General Neuro Questions For Final Flashcards
Are the CR and the UCR different responses?
No. Same response to a different stimulus.
What is the Hebb rule?
Synapses active at the same time are strengthened over time
signs of this in rats: thicker cortex, more glial cells, more AChE
Describe the neural model of classical conditioning
The synapse is strengthened when an incoming action potential occurs at the same time as a postsynaptic action potential
Define reinforcement
A reinforcement makes a behavior more likely to occur in the future.
Define punishment.
A punishment makes a behavior less likely to occur in the future.
What is the “reward circuit”?
The Mesolimbic dopamine pathway. VTA->nucleus accumbens->amygdala->septum
Describe the mesocortical dopamine system.
What are the three phases of biological memory processes?
- Induction. Initiates modification processes
- Maintenance. The mechanisms that cause the modifications to stay
- Expression. How the modification is ultimately expressed.
What are the components of the hippocampus?
Dentate gyrus
Subicular complex
Hippocampus proper (CA regions)
Where does the entorhinal cortex receive input from?
- Amygdala
- Limbic cortex of the medial temporal lobe
- Association vortices (sensory, motor)
These may project directly, or via the perirhinal cortex, or parahippocampal cortex.
Where does the entorhinal cortex project to?
CA1, CA3, dentate gyrus
Where does the hippocampus output to?
Entorhinal, perirhinal, parahippocampal cortices
The primary output of the hippocampus comes from
The CA1 region and the subiculum
LTP requires:
Rapid stimulation of the perforant path
Activation of synapses and depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane
Activation of hippocampal NMDA receptors
Describe the process of LTP.
- Glutamate is released by presynaptic neuron
- AMPA receptor (not exotic) binds glutamate, allows Na+ to enter, depolarizers membrane
- NMDA (exotic) kicks off Mg2+ ion, Ca2+ enters cell
- Ca2+ entry triggers CAM-KII pathway cascade
- Phosphorylation of AMPA receptors (increased sensitivity/density)
- Production of NO synthase, arginine converted to NO
- NO diffuses into presynaptic cell, causes increase in glutamate release via cGMP, altered synaptic structure