviet architecture, although remaining largely austere, moved into experimental territory that employed previously unused shapes and structures.
adjective: harsh in manner of temperament
The principal of my elementary school was a cold, austere woman; I could never understand why she chose to work with children.
Exhausted by enjoyment, especially by sensuous pleasures; having the healthy energies exhausted; weary and disgusted with life.
adjective – Having the sensibilities deadened by excess or frequency of enjoyment; sated or surfeited with pleasure; uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence; used up.
adjective – very sophisticated; versed in the ways of the world.
adjective – uninterested and attaching little importance; – of attitudes toward duties.
adjective – Unimpressed with something because of over-familiarity.
adjective – very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world
adjective – nonchalantly unconcerned
noun plural – people who are defeated.
adjective – thwarted; – used especially of feelings of defeat and discouragement.
adjective – same as discombobulated.
verb – Simple past tense and past participle of discomfit.
adjective – disappointingly unsuccessful
noun – people who are defeated
noun: a state of chaos, noise and confusion
noun: inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy