General, Fuel, Oil, Engine Fail ops. Flashcards
Flight in Icing conditions?
Minimum operational Equipment?
Instruments as specified in CAO 20.18
Any other instruments and indicators specified in the DA42 L360 AFM
Serviceable Autopilot (FTA req.)
Instruments and Lighting as specified in CAO 20.18
Any other instruments and indicators specified in the DA42 L360 AFM
Serviceable Autopilot (FTA req.)
All doors must be closed or in cooling gap when wind speeds are greater than?
Use of strobe lights?
Day: ON prior to engine start
Night: ON prior to lineup of departure runway
In Cloud: OFF If a distraction
Engine run up procedures:
Oil temperature Req. before runup?
Magneto drop out of limits?
Feather check?
Oil temp above 100F ; remaining engine parameters in limits.
a. slowly lean mixture until RPM peaks. then retard throttle to 2200RMP for the mag check. (repeat check)
b. drop less than 175 and diff. less than 50 with smooth running engine = serviceable
c. return mixture full rich
Only one Pitch lever is to be operated at a time.
The aircraft may be operated on which type of Surfaces?
Only to be operated on Sealed Aprons, taxiways and runways
(notify ATC in taxi call for East Departures
Parafield Runway 26/08 ops:
Use short field takeoff technique for Noise abatement and Set power to Climb prior to airport boundary.
Undercarriage FAIL to retract after takeoff:
a. Gear Handle select DOWN (Dont attempt recycle)
b 3 greens continue. If Gear unsafe Warning = operate Emergency gear extension.
c. Land as soon as possible
d. Vacate Runway and shut down on Taxiway.
(Contact FTA OPS and engineering)
Turbulent air Penetration speed:
FTA recommended
Training cruise 22”/2200 RPM +- 120kts mixture rich.
Consider altitude for maneuvering and disengaging Auto Pilot.
Tuning, identification and Testing of Nav aids
If ID is displayed no Morse code req.
a. to be identified using Morse code
b. must be tested (ADF window)
c. BRG 2 select to ADF
d. select mode ADF to ANT
e. ADF needle should deflect 90 degrees
f. Select mod ANT to ADF
Taxi Fuel? Climb Fuel? Fixed Reserve? Estimated Fuel burn / Hr? Fuel imbalance?
Taxi Fuel 3USG
Climb Fuel 26USG/HR
Fixed Reserve 14USG
Estimated Fuel burn / Hr 9.5USG/HR(24/2400 @5000ft)
Fuel imbalance? Max 5USG us cross feed as req.
When is the use of AUX fuel tanks required?
If fuel transfer is successful:
If fuel transfer is unsuccessful:
Short duration flights with empty AUX:
- with 20USG in main tanks select Fuel Transfer Pump On (confirmed by increase in main tank contents)
- If fuel transfer is successful:
a. switches may be selected off
b. Fuel transfer must be selected on when Main tank contents reach 17USG
c fuel transfer switch must stay on until AUX tank is empty. - If fuel transfer is unsuccessful:
a. determine fuel remaining in the main tanks
b. Land as soon as practicable and
c. after shutdown do not refuel (submit fault report)
4.Short duration flights with empty AUX:
verify tank levels on the ground by switching on the fuel transfer valve = if empty AUX TANK EMPTY annunciations will illuminate.
how to mixture lean ?
In cruise phase
use lean function to lean mixture until Peak temp Difference reaches zero then slowly enrich the mixture until a temperature difference of +- 100
For sectors shorter than 50nm lean to desired fuel flow
ensure no limitations are exceeded.
Oil Policy
max 8quarts min 6quarts (FTA recommended)
only add oil if below 6 quarts.
Intentional Engine Shutdown policy?
PROHIBITED below FTA limited Vsse of 90kts and an altitude of 3000ft
Engine temperature req. for feathering and un-feathering procedures:
Prior to simulating failure on the nominated engine (prior to simulating feather) ensure the CHT is reduced to at or below 300F
you may need to reduce power approximately 19”MAP on the selected engine to facilitate cooling.
** Use digital read out on MFD engine page
once the demonstration is complete and the un-feather procedure is complete set approximately 16”/2300RPM. setting a mid range pitch will facilitate warming the engine
Power should remain in the configuration until CHT reaches 200F from which normal engine operation can be continued.
How to simulate Engine Failure and set zero thrust?
Above 1500ft (cruise of Instrument approach) Mixture Lever slowly ICO
Below 1500ft (Circuits)
throttle slowly to IDLE
under no circumstances is the use of fuel starvation via he fuel cock , or any other means to be used.
Zero thrust set approx. 14”MAP
for mixture cut technique ensure throttle is at idle prior to setting mixture level to full rich.
Simulated engine failure after takeoff procedure?
duel exercise only and instructor is to set throttle to idle provided the following conditions are met:
a. undercarriage is up, gear unsafe light out and airspeed of not below 100kts
b. 300ft AGL (400ft YPPF) nose attitude will need ot be lowered to maintain 90kts
c. ATC has been advised when aircraft is operation within 5nm of controlled airport.
d. effort is needed to lower the nose attitude to about 2deg nose up in order to maintain 90kts
e. once the emergency drills are completed and single engine performance is achieved the simulated emergency is to be terminated.
f. Remain inside parafield CTR or terminate emergency if unable
g. there is no requirement to fly the complete asymmetric circuit.
What is Visual committal point?
visual and IFR
A point on the Final Approach above which a sage asymmetric go-around can be initiated. a. committal point is: 300ft AGL (400ft YPPF) Flap landing selection which ever occurs first.
b. For Precision Approach (ILS) the committal point is the published Decision Altitude (DA)
An asymmetric ILs must not be attempted if the weather minima are known to be below the committal point as mentioned in Paragraph a.
Practice of Asymmetric Touch and Go approach procedure?
Assy Touch and go approaches are not permitted at YPPF or airfields of similar runway length.
Assy full stop landings should be conducted.
total and usable fuel quantity?
total fuel: 2x 26usg + 2x 13.7usg AUX
usable fuel: 2x 25usg + 2x 13.2usg AUX
Max fuel: 79.4usg
max usable: 76.4usg