General Knowledge Flashcards
Sighting of a target, non friendly aircraft, landmark
Achieving visual reference to a terrain feature or tagert mark
-Sighting of friendly aircraft or ground position
Running profile
- Level Forward flight, effective in medium altitude. 15-45 degree offset
- Achieve accurate Plunging fire
Hover Fire
- Most commonly used with PGM employment
- Accuracy is sacrificed
Diving Fire
-Most accurate type of fire for unguided ordnance
Low Altitude pop-up fire
- Maximize the benefits of both running and diving fire
- Medium to high threat environment
- Accuracy reduced by shrinking the beaten zone
Low Altitude Profile
Run in 2.2-2.0m -200' or lower HAT -100-130 kias -offset 15-45 degrees Pop: 1.8-1.5 -300 to 700' HAT -800m, Fire Pull off NLT 300m
Medium Alttude Profile
Enter: 1500'HAT -LSC to 60 kias 1.5km out Tip: 1.1km 45%Q -0.8 fire Pulloff: NLT 0.3km
Racetrack Patterm
-any number of A/c
-Continuous fire may be placed on the target using any type of weapon
-Easily controlled
tgt only covered from one direction
-Able to place enfilade on the entire attack formation from one position
-Requires modification due to moving tgts
Offset Racetrack Pattern
Pull off types
- descending
- level
- climbing
Weapons free
aircrews may fire at tgts not positively identified as friendly
Weapons tight
Aircrews may fire only at tgts ID’d as hostile
Weapons hold
May not fire except in self-defense or in response to formal order