General Macroeconomics Flashcards
Marshall Learner Condition
Currency deprivation only corrects a current account deficit if:
PEDx + PEdm > 1
(Sum of price elasticity of X & M > 1)
Current account componenets
Goods, services, income and current transfers
Macro goals
Redistribution of income
Fiscal policy
Changes in government spending & taxation in order to influence AD
- Reduces DD deficient unemployment (expansionary)
- Reduces budget deficit/government debt (contractionary)
- Shifts AD only
- Causes DD pull inflation, trade deficit
- Crowding out effect
Monetary policy
Changes to IR, the money supply (and by extension the exchange rate) by the central bank in order to influence AD
- Affects inflation more effectively
- Prevent credit bubbles (contractionary)
- Reduces BOT deficit (contractionary)
- Shifts AD only
Supply side policy
Increasing education, infrastructure or foreign workers
Reduce taxes, labour market reforms and policies to promote competition
- Aims to increase productive capacity (AS)
- Long gestation period
- No guarantee for success
Crowding out effect
Excess government spending leads to government borrowing all the loanable funds. As supply of loanable funds fall, interest rates increases, firms cannot invest and are crowded out.
Credit bubble
Credit bubbles involve a sudden surge in consumer or business loans, debt instruments, and other forms of credit. (Excessive borrowing)
Wage price spiral
- DD pull inflation
- Consumers purchasing power falls
- Unions push for higher wages
- Cost push inflation
- Fall in national output
- Government implements policy to increase AD; GPL increases
- 2nd round of wage push by unions
Positive but declining inflation
Mild inflation
Moderate inflation
Galloping inflation
> 10%
Hyper inflation
> 50%
Imported inflation
Increase in prices of imported key factors of production
Demand pull inflation
Increase in AD while economy is operating near or at Yf
Δ Real GDP per capita
ΔGDP - Δ Population - Δ Inflation
Purchasing Price Parity
- A measure of the price of specific goods in different countries
- Used to compare the absolute purchasing power of the countries’ currencies
Loans from banks, government expenditure and export revenue
always towards firms
Net savings to banks, taxes to governments and import expenditure
always from households
Sustainable growth
AG + PG without decrease the ability of future generations to meet their needs and wants
Hysteresis effect
Loss of skills due to prolonged unemployment will lead to further unemployment (impacts size of labour force)
Ways to measure level of education
- PISA score
- Literacy rate
- Mean years in schooling
- Number of universities
Ways to measure level of healthcare
- Life expectancy
- Infant mortality rate
- Ambulance response time
- Bed occupancy ratio
- Median hospital wait time
Consumer Price Index
Weighted average price of basket of consumer goods
SOL calculation/measurement problems
SOL understated since:
1. Non-market activities
2. Underground activities
are unaccounted for
SOL comparison/interpretation problems
SOL overstated due to
1. Inequity
2. Externalities
3. Trade off with leisure time
Common macro policy evaluations
- Difference in relative significance of C, I & G in AD
- Size of multiplier
- Expectation (future state of economy)
- Current state of economy (Is economy at Yf?)
- Government budget position (crowding out effect)
Trade dependency ratio
(X+M) / GDP
Beggar thy neighbour policies
policies that a country enacts to address its economic woes that, in turn, actually worsen the economic problems of other countries
How to choose R1&2
- Internal vs External
- DD vs SS
- Context
- Example
- Area available for analysis (eg diagram)
Elements of a topic sentence
- Signposting
- Clearly indicate scope
- Location/Country
- Clearly state point & economic framework
- Contextualise
Policies that affect both X&M
- Currency appreciation/depreciation
- Change in CA
- Inflation
- Change in quantity and quality of G&S
- Rate of growth
- Unfair trade practices