Drill and Ceremonies Flashcards
What should you look for in a command voice? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 12-13)
a. Qualities of loudness and projection
b. Qualities of distinctness and inflection
c. Snap
d. All answers
On the command Present, ARMS, execute the first count of hand salute. Count two of hand salute is performed
when given the command _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 20)
b. Order, ARMS
What is the distance for cover in formation? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 27)
a. 40-inch distance
On the command is Right Flank, MARCH, the cadet takes _____ more step(s) and pivots _____ degrees to the
right. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 24)
b. 1;90 degrees
Flags flown from stationary flagstaffs are saluted ______. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 100)
e. At Reveille, Retreat, and special occasions
The Airman takes one more 24-inch step with the right (left) foot. He or she then brings the trailing foot to a
position so both heels are on line. The cadence is continued by alternately raising and lowering each foot. The
balls of the feet are raised 4 inches above the ground. Normal arm swing is maintained. This best describes which
command? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 23)
c. Mark Time
For drill purposes, “Count, OFF” is executed only _____ while in line formation. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 33)
d. From right to left
In a four-element flight, when performing the movement “Column Right, MARCH,” how many 24-inch steps
does the third element leader take between pivots? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 35)
b. 2
At the position of attention, place the heels together with the feet turned out equally, forming a ______ angle.
(AFMAN 36-2203 pg 15)
c. 45 Degree
The arrangement of elements side-by-side with the guide and element leaders at the head, is what formation?
(AFMAN 36-2203 pg104)
d. Column Formation
The arrangement of elements one behind the other with the guide and element leaders to the extreme right flank, is what formation? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 104)
a. Line Formation
In marching, the Air Force flag is dipped in salute when approximately _____ from the front of the person entitled
to the salute. It resumes carry when approximately _____ beyond the person. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 99)
c. 6 paces; 6 paces
On the command, Double Time, MARCH, the cadet steps off with the left foot, forearms in a horizontal position,
cup’s the hands, and begins an easy run of 180 steps per minute with a _____ step, measured from heel to heel?
(AFMAN 36-2203 pg 23)
d. 30 inch
When marching in quick time and on the command _____ (given as either foot strikes the ground), the Airman
takes one more step in quick time and then steps off in double time. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 23)
b. Double Time, MARCH
On the command, Column Left, MARCH, the third element leader in a four-element flight will _____ (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 36)
a. Take 1 step, turn 45 degrees, take 4 steps at 24 inches each, and pivots 45 degrees
The element leaders march _____ of their elements in Inverted Column Formation. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg104)
a. At the rear
To inspect the flight, it must be in what formation? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 46)
b. Line
What is the proper way to count cadence? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 14)
To execute a slight direction to the right, the command _____ is given. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 38)
c. Incline to the right
Which of the following describes proper arm swing while marching at Quick Time? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 22)
Cup the hands with the thumbs pointed down. Swing the arms six inches to the front (measured
from the rear of the hand to the front of the thigh) and three inches to the rear (measured from the front of the hand to the rear of the thigh). Arms hang straight but not stiff and swing the arms naturally.
In formation, members do not salute or return salutes unless given the command _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 20)
c. Present, ARMS
A salute is required when a cadet is outside in uniform and encounters any active duty or retired officer who is
also in uniform. (CHB pg 22)
a. True
The retreat ceremony serves a twofold purpose. It signals the end of the official duty day and serves as a ceremony for paying respect to the flag. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 91)
a. True
To form the flight in column formation, the command “FALL IN” is given. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 27)
b. False
In uniform, when the national anthem plays you stand at parade rest facing the flag. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 101)
b. False
Cadets competing for a Flight Sergeant position must memorize the _____-Step Drill sequence? (CHB pg 78)
c. 30
When in civilian or athletic clothing outdoors and the National Anthem is playing, members of the Armed Forces
and veterans who are present may ________. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 101)
c. Render the military salute
On the command “Forward, MARCH”, cadets will step off straight ahead with the left foot, taking a _____ inch step (measured from heel to heel), placing the heel on the ground first. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 22)
c. 24
The middle point of a formation. On an odd-numbered front, it is the center person or element. On an even-numbered front, it is the right center person or element. This is known as _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 103)
a. Center
On which element or file is a movement planned, regulated, or aligned? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 103)
d. The base
The two parts of a military command are what? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 11)
c. Preparatory and Command of Execution
The rate of marching at 60 steps per minute (used in funeral ceremonies) is _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 104)
d. Slow Time
In backward march, the cadet takes _____ inch steps (starting with the left foot) and maintains normal arm swing
(AFMAN 36-2203 pg 44)
c. 12
Which of the following is NOT a position of rest? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 16)
c. Standby
Are Public Displays of Affection (PDA) allowed in JROTC? (CHB pg 15)
c. Yes, but no while wearing the JROTC uniform.
When in a Line formation and on the command, “Count, OFF,” _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 33)
All element leaders except the guide, turn their heads and eyes 45 degrees to the right, and all element leaders call out ONE in a normal tone of voice. After the element leaders call out ONE, Airmen in the next file turn their heads and eyes in unison to the front and call out TWO. This procedure continues until all files are numbered
To execute present guidon when at carry while marching or at a halt, _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 55)
On the preparatory command Present or Eyes, the guidon bearer raises the guidon vertically until the right arm is fully extended. At the same time, the left hand is brought smartly across the chest
to guide the staff. On the command of execution ARMS or RIGHT, the guidon bearer lowers the guidon straight to the front with the right arm extended and the staff resting in the pit of the arm, cutting the left hand away smartly to the left side
The correct place for an officer, NCO, or airman to stand while in formation is _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 104)
a. Post
The uniform step and rhythm in marching; that is, the number of steps marched per minute. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg
b. Cadence
The total space from front to the rear of any formation. It is considered to be 12 inches for individuals. (AFMAN
36-2203 pg 103)
a. Depth
On the command Flight in “Flight, ATTENTION” cadets will assume what position? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 17)
b. Parade Rest
To direct an individual cadet to return to the flight formation after being called out, the command is _____.
(AFMAN 36-2203 pg 33)
b. Return to ranks
To form a single file when in a column of two or more elements, the command is _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 38)
c. “Column of Files from the Right (Left), Forward, MARCH”
The command is “To the Rear, MARCH”, given as the heel of _____ strikes the ground. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 24)
b. The right foot
To resume quick time from double time, the command is “Quicktime, MARCH”, given as _____ strikes the ground. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 22-23)
c. Either foot
The command is “Double Time, MARCH”. When marching in quick time and on the command MARCH, given
as _____ strikes the ground, the cadet takes one more step in quick time and then steps off in double time.
(AFMAN 36-2203 pg 23)
c. Either foot
The command “Mark Time, MARCH” is called on _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 23)
c. Either foot
The command is “Right (Left) Step, MARCH” given only from a halt and for moving short distances. To halt
from the right (left) step, the preparatory command and command of execution are given as _____. (AFMAN
36-2203 pg 24)
a. The heels come together
The command “Open Ranks, MARCH” is given to a four-element flight. On the command MARCH, the fourth
element will _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 35)
a. Stand fast and automatically execute an immediate Dress Right Dress
To halt from a quick time, the command is _____, given as either foot strikes the ground. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 22)
c. “Flight, HALT”
A flight is composed of how many elements? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 104)
c. At least two, but not more than four, elements
The command is “Right, FACE”. On the command FACE, _____ and pivot 90 degrees to the right. (AFMAN
36-2203 pg 17)
b. Raise the right toe and left heel
What is the prescribed distance measured from heel to heel between the feet of an individual marching? (AFMAN
36-2203 pg 105)
b. Step
What is the basic formation; that is, the smallest drill unit? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 104)
a. Element
What is the space occupied by a unit, measured from flank to flank? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 104)
b. Front
What is the leading unit of a column? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 104)
d. Head
Alignment of elements side to side or in line maintaining proper interval (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 104)
a. Dress
The lowering of the United States Flag from a stationary flagstaff, where music is played, is coordinated with the
playing of the music so that the two are completed when? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 92)
a. At the same time
How many times is the command “Column Right, MARCH” given during the 30-step drill sequence? (CHB pg
B. 4
The salute is rendered indoors only when.. (CHB pg 22)
a. Cadets are in formation
b. Participating in a ceremony
c. Reporting to the SASI
d. All of the above
The command is “Parade, REST”. On the command REST, the cadet will _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 16)
b. Raise the left foot from the hip just enough to clear the ground and move it smartly to the left so the heels are 12 inches apart, as measured from the inside of the heels
At the position of Parade Rest, the arms are _____ (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 16)
b. Fully extended, to the back of the body, uncupping the hands in the process; and extend and join the fingers, pointing them toward the ground. The palms will face outwards. Place the right hand in the palm of the left, right thumb over the left to form an “X”
The command “FALL IN” is given to a flight without a guidon bearer., On the command “FALL IN”, the first element leader takes a position facing the flight sergeant and to the left of the flight sergeant so the first element will fall in centered and _____ paces from the flight sergeant. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 27)
b. 3
The command is “At Close Interval, FALL IN”. While in this formation, the only command that may not be given
is _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 29)
d. “Open Ranks, MARCH”
The command “Right(Left) Step, MARCH” is given only _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 24)
c. From a halt and for moving short distances
What is Dress and Cover? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 103)
c. Alignment
The space between individuals placed side by side. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 104)
d. Interval
The rate of marching at 100 to 120 steps per minute. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 104)
b. Quick Time
The extreme right or left side of a formation in line or column. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 104)
c. Flank
The arrangement of units one behind the other with the guide and element leaders to the extreme left flank.
b. Inverted Line
When outdoors, if a Cadet enlisted member encounters a Cadet officer, who salutes first? (CHB pg 22 )
b. The Cadet enlisted
The Flight Sergeant forms the flight in line formation and commands an “About, FACE.” What formation are the
cadets in? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 28)
b. Inverted Line Formation
The Flight Sergeant forms the flight in line formation and commands “Left, FACE.” What formation are the
cadets in? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 26)
d. Inverted Column Formation
The command is “Left, FACE”. On the command FACE, _____ and pivot 90 degrees to the right. (AFMAN
36-2203 pg 17)
d. Raise the left toe and the right heel
The Flight Sergeant forms the flight in line formation and commands “Parade, REST.” What formation are the
cadets in? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 16)
a. Line Formation
What type of command is “PREPARE FOR INSPECTION”? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 11)
a. Informational
To change the direction of a column by 45 degrees, the command _____ is given. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 37)
a. Column Half Right(Left), MARCH
The execution of the command “Present, ARMS” is completed in how many counts? (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 20)
b. 1
The command is “Column of Files From the Right, Forward, MARCH”. In a three-element formation, the third
element leader will give the command _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 38)
Which of these best describes the proper way to execute the command “Change Step, MARCH.” (AFMAN
36-2203 pg 38)
a. The Airman takes one more 24-inch step with the left foot. Then in one count, place the ball of the right foot alongside the heel of the left foot, suspend arm swing, and shift the weight of the body to the right foot. Step off with the left foot in a 24-inch step, resuming coordinated arm swing
- To resume quick time from double time, the command is Quick Time, MARCH, with ____ steps between commands. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 23)
C. 4
On the command “FALL IN”, the second, third, and fourth element leaders will fall in behind the first element
leader, execute a(n) _____ and _____. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg 27)
d. Automatic dress right dress; visually establish a 40-inch distance.