General info for final Flashcards
why is middle east term imperfect
- eurocentric perspective
- euro made borders
- should it be the ME and north africa, asia etc
Regions and nationality in the ME
arabs, iranian, turkish
- mostly all muslim: sunni majority
-shia (iran) and most jewish people are in Israel
- smaller sect of christians
Four Power blocs
Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel
Iranian Bloc (against Iran)
Iraq, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, they are Anti west
Saudi Bloc
Iraq, Egypt (sunni), they are Pro west
emerges in euro mostly britain, was jewish solution, to create jewish nation state
From the late 1800s onward immigration to jewish country
Belfour declaration
1917 brits support zionism, facilitate immigration arab supression
Hamas history
2006: win PA elections , Israel refused to recognize victory tries oust govt and institutes blockade
- rockets from gaza mreo frequent longer range
- IDF missile defense Iron dome periodically bombards gaza mowing the lawn
2007: hamas fatah civil war hams gets gaza and fatah has west bank
2023: al aqsa flood (armed attack on israel kills 100 israeli civilians
Political Islam wants to change society to fit sharia law.
- about changing society government politics, and culture to match notions of Islamic law
- Two main poles ↓
modern: iran and muslim brotherhood
antimodern: salafi and wahabi movements
- islam a region of 2 billion muslims globally
Modernist islamism
- Iranian (shia) and Muslim brotherhood (sunni)
- Four primary types: con quiestist not political, con democrats social and political, Jihadi (armed struggle), progressive democrats (liberal and post Islamist)
- HAMAS Palestine, Freedom and justice Egypt, etc
Anti Modernist islamism
- Salafi wahabi movements Sunni
- four types can blend same as the modernists
- arguably technically not isalmist
- Al quida, ISIS, Taliban
Iranian revolution
Human security
human centric lense not focused on states of international relationships
- policy-oriented technocratic can be apolitical
- draws attention to refugees, displaced people, conflicts, violations by regimes, high prices on food, scarce water access, poverty unemployment, gender inequalities
Responsibility to Protect and Universal declaration of human rights
politics of the people of the populace
- political forms below appealing to and involving ordinary people typically outside conventional political institutions
- protest and social movements can popular politics
- can be secular, religous, reformist, readical, grassroots, non state, non military
Civil resistance studies
-arab spirng
- pwoer understood as cooperative action
methods (demonstrations, direction, strikes, boycotts)
-dynamic backfire, change from below
Gramscian hegemony
- about struggle fro hearts and minds
- look at how violence in framed in politics
Tunisia 2010
- fruit vendor seen corruption of the state, set himself on fire outside of the government building
- waves of popular protests spread to egypt then arab world
success story democratic institutions take root - At first the Tunisian president Zine el-Abidine bin Ali ruling over a quarter of a century tried to pacify the protesters in a pattern that was repeated time after time in the arab world
Promised 300,000 new jobs, new parliamentary elections, and a national dialoue
Jan 14 2011 political leaders and military said enough, army resigned bin Ali and appointed his prime minister to lead caretaker
Protests forced the appointment of another prime minister
It was in the first ever in modern arab world to bring down the autocrat
arab uprisings
- mass unarmed uprisings: tunisia, egypt, bahrain, yemen
- major protests leading to civil war Libya syria
- minor protests in jordan, morocco, palestine, iraq, saudi arabia
- a historical moment of optimism and excitement of change
Jan 25th
honorary police day, corrupt police, demostrations happen on this day protesting corruption
Then Asmaa Mahfouz went viral whole country joined in protest, dictatorships must end
- 2011 100,000 protestors kill kairos tahrir square and other squares across country
5 causes of arab spring
- neoliberalism (more freemarkets more industroy sell to private sphere, roll back on social welfares
- human rights, global proliferation, rise after ww2 different norms on human rights
- regime brittleness, they were clsoed systemed, nepotisism less durable and resistant
-demographics of young increasing, half population in gaza is 18 or younger
Egypt arab spring
- revolutionary gains, reactionary setbacks, military reasserts control in 2013 popilar support then unprecedented oppression, military sided with the people and turned on president originally
- jan 28th mubarak sends army they are greeted as heros they kept the peacea nd stopped the police violence
- feb 9th genreal strikes seize economy
feb 11 the president is resigning tried by the military and time is up forced out by the military after 30 years of power
free presidental election in 2012
Bahrain arab spring
- tiny island monarchy mass popular uprising crushed by saudi intervention
Yemen arab spring
- saudi backed regime resists change, eventually Houthis take over, popular coup
- 2014: saudis begin bombing blocked ongoing (western backed)
Libya arab spring
protests escalate into armed strugggle
- un intervention rsp colonel gaddafi killed, country fractures rvial gov
- civil war, proxy war
Syria arab spring
- slow state becomes broad based withstands months of crackdown, militaries early 2012 cril war, proxy war, ISIS refugee crisis
- march protests erupt Daraa and Baniyas
- gov crackdown backfrie protests spread to other towns
resistance and repression escalate through year
sectarian and ethnic divides - coup proofing and street cred
Egypt case study
- 85 million
- long hisotry of popular protest until military revolution in 1952
- after 1978 militant (jihadi) Islamism challenges the state
-muslism brotherhood remains peaceful, still repressed from 1952-2011, 2013 present - 2000s popular poltics and civil resistance begin challenging president Mubarak
- egypt was a success story at first, then dictator military did return
- 2011-2013 when mubarak fell (30 years) and this is when the muslim brotherhood came out pocket of social movements
Syria case study
- Population is 21 million damascus 2.5 million
- Advanced health, education systems but increasingly strained (breakdown of ruling bargain)
-Heterogeneous population - 75 sunni
- 13 alwai shia
- 12 christian
- 1970 last of 10 coups install preident hafez al asad for life
- 1982 armed MB revolt in hama 20,000 MB and supporter killed
- 2000 Hafez dided son Bashar inherits a modest reformer initiates
- 2000-2001 damascus spring
Syrias descent into war
- summer 2011: militant opposition forming outside country
- aug 2011 west says asad must go
- late 2011 armed groups forming across country (Islamist and secular)
- west, trukey, gulf states back and arm opposition
- since 2012 100,000 killed millions displaced
2014-2018 rise and fall of ISIS
2016 present regime increasingly secured
Cairo arab spring
- april 6 youth movement began their occupation of tahrir square in Cairo
- youth facebook called for generla strike to support striking workers at state run textile factory
- he general strike failed giving lie to the miraculous powers frequently ascribed to facebook and other social media by breathless western commentators
- On feb 11, 2011 the army took matters into its own hands it deposed president Hosni Mubarak and est a new government under the supreme council of the armed forces
Syrian women
- wars are gendered both in causes and consequences
- women have played influential role in their work at grassroot level in peace biilding in various areas including healthcare nutrion education, democracy and post war justice
- sexual and gender based violence early marriages, economic strife, psychological scarring
Canadas Israel policy
- stephen harper pro israel position
- trudeau trying to set new tone fro israel politics
- has trudeau moved policy back has reinforced by changed
- the reality is that relations with israel is not vital to canadas national interest, but interests with britian and america are
- the chretien gov faced domestic critism for its participation in the 2001 un world conference against racism, focused on Is-pal conflict cirticizing israel
- zionism as racism and israel as an apartheid state
Status of women in the ME
- low female labour income and independence
- saudi women cannot drive without male guardian can vote in local elections
- bahrani women can work only 8 pm to 4 am cant initiate divorce
- in 2012 more women then men attending uni in seven arab countries
Tunisian street vendor
Muhammad Bouazizi
2011 Tunisian president
Zine el-Abidine Bin ali ruled over a quarter of a century
- military resigned him and appointed prime minister to caretake, then protests forced another prime minister to be appointed
Feb 11 2011 Cairo
- army deposed president Hosni Mubarak and est a new government under the supreme council of the armed forces
Syrian refugees
- the Us has taken in far less number of syrain refugees then euro nations. like germany and sweden
- they have imposed a ban on the resettlement of syrian refugees as of now
Syrian uprisings
- first week of march 2011 secuirty focus arrested ten school childern aged fiften or younger in Daraa
- they were tortued and imprisoned
- protests attacking gov buildings
gov sent delegation to meet with community members, soon after meetings secuyrity foreced murder and fiften worshippers at local mosque - Syrian uprsing spread to all cities and towns
- the president and his inner circle held all power
- the state owned all broadcast and licensed all newpapers, they owned free speak for a while and then took that right away
- the state held 2.5 to 3 thousand politcal prisoners who never faced trial
banned the use of kurdish - syria is a heterogenous population is extremely cultural and ethnically diverse
- education was monitored, travel was banned whose who were deemed dangerous
- privatization spawned circle of capitalists access to gov
- syrian uprisings turned into a proxy war for iran and saudi arabia
- it became sectariamism, regime shfited tactic to heavy artillery
-tanks gunships, sinpers etc, cutting off the city - proved incapable of uprooting resistance
ISIS stand for
Islamic state of Iran and Syria
- Isis is a off shoot of Al quiada, however was more secular then Al quida
- ISIS was defined as uprooting whose who were fake muslims, and agressively anti west
- they would kill muslims Al quida did not do that
- they began to gain attention for their social media presence, beheadings and slogans like End of Skyes Picot, which is a anti west anti colonial slogan, taking about state sanctioned borders created by the west
Iranian revolution
- Shah Pahlavi dictator after the US coup to overthrow democratically elected prim minister
- 1979 to present is a Theocratic republic (dictator regime)
- 1978-79 Shah falls and Khomeini returns for exile, US seeks to subvert new gov
- 1980 west backed saddam Hussein Iraq attacks and invades Iran
Syrian Political background
- 1970 10 coupd and installs
- last one is Hafez al asad and his children will succeed him
- Hafez dies and son Bashar inherits a modest reformer initates
- 2000-2001, hope that regime will change with new son, damascus spring termed, top down openings of free speech, but this is taken away
- they are a key ally of Iran and Russia
- Us is scared of communism spreading
when does ISIS rise to power and fall
- 2006 established and 2018 mostly defeated by an international military coalition
- 2014-2016 draws recruits from around the world, inspiring terror attacks in Europe
- those who aren’t seen as Muslim, declaring another Muslim a infidel or unbeliever
- offshoot of salfi jihadist Islamism
Controversy with ISIS allegations
- evidence tha the west supported rise of ISIS the enemy of my enemy is my friend allowing it to rise indirectly arming the movement, funding and aiding it
- in order to try and control Syria and Iran which were increasingly anti west sentiments
- this is reminiscent of the 1980s policy to support jihadis in Afghanistan who became Taliban and Al Qaida
Saudi Arabia
- population 25 million
-pro west relationship - home of Mecca and medina, two pillars of Islam
- Ruled by the House of Saud dynasty
- Very oil-rich, which is a reason behind the Iran conflict
- number 1 buyer of Western arms
Saudi vs Iran
- Regional Hegemony since 1970
-Oil producing rivals (two largest reserves in the world - Suadi is pro-west and Iran anti-west policies
- Saudis quietly cooperation with Israel
- Since Iran nuclear deal under Obama Saudis feared west would abandon special relationship
Iran and Saudi Cold war
- Syrian proxy war since 2011
- Yemen proxy war
- Qatar blockade
- Levanon politics
- international system
- internal and externa
- two legal exception for use of force: self defense and UNSC authorization
- some argue for more intervention in glboal war on terror
- humanitarian goals
- Intervention has a distrous record from iran 1953 and Afghanistan 1980s to iraq 2003 and Libya 2011
- ME arguably msot intervened upon region in the world over last 100 years
ME borders
- most borders have been stable fro 100 years
- they didnt make sense because they split up cultural groups and grouped some into one country
- aspect of colonialism
- major exception: Israel > broder undefined, disputed, colonized and currently changing, UN partition plan, border protests, border dispute with syria and egypt
Disputed ME borders
- Israel with egypt and syria in 1978 and 1967
- Kurdistan struggle with turkey, syria and Iraq
- Iraq and Iran war in 80s and gulf war 1990 both began with Iraqi territorial conquest
- Morocco western sahara since 1975
- egypt sudan for over 100 years
5 main reasons for arab spring
- regimes were unilaterally altering their ruling bargains (Hoban social contract), people were denied political freedom but provided socially (healthcare, housing etc, DO NOT CRITICIZE GOVERNMENT)
- they began to break down in the rise of neoliberalism, pressure on states to privatize, less public benefit - pushed austerity on public roll back health care etc
- demographics, youth budge 60% of population was under the age of 30
- 30-45% youth unemployment, got a lot of youth angery frustrated youth time on their hands - food crisis, leading to breakdown global foodcrisis majority droughts, massive spike in price of oil, rise in bio fuels, grains turning into oil, taking away grain from food
++++freedom dignity and bread - old regimes were increasingly brittle, narrow basis, operate in state of emergence never opened up government, it was nepotism
- proliferation of human rights norms, since ww2 declaration of human rights, torture and prisonment protection of human rights
- majority Shia islam sect
- is ruled by minorty sunni islam
- felt they were being oppressed and took to streets
- the GCC led by saudi arabia sent in the army, protests spot and locked up
- pearl roundabout was taken away and now is a freeway
- saudi arabia had meddeling in uprising to control government
- it looked like the president was going to step down
- 2014-2015 houthis led armed coup after no democratic rule
- saudis bombed country and emborgo etc
- yemen became worlds worst humanitarian disaster
- leader of libya was not in graces of west
- was too eager to arm opposition
- armed opposition, and air strikes
- a abuse of R2P even though it was legal
- regime war, and china and russia were upset thought they were protecting population and not going after the government for regime change
- libya awas collapsed slave markets, war proxy war
Why did Militant Jihandi Isalmism rise to power in egypt in 1978
- Peace with israel 1978 president Sadat
- changed dynamics in region
- was anti west, then this was shifted
- Israel bribed them, 1 billion a year, US funding
- never been violate
Muslim brotherhood in egypt
- remains peaceful still repressed from 1952-2011 then 2013- present
- 2000s popular politics and civil resistance begin to challenge president Mubarak
- MORSI after free elections in arab spring uprisings, they win democratic elections
- they were the most organized and prepare, thye never won with majority vote, but they had a lot of elected officals
- july 2013 the military retook control and overthrew MB
- MB governed that they had full support when they didnt and egyptians didnt like this
- they were popular at first but new military became most repressive in egyptian history
- 1000s of MB were massacred, pushed out, imprisoned and banished by military
- now SISI in power
Civil resistance studies and philosophy of non violence
- power understood as cooperative action
-methods (demonstrations, direct actio, strikes, boycotts)
-dynamic (backfire, change from below)
Social movement theory
- especially framing and dynamic of contention
Gramcian hegemony
-about struggle for hearts and minds
- chaning from below changing the way people mink
Ayatollah Khomeini
- popular opposition iran leader in exile
- pro liberation, anti colonial
- 1978 protests and revolution brought him into power
- the movement was unarmed and non violent
- popular politics, women’s movement, trades, popular and islamist struggle
- Khomeini came as a hero
Iranian revolution US response
- us seeks to subvert new gov leads to embassy takeover in fall
- the embassy in iran, revolutionaries stormed embassy and took workers hostage
- using embassy to subvert law is illegal, and storming embassies is also internationally illegal
- US backed Husseins (iraq) invasion of Iran
- neocolonial politics
Iraq vs Iran
- sept 1980 saddam hussein iraq attacks and invades iran setting odd largest conventional was post ww2
- under revolutionary guard islamic republic of iran becomes authoritarian
- non islamist excluded and repressed
- Iraq is scared that islamism is going to spread
- iraq is a large shia population
- pro west and anti west
First palestine Intifada
- a rising off or shaking off :1987-1993
- whole population rose up for years, refocused attention on colonization
- led to peace talks
- unarmed insurrections
- led to the Oslo accords which legitimised the PLO and created PA inside territories
- labour strikes, school strikes, taxation strikes, resigning from jobs, hunger strikes, illegal palestinian flags,
- radically democratic organization, grass roots, women fronted
- local level up