Being Sealed Exam Flashcards
- Write the process of creating a new thing from its beginning to its completion.
① Preaching about the coming of God and His promised pastor, sowing of the seed, and establishing a new covenant for the creation of a new thing
② As a result of the promised pastor appearing and God, who made the promise, coming, the promised seed was sown
③ Making a new covenant promising the creation of a new kingdom by harvesting the ripened fruits born of the seed at the time of the Second Coming.
④ Preaching the gospel of the kingdom of heaven to the whole world as a testimony to all the nations
⑤ The angels harvest the ripened fruits when Jesus returns according to promise and his promised pastor appears
⑥ Those who are harvested are sealed with the revealed words of the fulfillment
⑦ The creation of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji, the promised new kingdom and new people with those who have been sealed
⑧ God and the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world come down to Shincheonji
⑨ The wedding banquet of the spirits and flesh
⑩ Participate in the first resurrection
⑪ The era of God’s reign
- ① What is the most important work Jesus promised in Revelation, and ② how is it fulfilled?
① the creation of the new kingdom and new people, the 12 tribes of Shincheonji
② by harvesting and sealing those born of God’s seed and registering [them] in the 12 tribes
- If one knows Shincheonji properly, he can ① know what? And what is ② the reason for this?
① New Covenant Revelation
② because Shincheonji has been created exactly as it is recorded in Revelation, without adding or subtracting from it
- According to Mt 13 and Rv 22, at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation, what kind of person is ① orthodoxy and ② heresy, respectively?
① Orthodoxy: one who has been harvested, one who has mastered Revelation
② Heresy: one who has not been harvested, one who has added to and subtracted from Revelation
- If one wants to enter the kingdom of heaven, there are 5 things that need to be fulfilled for them. What are these 5 things?
① Be born of God’s seed
② Be harvested
③ Be sealed
④ Be registered to the twelve tribes
⑤ Master the book of Revelation
- The events of Revelation ①begins with what and ② are completed by what in the end?
① Seven messengers of the Tabernacle of seven golden lampstands who prepare the way.
② The tree of life that bears 12 kinds of fruits every month
- Shincheonji is the reality of the new kingdom 12 tribes promised in the Bible. What are the three things that testify about this?
① The promises in the Bible
② The events that appeared according to the promises
③ Oneself that is created according to the promises
- What is ①the most important prophecy in the 66 books of the Bible? ②What chapter of that prophecy is the most important, ③what is the reason?
① The book of Revelation
② Rev 21
③ because it is the promise of God’s purpose about the creation of new heaven and new earth
- ①Who ate the revealed word at the time of first coming and ②time of the second coming, and to whom was it preached? Write with the reference verses.
① First coming: Jesus, to the rebellious Israelites, Ez 3, Mt 15:24
② Second coming: New John, churches who are within sin, Rev 10, Rev 22:8, Rev 22:16
- From ①whom do we need to learn Revelation today, ②what is the reason, and write ③the three verses that testify about this.
① The promised pastor of the New Testament (New John, The one who overcomes)
② because he has seen and heard the fulfilment of all the events of Revelation
③ Rev 10, Rev 22:8, Rev 22:16