General Practice Incorrect Problems 2 Flashcards
adjective: worthy of high praise
adjective: lasting an indefinitely long time; eternal; everlasting
adjective – Prolonged; continued.
adjective: lacking money; poor
noun: the property of being prompt and efficient
To hold in thought; account; hold; reckon; deem.
To estimate; value; regard.
noun – Reputation; character; established opinion; specifically, good character; the credit or honor derived from common or public opinion.
noun – Synonyms See list under reputation.
noun – Character reputed or attributed; reputation, whether good or bad; established opinion; public estimate.
noun – Specifically: Good character or reputation; credit or honor derived from common or public opinion; – opposed to disrepute.
transitive verb – To hold in thought; to account; to estimate; to hold; to think; to reckon.
Ironically, for someone whose novels were populated with characters typically marked by a(n) (i)____________, the author himself made tabloid news with exploits that suggested not even a (ii) ____________.
Choice 1
consummate urbanity
piercing intellect
unmitigated temerity
Choice 2
modicum of civility
semblance of normalcy
trace of wherewithal
consummate urbanity
modicum of civility
Causing or adapted to cause combustion; used in starting a fire or conflagration; igniting; inflammatory: as, incendiary materials; an incendiary match or bomb. Specifically
Pertaining or relating to or consisting in malicious or criminal setting on fire or burning: as, an incendiary mania; the incendiary torch; an incendiary fire.
Tending to excite or inflame passion, sedition, or violence.
noun – A person who maliciously sets fire to a house, shop, barn, or other inflammable property; one who is guilty of arson.
noun – One who or that which excites or inflames; a person who excites antagonism and promotes factious quarrels; a violent agitator.
noun – Any person who maliciously sets fire to a building or other valuable or other valuable property.
noun – A person who excites or inflames factions, and promotes quarrels or sedition; an agitator; an exciter.
noun – In human anatomy, the tendon of a muscle which bounds the ham, or space behind the knee on either side above the middle of the popliteal space.
noun – In ordinary language, the great tendon or sinew at the back of the so-called knee or hock of the hind leg of a quadruped.
To cut the hamstrings of, and thus lame or disable.
In whaling, to cut the muscle or tendons of the small of the whale, so as to render the flukes useless and make the animal helpless. It is done with the fluke-spade when a boat is hauled up alongside a running whale.
noun – One of the great tendons situated in each side of the ham, or space back of the knee, and connected with the muscles of the back of the thigh.
transitive verb – To lame or disable by cutting the tendons of the ham or knee; to hough; hence, to cripple; to incapacitate; to disable.
noun – One of the great tendons situated in each side of the ham, or space back of the knee, and connected with the muscles of the back of the thigh.
noun: a small piece (usually left after most is gone)
The dog waited patiently for the family to finish eating; he knew that his best chance for a scrap of hamburger came when they cleared the plates.
To affect by a manifesto; issue manifestos or declarations.
noun – A public declaration, as of a sovereign or government, or of any person or body of persons, making known certain intentions, or proclaiming certain opinions and motives in reference to some act or course of conduct done or contemplated; in general, a proclamation.
noun – A public declaration, usually of a prince, sovereign, or other person claiming large powers, showing his intentions, or proclaiming his opinions and motives in reference to some act done or contemplated by him.
noun – A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially that of a political party.
verb – To issue a manifesto
noun – a public declaration of intentions (as issued by a political party or government)
Causing or adapted to cause combustion; used in starting a fire or conflagration; igniting; inflammatory: as, incendiary materials; an incendiary match or bomb. Specifically
Pertaining or relating to or consisting in malicious or criminal setting on fire or burning: as, an incendiary mania; the incendiary torch; an incendiary fire.
Tending to excite or inflame passion, sedition, or violence.
noun – A person who maliciously sets fire to a house, shop, barn, or other inflammable property; one who is guilty of arson.
noun – One who or that which excites or inflames; a person who excites antagonism and promotes factious quarrels; a violent agitator.
noun – Any person who maliciously sets fire to a building or other valuable or other valuable property.
noun – A person who excites or inflames factions, and promotes quarrels or sedition; an agitator; an exciter.
adjective: not easily understood; unfathomable
His speech was so dense and confusing that many in the audience found it inscrutable.
noun: lack of concern
Surprisingly, Hank had become a high-powered CEO; his high school friends remembered him as “Hanky Panky”, who shrugged off each failed class with insouciance
noun – The doctrines of the agnostics; the doctrine that the ultimate cause and the essential nature of tilings are unknowable, or at least unknown.
noun – Belief in the doctrines of the agnostics.
noun – That doctrine which, professing ignorance, neither asserts nor denies.
noun – The view that absolute truth or ultimate certainty is unattainable, especially regarding knowledge not based on experience or perceivable phenomena.
noun – The view that the existence of God or of all deities is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable.
noun – Doubt, uncertainty, or scepticism regarding the existence of a god or gods.
noun – the disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge
Quiet; composed; placid; serene; serious; undisturbed by passion: as, a sedate temper or deportment.
Synonyms Imperturbable, serious, staid.
To calm; compose.
adjective – Undisturbed by passion or caprice; calm; tranquil; serene; not passionate or giddy; composed; staid.
adjective – in a composed and temperate state.
verb – to tranquilize by giving a sedative; to calm; to soothe; to induce sleep.
adjective – characterized by dignity and propriety
2 more definitions on Wordnik
adjective: to be shy, and to be inclined to retract from company
Nelson was always the first to leave soirees—rather than mill about with “fashionable” folk, he was retiring, and preferred the solitude of his garret.
adjective: showing a brooding ill humor
Herbert took board games too seriously, often appearing sullen after losing.
adjective – capable of allaying suspicion or hostility and inspiring confidence.
adjective – capable of allaying hostility.
noun – act of reducing or depriving of weapons.
verb – Present participle of disarm.
noun – act of reducing or depriving of arms
adjective – capable of allaying hostility
noun: extreme reluctance to spend money
Katie is so parsimonious that she only buys a pair of socks if all of her other socks have holes in them.
noun – The state or quality of being stingy; extreme avarice; niggardliness; miserliness.
noun – The quality or state of being stingy.
noun – A lack of generosity.
noun – a lack of generosity; a general unwillingness to part with money
A euphemism for damned, used also as an emphatic adverb of degree, equivalent to ‘very’
Deserving of reprehension or destruction; odious; detestable: a euphemism for damned: as, a confounded humbug; a confounded lie.
adjective – Confused; perplexed; unclear in mind or intent; bewildered.
adjective – Excessive; extreme; abominable.
verb – Simple past tense and past participle of confound.
adjective – Confused; thwarted.
adjective – perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment
adjective – facing or experiencing trouble or difficulty; ; – see distressed{1}.
adjective – Barely able.
adjective – Experiencing financial difficulty or difficulty in surviving.
adjective – facing or experiencing financial trouble or difficulty
noun: a person skilled in telling anecdotes
Jude is entertaining, but he is no raconteur: beyond the handful of amusing stories he has memorized, he has absolutely no spontaneous story-telling ability.
verb: gnaw into; make resentful or angry
His constant whistling would rankle her, sometimes causing her to leave in a huff.
noun: the trait of being rude and impertinent
The speeding car had the gall to switch five lanes at once, run through a red light, and then cut off a police car before finally coming to a stop in front of a sea of flashing red lights.
noun: feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
In an act of gall, Leah sent compromising photos of her ex-boyfriend to all his co-workers and professional contacts.