General Limitations A319/20/21 Flashcards
The use of AP or FD in ____ ___or _____ mode is not permitted inside the _____ or below _____ ft AGL on a visual approach?
The use of AP or FD in OPEN DES or DES mode is not permitted inside the FAF or below 1000 ft AGL on a visual approach?
What are the engine starter duty cycle limitations?
A320 NEO
3 starts with 60 sec intervals followed by 15 mins
Max Starter reengagement RPM 63% N2
A319/20/21 CEO
4 starts with 20 sec intervals followed by 15 mins
Max Starter reengagement RPM 20% N2
Note: All aircraft a standard start includes upto 3 attempts which equals one cycle
What is the max altitude for an APU start using normal electrics? A=
What is the max altitude to use the APU to supply electrical power with one pack operating? B=
What is the max altitude to use the APU for an engine start? C=
What is the max altitude to use the APU to supply electrical power with both packs operating? D=
APU start using normal electrics 39.000 feet
One pack operation with electrics = 22,500 feet
For engine start = 20,000 feet
Two pack operation with electrics = 15,000 feet
What is considered a narrow runway?
A narrow runway is any runway less than 148ft/45m wide.
Are you permitted to use the APU if the LOW OIL LEVEL advisory is displayed on the ECAM?
When is a maintenance action required? Is a logbook entry required?
MX Action required within 10 hours of APU operation.
Logbook entry is NOT required but informing MX of the issue at the time of the incident is required.
Autolands are approved for CONF 3 and CONF FULL. What configuration is recommended for all autolands? and why?
CONF FULL which improves the forward slant range visibility.
Is taxi with deflated tires permitted?
Given certain conditions are satisfied. However, taxiing the aircraft with deflated tires should only be done if absolutely necessary and all other means of moving the aircraft have been exhausted.
What is the MAX airport elevation for an autoland?
A319/20 = 9200 feet
A321 = 5750 feet
What is the minimum oil temp to start the engines?
What is the minimum fuel for takeoff?
3,300 lbs
WING TK LO LVL warning must NOT be displayed on ECAM
Autolands are not authorized on runways less than ____ feet wide?
Autolands are not authorized on runways less than 150 feet wide?
What is the APU starter duty cycle limits?
3 attempts with a cooling time of
60 seconds between attemtps and
60 mins cooling time once the 3 attempts have occured
When should you use LOW vs. Medium autobrakes for an autoland?
Are autobarkes required for all CAT III approaches?
Runway 8000 feet or longer = LOW or MED autobrake
Runway 8000 feet or shorter = MED autobrake
YES (if available)
What are the autoland wind limitations? Note: These limitations are also located on the CAT II/III briefing card.
HXT = 20/15/5
HXT = 30/15/10
Wind Correction Vls 5/15 kts (all aircraft)
Are you permitted to start the APU during refueling?
If a fuel spill occurs and the APU is running, what should you do?
YES. You can start the APU during refuel however if the APU fails to start or in the case of an AUTO shutdown DO NOT TRY AND RESTART.
If a fuel spill occurs and the APU is running perfrom a normal shutdown.