General infection review Flashcards
What is the most common infectious cause of vaginitis in general? In pregnancy?
BV for both
What are the Amsel criteria for diagnosis of BV?
Diagnosis is made if three of the following are present:
- homogeneous thin grey discharge coating vagina
- pH > 4.5
- positive whiff test
- clue cells seen on saline wet mount
Describe how the whiff test is performed.
Potassium hydroxide is added to a sample of vaginal discharge - if a fishy odour ensues, the whiff test is positive
When you send a vaginal swab to the lab, what score does the lab use to diagnose BV?
Nugent score (points awarded for presence of lactobacillus, gardnerella, bacteroides on Gram stain)
List two options for treatment of BV. What treatment modalities are contraindicated in pregnancy?
Flagyl 500 mg bid x7d
Flagyl 0.75% gel 5 g pv daily x5d
Clindamycin 300 mg bid x7d
Clindamycin 2% gel 5 g pv daily x7d
Vaginal treatments are contraindicated in pregnancy
List five exam findings or office tests supportive of a diagnosis of trichomoniasis.
Yellow-green malodorous discharge Patchy vaginal erythema Colpitis macularis (strawberry cervix) pH > 5 \+ whiff test Wet mount showing motile trichomonads
For which organisms must you also treat the patient’s sexual partner?
Define complicated vulvovaginal candidiasis.
- Recurrent (4+ episodes/y)
- Severely symptomatic
- Host is immune compromised
- Non-albicans species
What congenital anomaly is associated with oral fluconazole use in the first trimester of pregnancy?
Tetralogy of Fallot
What is the most common cause of ophthalmia neonatorum?
List three risk factors for chlamydial infection.
New partner Previous STI Street-involved Young age (< 25) Contact with a known case 2+ partners in the past 6m
When is a test of cure required following treatment of chlamydia?
In pregnancy
Which is more strongly linked to obstetrical complications: chlamydia or gonorrhea?
Gonorrhea - associated w/ PPROM, PTB, chorioamnionitis, postpartum infection, septic abortion, post-abortal PID
What are the risk factors for PID?
Age < 25
Previous PID
Recent upper genital tract instrumentation
What are the minimal & specific criteria for diagnosis of PID?
Minimal: uterine, adnexal, or cervical motion tenderness
Specific: laparoscopy w/ evidence of salpingitis/peritonitis (gold standard), endometrial biopsy showing endometritis, imaging showing hydrosalpinx/TOA