General Equilibrium Theory Flashcards
What is General Equilibrium Theory
The aim of general equilibrium theory is to look at the economy as a whole: brings
together consumers and producers who interact through markets.
Pure-Exchange Economy
Two commodities: x1 and x2 non-produced consumption goods
Two consumers: A and B who consume x1 and x2
Utility functions UA(x1A, x2A), UB(x1B, x2B)
Endowments: there is a fixed supply of the consumption goods as represented
by the consumers’ endowments w1A, w2A, w1B, w2B
Feasible Allocation
An allocation is said to be feasible if demand equals supply for both commodities:
x1A + x1B = w1A, w1B
x2A + x2B = w2A, w2B
Pareto Optimality
A feasible allocation is said to be Pareto optimal if there does not exist another
feasible allocation that makes one of the consumers better-off without making the
other consumer worse-off
Contract curve
shows the locus of Pareto optimal
Mathematical Derivation of Pareto optimality
Choose an allocation to maximise: UB(x1B, x2B) Subject to: UA(x1A, x2A) = UA x1A + x1B = w1A, w1B x2A + x2B = w2A, w2B
The Core of the Economy
The core is the set of Pareto optimal allocations that give both consumers at least as much utility as they obtain from their endowment bundles
General competitive equilibrium
An allocation and prices for the two commodities such that two conditions are satisfied:
i) both consumers are maximising utility subject to their budget constraints:
maxUA(x1A, x2A) s.t. p1x1A + p2x2A = mA = p1w1A + p2w2A
maxUB(x1B, x2B) s.t. p1x1B + p2x2B = mB = p1w1B + p2w2B
ii) markets clear (demand = supply)
x1A + x1B = w1A, w1B
x2A + x2B = w2A, w2B
First Theorem of Welfare Economics
The general competitive equilibrium allocation is Pareto optimal.
Modern statement of Adam Smith’s invisible hand metaphor.
The general competitive equilibrium allocation lies in the core.
Second Theorem of Welfare Economics
Any Pareto optimal allocation can be achieved via a general competitive equilibrium, provided the government can implement lump-sum transfers
An allocation can be Pareto efficient but also unfair
The Robinson Crusoe Economy
in which one person (Robinson) is both a consumer and a producer
Two commodities: c is the consumption good and L is the production input labour.
One consumer who consumes c and supplies L. Utility function is U(c, L)
One producer who produces c using L. Production function is c = f(L)
GCE for Robinson Crusoe Economy
an allocation and prices for consumption, p, and for labour, w, which satisfy the following
three conditions:
(i)The consumer is maximising utility subject to his budget constraint: max U(c, L) subject to pc = wL + π where π denotes the consumer’s profit income.
(ii) The producer is maximising profit subject to his technology constraint:
max π= pc - wL subject to c(f, L)
(iii) Demand equals supply for the consumption good and for labour