General Knowledge Flashcards
The mission of the Air Force Junior ROTC Program is to _____. (CHB pg 4)
b. develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.
- The goal(s) of the program is/are to _____. (CHB pg 4)
a. Instill values of citizenship & service to the US
b. Develop personal responsibility
c. Instill a sense of accomplishment in HS students
d. All of the answers
- The first line of the AFJROTC Cadet Creed is _____. (CHB pg 4)
a. I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet
- What are the first four words of the Cadet Honor Code? (CHB pg 5)
c. We will not lie
- The AFJROTC curriculum is divided into _____ categories. (CHB pg 6)
c. 3
- The curriculum categories for AFJROTC are _____. (CHB pg 6)
a. Aerospace Science, Leadership Education, Wellness/Fitness
- For a cadet to advance from AS-100 to AS-200, they must attain the rank of _____? (CHB pg 6)
c. C/A1C
- For cadets to advance from AS-200 to AS-300, they must attain the rank of_______. (CHB pg 6)
a. C/SSgt
- For cadets to advance from AS-300 to AS-400, they must attain the rank of________. (CHB pg 6)
d. C/MSgt or C/Officer
- Cadets who fail______or more classes will be removed from JROTC at the end of the semester. (CHB pg 6)
b. 2
- Which of the following is not grounds for dis-enrollment from JROTC? (CHB pg 6)
d. Tardy 9 or more times
- Hazing, bullying, or______ in any form, at any time, is strictly forbidden. (CHB pg 7)
a. Physical punishment
- What is the second Core Value? (CHB pg 5)
c. Service Before Self
- The Corps Commander shoulder cord is what color? (CHB pg 21)
d. Gold
- The Inspector General shoulder cord is what color? (CHB pg 21)
a. Red
- The Squadron Commander shoulder cord is what color? (CHB pg 21)
b. Dark Blue
- Which branch of the military is the OK-81” associated with? (CHB pg 1)
c. Air Force
- “We will not lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerate among us anyone who does.” is the Corps______. (CHB pg 5)
c. Honor Code
- How many retired Air Force instructors does the OK-81” currently have? (general knowledge)
c. 3
- What does JROTC stand for? (CHB pg 1)
c. Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
When is the Air Force’s birthday? (general knowledge)
d. September 18, 1947
Of the following, which after-school activity does OK-81st not have? (CHB pg 8&9)
d. Marksmanship team
The Air Force Core Values are _____. (CHB pg 5)
a. Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do
The JLAB questions are a mix of JROTC curriculum, English, Math, science, and _____. (CHB pg 9)
a. Current Events
For a cadet to participate in CIA trips they must _____. (CHB pg 10)
a. Be passing all classes, have a B or higher in JROTC, and meet all uniform/haircut standards on the day of the trip.
The Air Force instruction/manual that provides responsibilities and standards for dress and personal appearance is
_____. (CHB pg 11)
a. Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-2903
The Air Force instruction/manual that describes the movements and procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies,
reviews, and parades is _____.
c. Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 36-2203
The purpose of _____ is to promote interest in AFJROTC and provide the opportunity to become more involved
in your school and community. (CHB pg 8)
c. Leadership Development Requirements (LDRs)
Cadets who wish to become cadet officers must _____. (CHB pg 26)
a. Attain C/MSgt or higher; have a 2.7 GPA or higher; be passing all classes; score 70% or higher on the Cadet Officer Qualification Test.
Which of the following is not one of the listed criteria for officer promotions? (CHB pg 29)
b. Current semester GPA of 2.5 or higher
If a cadet officer remains on the eligibility (failing) roster for more than _____ consecutive weeks or _____ weeks
total in a semester, they will lose their current cadet officer rank and revert to the last rank they held. (CHB pg 29)
c. 3;6
Effective _____ starts with responsible _____. (CHB pg 2)
b. Leadership; Followership
The _____ is the waiver authority for all local guidance in the cadet handbook (CHB pg 2)
_____ is the “moral compass” or inner voice; the voice of self-control; the basis for the trust imperative in the
leadership of OK-81st
. (CHB pg 5)
c. Integrity
Cadets meeting the C/MSgt and C/SMSgt promotion board must recite the 30-step drill sequence with no more
than _____ errors. (CHB pg 75)
C. 3
Rule following, respect for others, discipline and self-control, and faith in the system of procedures that govern the
OK-81st are all listed behaviors of which Air Force Core Value? (CHB pg 5)
d. Service Before Self
The Air Force Core Value that directs us to develop a sustained passion for continuous improvements and
innovations that will propel the OK-81 into a long-term upward spiral of accomplishments and performances is
_____. (CHB pg 5)
c. Excellence in All We Do
The AFJROTC Leadership Development Requirements (LDRs) are divided into three Tiers. These Tiers are
_____. (CHB pg 8 & 9)
c. Tier 1: STEM-Based; Tier 2: Activity-Based; Tier 3: Unit-Based
The only way to wear the uniform is _____. (CHB pg 11)
c. Proudly and properly
Cadets who are absent on a uniform wear day must wear the uniform on the _____ back to school. (CHB pg 11)
a. First day
If the wind chill temperature is _____ degrees Fahrenheit or lower, cadets may wear a civilian jacket over their
uniform, headgear, and gloves to and from school. (CHB pg 11)
c. 32
Under the Advanced Enlistment post-graduation benefit, cadets who complete at least _____ year(s) of JROTC
may be entitled to advanced promotion to the grade of at least an E-2. (CHB pg 10)
b. 2
To successfully pass the C/MSgt and C/SMSgt promotion board, cadets must score at least _____ points for
C/MSgt and _____ points for C/SMSgt. (CHB pg 77)
a. 20;23
AS100 cadets wishing to compete for a Flight Sergeant position, must go through a five-part selection process.
(CHB pg 78)
b. False
Which of the following are not defined as “extracurricular activities” in the cadet handbook? (CHB pg 83)
d. Any non-school related competitive sport
AS100 Cadets wishing to compete for a Flight Sergeant position must have at least a _____ percentile or higher on
a Physical Fitness Test (PFT). (CHB pg 78)
b. 40
Cadets may wear the uniform while participating in student demonstrations. (CHB pg 15)
b. False
Cadets meeting the C/MSgt Promotion Board will be asked the following questions, except _____. (CHB pg 75)
d. How do you see yourself as a role model to the younger cadets?
Cadets meeting the C/SMSgt Promotion Board will be asked the following questions, except _____. (CHB pg 75)
d. Why do you feel you deserve to be promoted?
Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We do are known as _____. (CHB pg 5)
c. The Air Force Core Values
The Cadet Honor Code emphasizes that _____ is a common standard of the Cadet Corps. (CHB pg 5)
c. Honor
If any dress and appearance standard in the cadet handbook is inconsistent with AFI 36-2903, the _____ will take
precedence. (CHB pg 11)
b. AFI