General Learning About Reading Flashcards
What type of orthography is English?
Deep or opaque, alphabetic orthography. Deep orthographies have more than one correspondence between phones and graph which creates irregularity among words. English has been commonly referred to as a deep orthography because the phonological complexity leads to morphological in variance .
It’s important to keep in mind that research studies are built upon theoretical framework.
A familiar yet often misinterpreted and oversimplified western practice of Vygotsky’s theory is a concept often referred to a scaffolding, a term coined by Jerome Bruner. Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development or CPD is a common term used to describe the level at which the learner functions beyond his independent developmental level in cooperation with a more capable partner. According to Vygotsky what a child can do in cooperation today, he can do a loan tomorrow. The western translation of scaffolding in the Seminole work of Bruner, Wood and Ross based on Vygotsky’s theories and referred to as a meditation in Vygotsky’s original work, involves the exchange of responsibility for learning.
Vygotsky’s as a pertains to the importance of language development in relation to cognition.
Vygotsky uncovered a distinct connection between language development and thought processes. He observed the process, and which humans develop language from initial phonological sounds, words, and sentences spoken allowed to the point when humans internalize this language into unspoken language within the brain. Internal language played within the confines of the cognitive process known as thought he concluded all our observations indicate that the inner speech is an autonomous function. Language development in Vygotsky’s theory plays an essential role and developmental thought and his crucial incognito development and literacy acquisition. 
Howard Gardner
World renowned psychologist, who said the biggest mistake we have made in past centuries, and teaching has been to treat all children as if they were variants of the same and individual and thus to feel justified and teaching them the same subjects in the same ways gardener identified nine types of intelligences:
1. Verbal linguistic intelligence.
2. Musical intelligence.
3. Logical mathematical intelligence.
4. Visual spatial intelligence.
5. Bodily aesthetic intelligence. 6. Interpersonal social intelligence.
7. Intrapersonal intelligence.
8. Naturalistic intelligence.
9. Existential intelligence.
Everyone has all nine types of intelligence at varying levels of aptitude.
Gardner states when one has a thorough understanding of a topic they can typically think of it in several ways .
Reading Theory: Ehri’s Phases
Testing for Dyslexia in Kinder…
We can definitely see signs of possible dyslexia in kinder, but we have to remember that it is an SLD, so we have to look at where they have been, and the rate of improvement over time. It’s equally important to not deny testing for Dyslexia just because they are in Kinder. Decisions concerning referral for testing should be based on evidence or data, the more the better.
Infant vs. Adult brain
Infant and adult brains are similar in structure and function. Infants at 7 months of gestation already have the brain structure and function of an adult and built in learning mechanisms that impact cognitive development from birth; statistical learning, learning by imitation, learning by analogy, and causal learning. The experiences infants have through social interaction greatly impact the cognitive development.
Memory systems for learning
Semantic memory involves general knowledge and can be bolstered through mnemonic devices and conceptual mapping—episodic memory, which relates to personal experiences, benefits from structured, reflective activities and detailed storytelling. Implicit memory, which influences skills and habits, is enhanced through repeated practice and routine. Working memory, crucial for holding and manipulating information, improves with structured routines and practice.
Why is language so important to literacy development and cognitive development?
Development of language improves memory systems and learning. It also plays a key role in cognitive development and vocabulary development. Language skills are necessary for understanding and discussing abstract concepts.
What is scaffolding?
An idea originally attributed to Vygotsky, Scaffolding is a way of helping students learn by providing the right support and tools they need to understand, remember, and share their ideas more effectively. At first, adults (like teachers or parents) guide students through tasks, help them plan, choose strategies, and check their work. Over time, this support is slowly given to the students themselves. As they become more capable, they take on more responsibility for their own learning, including planning their tasks, deciding on strategies, checking how well they’re doing, fixing mistakes, and evaluating their results.
What are the effect sizes associated with phonemic awareness on it’s own, vs phonemic awareness coupled with letters?
Alone .38
With Letters .67