General obstetrics Flashcards
GnRH is released from ? and acts on ?
Hypothalmus and acts on anterior pituitary
GnRH stimulates the release of?
LH and FSH
What cells secrete oestrogen
Theca granulosa cells
Staging for puberty ?
What provides negative feedback for LH and FSH
What can affect age of puberty
Fat (aromatase in adipose tissue)
Skin changes in pregnancy and cause
Increased melanocyte stimulating hormone
Melasma, linea nigra
What produces hCG
Causes of raised hCG
Twins and molar pregnancy
hCG main function
Maintain corpus luteum (which produces progesterone)
Where is progesterone produced after 5 weeks?
Placenta (instead of corpus luteum)
Oestrogen function: (4)
Breast tissue development
Growth and development of female sex organs
Blood vessels in uterus
Development of endometrium
Progesterone function: (3)
Thicken and maintain endometrium
Thicken cervical mucus
Increase body temperature
oligohydramnios meaning
Low amniotic fluid levels
Meigs syndrome
Triad of ascites, benign ovarian tumour (fibroma) and pleural effusion
Drugs ending in -relin and function
GnRH agonist
Drugs ending in -relix
GnRH antagonist
Goserelin class
GnRH agonist
Mnemonic for CTG reading
DR C Bravado
Degarelix class
GnRH antagonist
G? P? Patient is pregnant and had one previous baby
G2 P1
G? P? Patient is currently pregnant and had two previous deliveries
G3 P2
Gravity and parity
Gravity = number of times pregnant Parity = number of times pregnant past 24 week
What is Mendelson’s syndrome
Aspiration of gastric juices into maternal lungs during analgesia in child birth
Methods for labour induction (3)
Vaginal prostoglandins
Membrane sweep
How do prostaglandins induce labour
Ripen cervix and help smooth muscle of uterus contract
Drug to increase strength and frequency of contractions
Syntocinon (artificial oxytocin)
When is membrane sweep offered to most women
40 and 41 weeks to nulliparous
41 weeks to multiparous
Score to access cervical ripeness
Bishops score cut offs (2)
7 or above: cervix is ripe
Less than 4: labour is unlikely to progress naturally
Common complications of IOL
failure (15% - give further cycle), uterine hyper stimulation (5% - give tocolytic agent like terbutaline), pain, infection, further intervention, rupture
OVD meaning
Operative vaginal delivery. Use of instrument to aid delivery
Treats uterine hypersensitivity. Tocolytic.
Two types of OVD
Ventouse and forceps
Complications of forceps use
Higher rate of 3/4 degree tear
When would you expect delivery after pushing begins (time to use OVD)
2 hours in NP
1 hour in MP
Pre-requisites for instrument delivery
Fully dilated, ruptured membranes, cephalic presentation, metal head at ischial spine, empty bladder
P-PROM is before 37 weeks
PROM is after 37 weeks (takes longer than 1 hour to then enter labour)
Stage 1 of labour
Onset of true contractions till 10cm dilation
Latent phase of labour
0 to 3cm dilation - progressing at 0.5cm an hour
Active phase of labour
3-7cm dilation - progressing at 1cm an hour
What are Braxton-hicks contractions
Occasional irregular that do not indicate labour
What is the “show” in labour
Plug of mucus leaves cervix
Contracts uterus to treat post partum haemorrhage. Commonly given with Oxytocin
Folate dose in low/ high risk
400 mcg. 5 mg
Mx of women with previous GBS delivery
Offer intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis. Benzyl penicillin
Loss of CTG variability?
Prematurity or hypoxia
When does Anti-D injections need to be given?
Mum Rhesus -ve and at any sensitising event: birth, miscarriage <12 weeks, abdominal trauma, PV bleeding
3 risk factors for placental abruption
Increasing maternal age
Maternal trauma
Drug of choice to reduce fetal resp problems in PPROM
Main risks of mother having uncontrolled GDM (3)
Shoulder dystocia, macrosomia, neonatal hypoglycaemia
RF for GDM
BMI <30 Previous hx Previous macroscopic baby Ethnic (black, Middle Eastern, south Asian) Family hx
GDM results range
Fasting <5.6
OGTT <7.8 (at two hours)
GDM management in patients with fasting BM <7
Diet and exercise
GDM management in patients with fasting BM>7
Insulin (+/- metformin)
Which vaccines offered in pregnancy and which should be avoided?
Whooping cough (from 16 weeks) and flu
Live vaccines
Medical name for stretch mark
striae gravidarium (silvery fine ones -> albicans)
Screening tool for post natal depression
Edinburgh Scale
(PHQ-9) can also be used
Two drugs that cause folic acid deficiency (non ABX)
Phenytoin and methotrexate
Chorioamnionitis triad
Fetal tachycardia, maternal tachycardia, maternal pyrexia
Chorioamnionitis main risk factor
Dates for miscarriage (early vs late)
0-24 weeks
Early: 0-13 and much more common
Hormone that induces cervix remodelling
Hormone that regulates blood flow through endometrium
XXX Cortisol
Tripple test contains:
HCG, AFP, estriol
Vessel that shunts blood from away from liver
Ductus venosus
What can be performed first: amniocentesis or CVS
PAPP-A in trisomy 18 and 21 levels
Very low
Treatment of hyperthyroidism in post delivery women
Betablockers not anti thyroid medication
Downs syndrome in combined test
bHCG high, PAPP-A low (not very low), tick nuchal
What position must a breech baby be in for delivery?
Back/ sacrum must remain anterior
What position must a breech baby be in for delivery?
Back/ sacrum must remain anterior
At what bHCG level are you likely to see pregnancy on USS
Ectopic diagnosis by bHCG levels
Less than 66% rise every 48 hours (should double)
Miscarried lady with retained products in cervix presents with hypotension and tachycardia
Products in cervical Os can cause vasovagal response
speculum and remove
Blood pressure changes in second trimester
+++ in pregnant urine -> what else with urine
PCR urine - greater than 30 is bad
Could do 24hour urine sample
SFH in pre-eclapsia
40% of eclampsia happens where?
PAAP-A is low -> what drug
Asprin to prevent pre eclampsia
Should you ask about smears in Obstetrics bleeding/ pain
YES!! 1 in 6000 cervix ca
What does oestrogen do to uterus
Endometrial proliferation (multiply and spread)
PMB investigations
TV USS then hysteroscopy and biopsy
Endometritis pattern of bleeding
heavy light then heavy
?? check??
How does endometritis feel on exam and how to treat
Boggy and tender
Should you do a bi manual in SROM
NO as infection risk
fFN test is for
Start of oxytocin
Consequence of mum becoming sensitised to rh in future pregnancies
How to test
Haemolytic disease of newborn
Direct Coombs test
SPD symptoms
Pain/ discomfort around pubic symphysis, lower back pain, side-side gate
Test to see how much fetal blood is in mothers blood during a possible sensitisation event?
Kleihauer test
Drug to prevent preterm labour
Vaginal progesterone
When is cervical cerclage used
?pre term labour to keep cervix shut
Three phases of labour
Latent: 0-3
Active: 3-7
Transition 7-10
What type of contractions in latent phase and how quick is progression
Irregular and 0.5cm per hour
Do Braxton Hicks contractions indicate the start of labour
CTG baseline rate
Where is a ‘low lying placenta’
Within 20mm of Os
3 main causes of APH
Placenta previa
Placenta abruption
Vasa previa
First line treatment for PCOS pts who cannot conceive
Rare complication of ovarian induction
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome signs (3)
Hypovolemic shock, acute renal failure, VTE
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome symptoms
Abdo pain, DandV, weight gain, decreased urine output, DVT
Ergometrine and carboprost contraindications
Ergometrine - HTN
Carboprost - asthma
Minimum time between pregnancies
12 months - preterm birth, low birth weight
Likely organism in pregnancy to cause baby to have: seizure, hydrocephalus, hearing and visual issues
Toxoplasma Gondii
Medical management of a miscarriage
Misiprostol alone!
Not mifepristone