General Knowledge Of Revelation 9 Flashcards
Q1. 1) What is the title of Rev 9, and 2) where is the location of the event?
Ans> (1)The Locusts from the Abyss and the Angels Who Sinned
(2) Tabernacle Temple that betrayed
Q2. 1) After which event did the trumpets blow in Rev 8~9, 2) where did it blow, 3) and what was the reason it was blown?
Ans> (1)After the chosen people that betrayed were thrown out to the Gentiles in Rev 6
(2) Tabernacle Temple that betrayed
(3) To let them know about their sins and transgressions, and make them repent
Q3. In Rev 9:1, 1) what kind of entity is the ‘star’ that had fallen from the sky’, and 2) what place is the ‘abyss’ that the locusts came out from, and
3) Where is the reality of this “abyss’?
Ans> (1) Mr. Serpent who belonged to heaven but became flesh
(2) Satan’s dwelling, hell (headquarters of the destroyers)
(3) Stewardship Education Center
Q4. 1) What is the ‘smoke’ that comes up from the abyss at the sound of the 5th trumpet, 2) what is the ‘sun and sky that becomes darkened because of the smoke, and 3) what is the reality of the
‘locusts’ that come out of the smoke?
Ans> (1) Sound of the destroyers’ shout (false doctrine, ecclesiastical law, and authority)
(2) Sun: Pastors of Tabernacle Temple
Sky: Perception and spirits of the congregation members
(3) Destroyers, 7 pastors of Stewardship Education Center
Q5. 1) What kind of entity is the ‘king’ over the locusts, and 2) what is the expression used for this entity in Rev 17?
Ans> (1) Pastor that became the head that commands the false pastors
(Rev 17:5, Rev 18:7)
(2 ) Great Prostitute (Babylon the Great)
Q6. 1) What is the reason why the place where the 4 angels were bound is written figuratively as the ‘great river Euphrates’, and
2) what kind of place is Euphrates where the 4 angels were bound?
Ans> (1) Because it is spiritually the event like the time of Adam
(2) Hell (2Pt 2:4)
Q7. Write down, 1) who are ‘the people that are killed’ by the 4 sinned angels at the plague of the 6th trumpet (Rev 9:15), and
2) when and what kind of event is the reality of the ‘very hour, day, month and year’ of when they are killed.
Ans> (1) People of the Tabernacle Temple that betrayed
(2) 2PM, 20th September 1981, Pastor Ordainment Service (Rev 13:16~18)
Q8. In Rev 9, there are two hundred million mounted troops. 1) What kind of entity are they, and 2) who are the realities of the flesh that are used by the 4 sinned angels?
Ans> (1) Spirit and flesh that belong to the 4 sinned angels
(2) Pastors who belong to the Stewardship Education Center
Q9. Write down each of the bible chapters about the
1) ‘mounted troops that belong to God (white horse army) and 2) ‘mounted troops that belong to Satan’, and 3) with whose victory does this war end, and 4) what is the weapon of victory?
Ans> (1) Rev 6, Rev 19
(2) Rev 9
(3) God’s victory (Rev 12, Rev 20, Rev 19:6)
(4) Blood of the Lamb (Word of life of Jesus and the word of
testimony (Rev 12:11)
- Rev 9:19
The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like snakes, having heads with which they inflict injury.
Q 10. At the time of Revelation’s fulfilment, write each of the reality of the 1) ‘head’, and 2) ‘tail’ of the horses in Rev 9.
Ans> (1) 7 pastors of Stewardship Education Center
(2) 17 evangelists who came from the Tabernacle Temple that betrayed