General Order Vol 1 Chapter 1 Departmental Policy System Flashcards
Departmental policy system
Officers shall be fully knowledgeable in those policies governing :
Detainee handling
Use of force
Use of weapons
Vehicle pursuit and roadblocks
A redacted version of the GOM is available online and accessible to public on the County’s website.
T of F
True and an interactive version of the GOM is stored on the shared drive an is accessible to all PGPD employees. This shall not be disseminated outside PGPD electronically or in hard copy with out the permission from the Chief
What are the two volumes of the GOM
Volume I -Administration
Volume II -Operations.
When should supervisors conduct inspections of their subordinates General Orders manual
Every January and July
What do administrative hearing boards do?
Conduct hearings concerning charges that have been sustained against sworn employees, determine findings of fact and makes recommendations of discipline to the Chief.
When is the only time probationary sworn employees are provided hearings
When the allegation(s)involves use of force.
When should a respondent be notified in writing of an Administrative Hearing Board and charges.
No less than 30 days prior to the hearing.
How many working days days does the respondent have to determine if they wish to appear before an Administrative Hearing Board.
3 working days. If they do not wish to appear, they must sign and forward a waiver to the commander , IAD
The final order of Administrative Hearing Board may be appealed after receipt with in 30 working days to who
The circuit court
Expungements requests shall be forwarded to the Commander,IAD who shall notify the:
Chief of Police
Citizen Compliant Oversight Panel
Commander/Manager, Records Section
Human Relations Commission
Do Category I through III have to be heard by an Administrative Hearing Board?
T or F
False the employee may accept the proposed disciplinary action or have the case heard by AHB. This has to be done within on 10 working days of service All request must be made writing to the Commander, IAD
What are the internal committees,counsels and panels with in the department.
Disciplinary Review Committee
Employee Advisory Council
Executive Review Panel
What are the Dept external committees, counsels and panels
Human Relations Commissions
Citizens Complaint Oversight Panel
Disciplinary Review Committee is composed of how many officers
Three command officers(appointed by the Chief)and two FOP member (appointed by the President,FOP). Quorum is two command officers and one FOP member
What are the functions of the Disciplinary Review Committee
They conduct annually review of the disciplinary action recommendation guide. All recommendations for revisions are submitted to the Chief by Feb 1 of each year.
Why was the Executive Review Panel formed and what’s it’s functions.
Established by the chief to review all critical firearm discharges, investigations of serious uses of force and conduct evaluations of all uses of force, on a quarterly basis.
What members will be a part of the Executive Review Panel
A member of Command Staff at
Training and Education Division , the affected Deputy Chief and a representative from the County Attourneys Office. Any additional will be appointed by the Chief.
How often does the Executive Review Panel meet
What are the duties of the Executive Review Panel
Review with criminal incubates with in 90 days of its closure
They conduct analysis of all uses of force on a quarterly basis and fwd results to Chief
Conduct annual analysis of critical firearm discharges to detect patterns or problems. These findings are submitted to Chief by Feb 1
What authority does the Executive Review Panel have?
The authority to change the duty status of any officer placed on admin leave.
What three things should the Executive Review Panel consider when making recommendations.
Whether the use of force was consistent with Departmental training and policy
Whether the involved officer uses proper tactics
Whether lesser force alternatives were available.
How long are Executive Review Panel findings held at Internal Affairs Divison
LEOBR standards of five years and are limited to the ERP and IAD
What does the Human Relation Commission investigate.
Every case alleging use of force, abusive language or harassment by law enforcement.
Citizen Advisory Counsel at each district is made of how many people and what’s their purpose
Three nominated citizens approved by the Chief who have shown interest or involvement in police/ community relation programs
How often does the Employee Advisory Council meet and what purpose do they serve.
They meet monthly for the purpose of sworn and civilian employees to discuss issues or concerns within the department.
What does the Dept provide the Citizens Conplaint Oversight Panel(CCOP)
Commander IAD shall fwd a copy of every complaint with in 24 hours of its evaluation. A statement from the commander accompanying this, indicating whether or not a full investigation will be conducted.
Who is responsible for all exchange of information regarding an active IAD investigation?
Commander IAD
How many business days the dept request the Citizens Complaint Oversight Panel to notify Dept if they receive a complaint.
5 business days.
When a individual attempts to file a complaint the officer shall
Provide the complainant a Letter To a Concerned Citizen Form
Complete, at minimum, blocks A, E and F of the complaint Procedure Checklist
Provide the complainant a Complaint Against Police Practices Form.
***Employees may include written comments describing the complainant’s demeanor and physical appearance on the bottom of the Complaint Procedures.
Who will investigate all complaints alleging criminal misconduct
*Employees receiving complaints alleging criminal misconduct shall immediately arrange for the individual to speak with a commissioned officer
What should a commissioned officer do after taking a complaint involving criminal misconduct
Immediately contact IAD and document on their actions on CIR not for distribution.
How long does a person have to make a complaint involving force
366 days from the event.
How much time is an officer/respondent involved in a use of force investigation to contact
Psychological Service Section
72 hours to arrange an appointment
**the critique is confidential and not accessible to IAD not shall it be used for disciplinary reasons.
What does employee do who is aware of unlawful conduct or a violation of written directives.
Report it to that employees Commander/Manager
*In confidential matters, reports may be made directly to the Commander,IAD
What complaints will IAD investigate
Use of force
Abusive language
Criminal misconduct
What does the Office of Information and Technology manage
Marinations the County computer network
Establishes the policies, procedures and regulations regarding the use safety maintenance and purchase of all county owned computing and electronic equipment
What does the court liaison request each January and July
That prosecutors in writing identify any issues with individual officers or department wide performance.
What has to be done when an officer responds to non-violent domestic disputes involving a departmental employee.
Request the presence of a supervisor complete a case report by the end of the shift. Notification to Special Response Team is not necessary. It will be documented on CIR
How many days is an officer given to make contact with PSS after being served with a protective order
5 days
When investigating a departmental accident what 8 documents should be submitted
Case Report
Automated Crash Reporting System (ACRS) *7600 Barlow Road *work phone 3/333-4000
PGPD Motor Vehicle Fleet Safety Report of Investigation for each PGPD vehicle involved
Photo Information sheet
Maryland Uniform Complaint and Citations
Statements from involved employee using appropriate Duress Statement Forms
Witness Statement Forms
Workers Compensation and other injury-related forms
Commercial Motor Vehicle falls into what four categories.
Gross combination of 26,001 or more pounds including a tower unit with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 lbs.
Has gross veh weight rating of 26,001 or more pounds
Is designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver
Is any size and used in the transportation of hazardous material requiring placards.
Who does an employee contact if involved in a departmental accident
Make notification to Public Safety Communications and request that an on-duty patrol supervisor respond*. Vehicle is not moved unless directed or for safety.
What report is taken if your departmental vehicle is damaged and there is no information or physical evidence to identify a striking vehicle
Hit and run accident documented within ACRS
*no RMS required
What things is the employee responsible for doing after a departmental accident.
Provide duress statement describing accident
If veh is operable and within 72 hours of the accident, take the veh to CVMF for damage assessment.
How much time is given for a departmental accident report to be submitted in ACRS
72 hours
When investigating a departmental accident who should be contacted prior to the end of Shift
Department Risk Manager
*investigator shall fwd copies of PGPD motor vehicle safety Report of Investigation and ACRS Report , to Risk Management prior to the end of Shift
What does CVMF need from an accident investigator prior to the end of Shift
Case number
Name and ID number of officer
Cruiser number
How long does an employee have to get estimates done after a departmental accident and how many estimates should be done.
5 days and 3 estimates.
Where is a departmental veh be towed if an accident happens during non-business hours. (2300-0700)
Lower lot of Police Services Complex
Who is notified immediately if a sworn employee is found driving under the influence.
Special Investigative Response Team
How long are departmental accidents held on file at IAD
Minimum of 3 years
How are departmental award submitted
On a Award Nomination form *except for unit awards separate nomination forms must be completed for each individual
Where are nomination for awards submitted to
Through the chain of command to the office of the chief. *who when then fwd the nomination to the Awards Committee via special projects coordinator
If a employee is being put in for an award how much time do you have to summit forms from the time of the incident
60 days
What’s the time frame for submitting an award to be recognized at the Annual Police/Fire Awards Luncheon
- police Officer of the year
- medals of valor
- chiefs special achievement award
Must be submitted by Jan 15 of the following year
Who is on the awards committee
One supervisory or managerial level civilian employee
One non-supervisory, non- managerial civilian employee
Three officers ranking captain or higher, including one from each bureau
Three officers below the rank of captain, including one from each bureau
How often does the awards committee meet?
Ay least one meeting each quarter
*must have five members present to conduct business
How many days prior to awards ceremony should names be given for WTds
No later than 40 days.
What happens with nominations not selected by awards committee.
They maybe reclassified for another recognition and a Letter of commendation will be given and placed in personal file.
How much hours of leave will be credited for each awarded day of leave
8 hours
What’s the max award that can be given to an employee.
No more than 5 days of annual leave and 1,500 cash
When will the dates for quarterly awards be submitted
By January of each year
Who may stop a departmental vehicle driven in a manner reflecting unfavorably in the Department
Any sworn supervisor.
Patrol vehicles shall be equipped with the following issues items maintained in worker order:
Charges fire extinguisher-Automotive Service Division
Coverall Uniform-Clothing and Supply Unit
Fingerprint kit-Clothing “”””
First Aid Kit- Automotive “”
Flares- District Station
Flashlight- Clothing “
Hazardous Materials Guidebook- Training and Education Division
Police Identification Arm Band- Clothing and Supply Unit
Police radio- PSC
Raincoat- Clothing “”
Reflective vest- Clothing “
Resuscitation Kit - Clothing”
Riot Helmet-Clothing “
Evidence collection kit- Clothing “
Complaint Information Brochure-District Station.
Personal Protective Equipment - Training”
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)- Training “
What duty statuses may an employee operate Departmental vehicles.
Full duty or administrative leave
*commanders shall determine whether or not employees who are not suspended but not full duty operate vehicles.
If a red light camera violation occurred during proper use of police authority what steps are taken
Forward a memorandum containing facts that support his or her conclusion, along with a copy of the citation, through the chain of command to the Office of the Chief.
What are the the two categories of discipline for red light cameras
Category A- the Emoloyee is unjustified entering a controlled intersection 25 mph or less.
Category B- the employee unjustifiable enters a controlled intersection at speeds greater than 25 mph.
If any unauthorized equipment is to be added to departmental vehicles who makes the notifications
Central Vehicle Fleet Maintenance contacts Automotive Service Division.
Where and how long can mourning band tape be displayed
Placed across PGPD seal and across the words County Police.
30 days from the end watch
Who insures non-employees when riding in departmental vehicles.
The County Risk Management Program
Which SOD units are authorized to operate their assigned cruisers outside of PG County
Emergency Services Team
Canine Section
How many aeronautical miles can a SOD unit live outside of Prince George’s County to be able to bring their vehicle home.
30 from the geographic center of Prince George’s County
When can an off duty employee be paid overtime who is in the personal car program handling an incident.
After two hours
Who has the power to remove a person from the personal car program.
Command officer the rank of captain and above
Who needs to be contacted for glass repair on departmental vehicles.
Central Vehicle Maintenance Facility.
What’s the steps for suspected carbon monoxide leaks in vehicles
Stop vehicle and contact supervisor.
Contact must be made to Automotive Services Division to arrange carbon monoxide testing.
Deadline the vehicle
*. Automotive Services shall contact the County Health Dept Division of Air -Quality Control to test the vehicle. Once test are complete Automotive Services can put the vehicle back in service.
Who outside of police officers are authorized to respond priority.
Civilian Evidence technicians.
What category offense is abusive language
Category II
What category offense is discriminatory language
Category IV
What category offense is inappropriate language
Category I
Insubordination is what category offense
Category IV
Who is authorized by the chief to initiate and administer discipline
Civil supervisors
Corporals formally appointed in writing as OIC’s
Acting Sergeant appointed as OIC in writing
Sergeants and above
Sworn members of internal Affairs division
Who is authorized to give disposition of investigation and disciplinary recommendations.
Chief of police.
What are the exceptional cases that chief and the deputy Chief have to present to a respondent
Abusive Language
Harassment complaints
Use of force
Those authorized to suspend, recommend or administer discipline against officers are limited in taking such action in the following
AWOL Being convicted of a crime False statements Mishandling anise Or theft of County property Misrepresentation of facts Unsatisfactory performance
If an employee receives the same offense with in 24 months from the time the discipline was sustained and imposed what can happen
The discipline recommendation can advance to the next higher category.
When a violation is not listed who gets involved to determine the discipline.
Disciplinary Review Committee
What is the recommended disciplinary action range of a Category 1 offense
Written reprimand to $500.00 fine
Loss of 1-10 hours of annual
leave , or 1-10 hours suspension without pay
What’s is the recommended disciplinary action range for a category II offense.
$500-$750 fine
Loss of 10-30 hours annual leave
10-30 hours suspension without pay
What is the recommended disciplinary action range for a Category III offense
$750-$1,500 fine
20-40 hours suspension with out pay and/or removal from promotional cycle; reassignment
For security-related secondary employment violations- loss of privilege to work such employment for 2-6 months
What is the recommended disciplinary action range for a Category IV offense
Fines exceeding $1,500.00
Reduction in rank
Removal from promotional cycle
Suspension exceeding 40 hours
Written reprimand to termination from the Department
Who serves as the departments Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Coordinator.
The Deputy Chief, Bureau is Administration and Homeland Security (BOAHS)
* The Commander/Manager, Police Personnel Division (PPD) is the Assistant Coordinator.
Who serves as the departments Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator
Deputy Chief of Bureau of Administration and Homeland Security.
*The Command/Manger PolicePersonnel Division (PPD), is the assistant Coordinator
What is Arbitrary Discrimination
An action unlawfully or unjustly resulting in inquest treatment of persons or groups based on race, color, national origin, ethnic group,gender,martial status,creed,religion ,age, sexual orientation,or disability for which distinction are not supported by legal or rational considerations.
What are Disparaging Terms
Words used to degrade or imply negative statements, pertaining to age, national origin, color, race, ethnic group, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. Such terms may include symbols l, posters, slurs or insignia.
What is personal discrimination.
Action taken by a person or group to deprive a person or group of a right because of age, national origin, race, color, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation or ethnic group. Discrimination can occur overtly, covertly, intentionally, unintentionally, by an act, or by an omission.
What is anti-senitism
A prejudicial and discriminatory attitude towards Jews based on negative perceptions about their religious beliefs. iIt a form of stereotyping and racism.
What is Prejudice
Set of rigid and/ or unfavorable attitudes toward a particular group or groups that formed on disregard of facts; unsupported judgements, usually accompanied by disapproval.
What’s is racism
Incorrect assumptions that race determines specific cultural and psychological traits with the belief that one race is superior to another. This belief of racial superiority allows discrimination to exist when dealing with other races as inferior.
What is sexual harassment
A form of sexual discrimination involving the use of sexually explicit language or gestures; the presence of sexually suggestive or explicit pictures or drawings; unusual, unsolicited, or unwanted touching or closeness by another employee; or related conduct, suggestions, mannerisms, actions, or activities with sexual innuendo or overtones.
What is stereotyping
Preconceived or oversimplified generalization involving negative beliefs about a particular group or class of people.
Dicrimination & Sexual Harassment
When the employee feels I’m uncomfortable confronting the offender the employee may contact any of the following
Equal employment opportunity assistant coordinator
Equal employment opportunity coordinator
Discrimination and sexual harassment
In addition to the department personnel employees may contact the
County office of personnel in labor relations employee service division
Equal employment opportunity commission
Maryland human relations commission
Union representative
Employee benefits and Clearance procedures
What are the 10 paid categories employees are entitled to under the appropriate negotiated labor agreements
Acting pay Call back pay Education incentive pay Education pay Fitness indicator test pay FTO pay Shift differential pay Technician pay Uniform allowance
Employees benefit and Clearance procedures
How much time is an officer eligible to purchase from term served in military
24 months of credit service which has to be purchased within 60 days of your fifth year of service
Employees benefits and clearance procedures
In Lieu of overtime pay what type of leave can be earned
Compensatory leave
Employee benefits And clearance procedures
The exit signatures are divided into how many sections
Employee benefits and clearance procedures
What are the four sections in the order on exit procedures
Immediate supervisor commander/manager
Pensions and benefits planning and research laboratory technology integration section properly warehouse mobile technology records section traffic data unit NCIC validation unit training and education division clothing and supply decision unit Police Fleet Management in Armory
Fiscal management division and bureau
Employee police personal personnel division valuable and sent to the property property of little value is of sensitivity
Employee benefits and Clearence procedures
Employees that are retiring are requested to make notification how many days before their desired retirement date
In writing no less than 30 days before desired retirement date
Employee benefits and clearance procedures
Employees resigning are requested formally to notify the chief commander manager and Police Department the personnel in writing how many days before desired resignation date
14 days
Employee early identification system
The monthly report and early identification system identifies what
The monthly report list officers who have been the subject of two or more complaints or use of force incidents and or a combination of one complaint and one use of force incident during a 60 day.
Employee early identification system
What are the commander/managers options or courses of action that may be initiated if an employee is exhibiting stress related behavior
Initiate formal counseling and informal monitoring of employees performance by the supervisor
Initiate formal counseling and correct of action as Appropriate
Initiate formal monitoring for 24 weeks with monthly formal review and reporting
Voluntarily refer the employee or order them to contact the department psychological service section for counseling and referral assistance
Change the employees duty status for example temporary light duty administrative assignment relief of duty etc.
Employee injuries and illnesses
How many members or a part of the disability review board
Employee injuries and illness
The medical advisory board is comprised of how many Physicians appointed by the county executive
Employee injuries and illness
When employee incurs and off duty illness injury or medical condition that may prevent them for performing they assigned duties how long do they have to notify their supervisor
24 hours
Employee injury and illness
Who is contacted if an off duty injury or illness occurred while performing police action
Risk management Who will then contact Workmen’s Compensation
Employee injuries and illness
How long does supervisors have to complete the required documents for injury
3 working days
Employees injuries and illness
How long should a supervisor take to complete the Workmen’s Compensation first report of injury or illness for
24 hours
Employee injuries and illness
When should an attending physician notification form be done
Whenever an employer is examined for work related injury or illness
Employee injuries and illness
How long do Employees on no duty status have to report to risk management office.
48 hours
Employee injuries and illness
How often should employees contact case manager when places on no duty status
Every 7 calendar days in person or by phone.
Employee injury and illness
When must follow up attending physician notification forms be turned into risk management
Every 30 days
Employee injury and illness
Employees on no duty status should be available to be contacted by risk management between what hours
0800 and 1600
Employee injuries and illness
Light duty assignments cannot exceed how many days
30 days
The chief of police can grant light duty assignments for up to 180 calendar days.
Employee injuries and illnesses
Employees that are on long-term light duty must be referred to the county MRO and/or MAB for an independent medical examination prior to when
The 120th day of the assignment
Employee injuries and illness
Time absent from job for medical treatment on the date of injury or occupational disease should be charged to what
Administrative leave
Employee injuries and illness
When may employees be placed on disability leave
When they incur an illness injury disability or medical condition that prevents them from performing their duties of their position
Employee injuries and illness
What is the duration of disability Leave
180 calendar days.
**Employees who are close to exhausting their allotment of disability leave may request additional leave. Officers may be granted up the two additional 90 day periods of disability leave & civilians employees may be granted one additional 90 day period of disability leave
Employee injuries and illnesses
Who should be notified if an employee is exposed to commutable disease blood or body fluids or potential infectious material during regular business hours 08 to 1630
The departments infection control officer
Employee injuries and illnesses
Who should be contacted if I’m on duty employee is exposed to an infectious disease after regular business hours
CONCENTRA medical center
Employee injuries and illnesses
If the area is believed to be contaminated by fluids the persons to do what to disinfect it
The area should be cleaned for 20 minutes with freshly made SOLUTION of one point bleach nine parts water.
Employee injuries and illnesses
How should contaminated evidence be submitted
All contaminated evidentiary items shall be submitted in paper bags after completing the drying. Appropriate sections of the adhesive evidence label shall be completed and the label placed in the lower right corner of the bag. The bag shall be clearly marked contains possible contaminated items
Employee injuries and illnesses
Where else can contaminated items be disposed
Any hospital emergency room
Employee injuries and illnesses
What are the four types of contacts with HIV infected persons that must be reported
Any needle stick a sharp instrument injury that breaks the skin
The dousing of any mucous membrane such as eyes and mouth with the body fluids of an HIV infected person
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation with blood/body fluid exposure
Any human bite
Employee injuries and illnesses
Who are the points of contact for a contagious disease exposure Notification by medical care facility
Departments infection control officer
Commander/manager, risk management
Employee injuries and illnesses
The law requires notification for exposures of the nine following
Human immunodeficiency virus
Any form of viral hepatitis including but not limited to hepatitis ABCDEF and G
Meningococcal meningitis
Hemorrhagic fevers
Employee injuries and illnesses
What should a supervisor do if an employee complains of carbon monoxide poisoning from their Dept vehicle
Contact automotive service division and arrange for vehicle testing for carbon monoxide presence
Take the vehicle out of service
Employee injuries and illnesses
Who will Conduct the vehicle carbon monoxide test
Prince Georges County Health Dept division of air quality control
Employee wellness and drug testing
Random drug test urine samples for the following
Amphetamines barbiturates benzodiazepines cocaine marijuana methadone Mathaqualone Opiates Phencyclidine
Employee wellness in drug testing
And employee shall be deferred from drug screening when
Deferred at test site by contract medical professional
On authorized leave at the time of notification
On a regular day off
Working shift one
On official travel out of the area
Under suspension and not performing administrative duties
Employee wellness and drug testing
What is psychological services responsibility if the Chief recommends TDY assignment
Reassess the employees work status every 30 calendar days and maintain contact with the employee throughout the assignment
Notified achieve every 30 calendar days of need for continuation of the TDY assignment
*The maximum time for TDY assignment resulting from PSS referral is 180 days
Following the initial approval of Officer wearing an outer Vest carrier how often should they submit an updated medical certification
Every four months
Wind shell supervisors inspect body armor of subordinates
Each January and July
When Can flex-cuffs be used
The use of flex-cuffs and restraint device is generally restricted to Incidents where officers plan to make multiple arrests
What should the officer in sure when using flex-cuffs
When using flex -cuffs officer will make sure that they are able to slide pinky finger between flex-cuff and the subjects wrist or ankle. flex cuffs will be checked for proper tightness every 30 minutes Flex-cuffs will will only be removed with wire cutters.
When will tire deflations devices not be used
They will not be deployed on exit ramps merge lanes or turn lanes
Tire Deflation devices shall not be deployed with Non-involved vehicles may be damaged
Tired deflation devices may not be deployed outside of Prince Georges County
What documentation shall be done after tire deflation devices are used
Case report that should be forwarded to tire deflation device coordinator and IAD prior to end of duty
Replacement of deployed tire deflation devices will be the responsibility of who and how long do you have to replace them
The deploying officer shall arrange replacement of deployed tire deflation device within 72 hours by delivering the deployed device to the tire deflation device coordinator
Secondary extra duty employment
Probationary officer is allowed to work secondary law-enforcement employment
Probationary officer’s are only allowed to work county supplemental secondary employment
Experience police officers upon completion of academy training and a minimum of six months of service maybe approved for secondary law-enforcement employment by the EPO’s district commander
Secondary extra duty employment
Officers with less than three years of service or prohibited from working at
Dance halls
Night clubs
Bars or ant establishments where the primary business is serving alcohol.
Secondary extra duty employment
Businesses employed five or more officers for secondary law-enforcement assignments at any time or required to hire
One PGPD first line supervisor the rank of sergeant or above
Secondary extra duty employment
Officer is on sickleave she’ll nap participate in SLEE for how long
24 hours after the end of the shift for which were on sick leave
Secondary extra duty employment
How many hours Kianna Ofc work per day during their regular tour of duty
16 hours
*Officer Sean not exceed 20 hours of SLE for work week
Facility security
Visitor pass system
Citizens in our uniform officers they do not have PGPD Identification shall
Will be issued a visitor pass. The pass should be one of the persons auto most garment that can easily be seen a read. non-uniform PGPD offices in employees may wear their police badge or official clip on ID card instead of being issued a visitor pass
*Non-uniform PGPD offices and employees who are not in possession of their issued key scan card shall sign the facilities visitor log for entrance only
Facility security
detainee processing areas
Officers shall not enter a detainee processing area alone unless they meet at least one of the following conditions
They possess a police radio
They have access to a panic with the rest alarm
They are audibly and visually monitored at all times by close circuit television equipment
Field training program
How long is field training
60 working days
Field training program
How long is the probationary period
12 months from date of graduation from the training and education division
Field training program
How many days Miah probationary officer takeoff during field training
Probationary officers may take two days of sick or annual during their field training
Field training program
How many days can a probationary officer ride with a officer that’s not certified
Total of six days
Field training program
What rating Must a probationary officer half for the last 15 days of field training to be released from the program
Three which is satisfactory or above
Field training program
How many weeks prior to graduation will the probationary officer be informed of their FTO and who will assign FTO’s
Two weeks prior to graduation and they will be assigned by the bureau of patrol
Field training program
How should the probationary officer rotate between districts
The probationary officer shall rotate between two districts. 20 days primary district ,20 days secondary district and 20 days back with primary district
Field training program
The departmental coordinator shall conduct three mandatory debriefing sessions during the officers training when Shelly takeaways
The Debriefing shall take place when probationary officer rotates assignments
Field training program
Experience police officers and those that return to the department at the resignation or leave of absence shall
Complete the entire field training program
Field training program
Offices that have completed the program and subsequently separated from the department for less than one year must ride with an FTO for how many working days
Field training program
Candidates for the position of field training officer must
Be nominated by their immediate supervisor and district commander
Have at least three years of experience with the department
Be willing to perform FTO function
Have an exemplary work history
Qualify with their issued handgun and not be on the departments tri-annual training program
Field training program
How long is FTO training
Five day school
Field training program
What are the shift supervisor’s responsibility
Complete a weekly review of the probationary officer’s field training manual
- Shift supervisor also responsible for evaluating the probationary officer on a monthly basis these evaluation sure occur every 30 days doing the 12 month probationary period
- The probationary officer shall ride with the shift supervisor for one day during the last 10 days of field training.
Fiscal an asset management
Expense reimbursements are submitted to what departments.
Must be submitted through the employees chain of command to the Deputy of Administration and Homeland security and the fiscal management division the original receipt shall be attached to the buck slip
Fiscal an asset management
When are inventories a Fixed assets conducted
Each January
Internal investigative procedures
Sworn officers and probationary officers alleged to have used excessive force may delay providing a statement for how long
5 days
*the chief may extend the time
Internal investigative procedures
Police involved shootings in in custody deaths
Who is responsible for documenting police involved shooting
Responding patrol officer should be responsible for the initial report the patrol supervisor shall be responsible for obtaining the use of force numbers from PSE and completing a CIR and use of force report
Internal investigation procedures
Post shooting requirements
Any officer who discharged the file and accidentally or intentionally shall do what
Within 72 hours Contact and schedule appointment with psychological services training education division to attend judgement enhancement training ,manager weapons & survival skills to qualify with all authorized on duty and off duty
*Attendance of these appointments and must be completed within 10 working days following the incident
Internal investigative procedures
Police involved incidents with death serious injury or hospital admission
Whatever individual in PGPD custody suffers a critical or fatal injury or illness or is admitted to medical care facility the supervisor shall notify PSC and request a notification to SIRT investigators.
Internal investigative procedures
Police involved incidents with death serious injury or hospital admissions supervisor shall
Ensure that the appropriate deputy chief I’ll be involved Ofc is immediately and personally notified
Determine the circumstances of incident and severity of the injuries
Ensure completion of a CIR
Ensure completion of a use of force report using available information known by the supervisor at the time the report is completed
Ensure the involved Officer schedules and appointment with the psychological services section within 72 hours following the incident
Internal investigated procedures
Audio and video tape recordings
Audio and videotape statements shall be obtained from individuals who are involved in or who witness any intentional police involved departmental shooting , in custody death or incident where injury is inflicted and death is imminent ;this excludes fatal traffic accidents
Internal investigated procedures
What are the exceptions to audio and video tape recordings
Maryland law does not allow one party consent to audio tape in non-fatal incidents therefore , unless the person is deceased, consent to audiotape must be obtained.
Internal investigation procedures
After the Citizen a complaint oversight panel review (CCOP)investigates for a completeness and impartiality . How long do they have to submit recommendations to the chief
30 working days
Internal investigation procedures
How long does the chief of police have to notify the Citizen complaint oversight panel of his final disposition of all cases alleging use of force abusive language or harassment
2 working days
Internal investigative procedures
The report of investigation (ROI )shall be completed in how many days
30 days
Leave & duty status
All full-time employees are an annual leave as follows
Years of Service Hours Earned
per Pay Period
0-3 4 4-14 6 15+ 8
Leave & Duty Status
What is the maximum amount of annual hours an employee can accumulate yearly.
Leave & Duty Status
Employee may use annual leave in what increments.
1/2 hours and 1/4 for civilian
Leave & Duty Status
Annual leave request for five or more days need to be submitted how many days before the leave period
14 days
Leave & Duty Status
How can employee handled their annual leave pay out
Retain his or her annual leave pending future county employment
Apply all or a portion of his or her annual leave balance to employment elsewhere, provided that his or her new employer will accept the leave balance.
Receive a lump sum payout in accordance with negotiated labor agreements or Personnel Law
Use his or her annual leave balance to purchase credit in accordance with negotiated labor agreements
*. The departing employee must select one of the options no later than 10 days prior to separation. Otherwise, the lump sum payout option is automatically triggered.
Leave and duty status
How much time is allotted to an Employees on shift work to notify their immediate supervisors of the use of sick leave
1.5 Hours.
Leave & duty status
Employees working permanent schedule shall notify their immediate supervisor of the need of sick leave within what time frame
1/2 hour prior to normal business hours or report time.
Leave & duty status
When a supervisor denies sick leave where is the time taken from
Annual leave balance and if it’s not enough it will considered leave with out pay
Leave and duty status
What’s the total amount of compensatory leave law enforcement can accumulate.
480 hours
* 240 for civilian.
Leave and duty status
How many days can sworn employers take for bereavement
5 days.
Leven & duty status
Members of national guard and reserves who are ordered to active duty receive up to how many days per year of leave
15 days
Leave and duty status
How much parental leave is granted for birth or adoption.
40 hours.
Leave & duty status
How much family and medical leave can be during in 12 month period.
15 weeks in as small as 1/2 hour increments.
Leave & duty status
How much advanced leave per year can be granted
10 working days
Leave and duty status
Leave transfer to another employee
What’s the maximum amount of hours that can be donated per request and the lifetime limit
600 hours per request and 2,000 hours max
- the max donated is 1,000 hours of sick
Leave and duty status
What’s the maximum amount of leave with out pay that can be taken
One year which has to happen after sick and annual have been exhausted.
Leave and duty status
What’s the maximum amount of disability is granted at a time
30 days up to 180
- weekly notification to risk management for anything over 7 days
- Can be taken in half day increments for appointments etc.
Leave and duty status
How long are light duty assignments limited to
30 Days
*. Maximum length of assignment 180 days granted by chief
Leave and duty status
Supervisors who have employees on light duty assigned to them TDY shall
Be responsible for normal administrative functions approving denying leave completing inspections
Complete each light duty employees payroll
Leave & duty status
Who is a sergeant authorized to suspend
Any non-probationary Emoloyee subordinate .
* any IAD officer may suspend officers below rank of captain.
Leave in duty status
A suspended officer shall not
Make arrest or enforce any law
Possess a departmental vehicle
Possess an authorized firearm in any manner not afforded a citizen
Possess a departmental weapon
Represent himself or herself as an active duty police officer
Where any departmental uniform uniform article or display police identification
Leave and duty status
Officers involved in the following incidents may be placed on administrative leave by IAD pending an investigation
Discharge a firearm is resulting in injury or death
Actions that result in death of a citizen or the hospitalization of a citizen who expects to die
Incidents where preliminary investigation reveals serious employee misconduct
Leave and duty status
When on administrative leave what shall employees notify the supervisor and IAD of
Employee shall provide his or her Destiination if he or she will be farther than 40 miles from the intersection of Route 4 and the capital Beltway trips more than one day must be approved by IAD
Mobile data computers
The offices are expected to be away from their vehicle for more than 30 minutes what should happen with their MDC
Log off and shut down
Mobile data computers
If a decencies is found on mobile data computer what is the supervisors responsibility.
Contact the mobile video unit and fax or email a copy of the MVS /MDC equipment inspection malfunction report to them prior to the officer going in service
Mobile data computers
How long can a vehicle be left unattended before you remove the portable mobile data computer
Two hours.
If I officer works less than 1/2 hour how can they be compensated
Comp time only
What’s the calculation of overtime and compensatory time.
1 1/2 times hourly rate in 1/2 hour once in half hour increments for overtime.
1 1/2 times minutes worked for comp. * a minimum of three minutes for compensation.
Over Time
Employees participating in personal car program involved in off duty incidents receive compensation after how much time is last
Two hours
Are employees allowed to take leave to work county-sponsored overtime
Officers working athletic events shall report when
Fifteen minutes before game time and remain until the crowd and traffic has dispersed.
Officers working athletic events for PGC School Board she be compensated how many hours of overtime pay
3 hours
*officers shall summit of compensation for 3 hours when an event was canceled or modified without prior notification to the department
Performance appraisals
When should an employees PPA be prepared and how long does the employee need to be under the supervision
At least ten days before promotion, demotion, transfer, or anniversary date
Performance appraisals
How long is the probationary period of graduation from TED
12 months
Performance appraisals
Who approves the extension of employees probationary period.
Human Resources Management Emoloyee Services and Emoloyee Services and Labor Relation.
Performance appraisals
When Emoloyee has been supervised for at least ____ days during an appraisal period by a supervisor who changes jobs, that supervised shall____
90 days
Evaluate Emoloyee
Performance appraisals
How long should grievances be maintained
3 years and forwarded to records. Files will remain in the Office of the chief
Personnel inspections
What are the weekly inspections the supervisor shall conduct
Hand guns
Personnel inspections
What are the monthly inspections a supervisor shall conduct
Uniform and grooming standards Patrol rifle’s Assign vehicles MVS MDC Animal Restraint Poles
Personnel inspections
Supervisor shall conduct employee equipment inspections semi annually on the following (January and July)
Body armor
General order manuals
Drivers licenses
Warren check
Personnel inspections
Supervise a show in spec subordinates issue authorize handguns weekly. Where will it be documented
Report of Personnel Inspection Form
Personnel inspections
What are patrol rifle’s and inspection document on
Firearms inspection report monthly
Position vacancies and transfers
When is an officer able to transfer from out of a patrol assignment.
After 24 months out of TED