General Inspection & Integument Flashcards
The General Survey includes (11 things)…
- Apparent state of health
- Level of consciousness
- Signs of distress
- Skin color and obvious lesions
- Dress/grooming/personal hygeine
- Facial Expression
- Odors of the body/breath
- Posture/gait/motor activity
- Height and weight
- Waist circumference
Anatomic Position
- erect body
- Feet parallel
- eyes forward
- arms to sides
- palms forward
A flat surface passing through the body and dividing it into segments
Coronal/Frontal Plane
Passing longitudinally through body from one side to the other dividing the body into anterior and posterior portions
Sagittal Plane
Passing longitudinally through the body from front to back and diving it into right and left portions
Transverse/Horizontal Plane
Passing horizontally through the body diving it into upper and lower portions
- imaginary line about which motions occur
- axes are perpendicular to the anatomic plane
Anterior-Posterior Axis
- runs perpendicular to the coronal/frontal plane
- sidebending
Transverse Axis
- runs perpendicular to the sagittal plane
- flexion and extension
Longitudinal Axis
- runs perpendicular to the transverse plane
- rotation
- Position of the body, distribution of body mass in relation to gravity
- Ideal posture and alignment is in relation to the gravitational line
Gravitational Line
- in viewing the patient from the side, an imaginary line in a coronal plane which starts at or slightly anterior to the lateral malleolus, passes across the lateral condyle of the knee, the greater trochanter, through the lateral head of the humerus at the tip of the shoulder to the external auditory meatus
- if through the body, it would intersect body of third lumbar vertebra (L3 or L2), and anterior sacrum
Posture Compensation
- occurs in all three planes of body motion to keep the body balanced and eyes level
- spinal compensation involves proprioception from tendons and muscles as well as vestibular information from the semicircular canals and integrates this information with the information from the eyes
Step Length
heel of right foot to heel on left foot
Stride length
heel on right foot to heel on right foot
Skin, Hair, Nails: what are we looking for?
- Skin: color, uniformity, thickness, symmetry, hygiene, lesions, orders
- Hair: color, distribution, density, texture, fragility
- Nails: pigmentation of nail plates and nail beds, length, symmetry, surface changes (peeling, pitting, ridging)