General Elements of Liability: Strict Liability Flashcards
What is strict liability?
- Where the defendant is found guilty without Mens Rea. Only Actus Reus is necessary
Name a case that concerns standard strict liability. What happened?
- Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Storkwain Ltd
- Pharmacist found guilty of supplying drugs without a valid prescription, even though they didn’t know that the signature had been forged
The defendant must be proved to have committed the Actus Reus and in most cases this must be voluntary. What is the oldest case that illustrates a situation in which the Actus Reus had been done involuntarily, but the defendant was still found guilty? What did this come to be known as?
- Larsonneur (1933)
- Absolute liability
What is absolute liability?
- Where no Mens Rea is required and the Actus Reus does not need to be voluntary
What is the other case concerning absolute liability? (as in not Larsonneur (1933). What happened?
- Winzar v Chief Constable of Kent (1983)
- Drunk man kicked out of hospital and then found guilt of being drunk on a highway, even though the police put him there
What happened in R v Prince (1975)?
- Defendant charged with taking an unmarried girl under 16 out of the possession of her father
- He believed her to be 18, but the conviction was upheld (strict liability)
What happened in R v Hibbert (1869)?
- Defendant charged with taking an unmarried girl under 16 out of the possession of her father
- Held - not guilty as he didn’t know the girl was in her father’s custody
How do R v Prince (1875) and R v Hibbert (1869) differ?
- In R v Prince the defendant knew that the girl in question was in her father’s custody, whereas the defendant in R v Hibbert didn’t
A defendant can be convicted of an offence where he voluntarily commits the Actus Reus, which then leads to to a prohibited consequence. In what case was this decided?
- Callow v Tillstone (1900)
What happened in Callow v Tillstone (1900)?
- Callow told by vet that a carcass was fit for human consumption
- It wasn’t
- Callow convicted
What is the defence of due diligence?
- The only real defence against strict liability offences, where a defendant can argue that they took all reasonable care to prevent the consequences
Name a case that illustrates strict liability in terms of age limiits
- Harrow London Borough Council v Shah & Shah (1999)
What happened in Harrow London Borough Council v Shah & Shah (1999)?
- Member of staff sold a lottery ticket to an underage boy
- Owners of shop found guilty as they knew the law
Is the defence of mistake available for strict liability offences?
- No
Name two cases that involve strict liability in terms of selling alcohol
- Cundy v Le Cocq (1884)
- Sherras v De Rutzen (1895)
Even though they came to the same judgement, how do Cundy v Le Cocq (1884) and Sherras v De Rutzen (1895) differ?
- in Cundy it was held to be an observable fact that the customer was drunk. In Sherras it was impossible to know whether the constable was on duty or not
What is the main problem with the strict liability area of law?
- Deciding which offences should be strictly liable
Where are most strict liability offences found? Any exceptions?
- Statutes
- 4 found in common law
What are the four common law offences which the courts have decided are strict liability?
- Public nuisance
- Criminal libel
- Blasphemous libel
- Criminal contempt of court
Name a case that illustrates blasphemous libel as a strict liability offence
- Lemon & Whitehouse v Gay News (1979)
What happened in Lemon & Whitehouse v Gay News (1979)?
- Gay News had published a poem which described homosexual acts carried out on the body of Christ after his death. Held to be blasphemous libel despite no mens rea (strict liability)
Many strict liability offences are regulatory offences. What does this mean? Give two examples
- They regulate various types of behaviour
- E.g speeding and traffic offences regulate the flow of traffic on the roads
- E.g food and hygiene regulations regulate the sale of food
The courts always start with what presumption?
- That mens rea is required
Name a case that illustrates a need for Mens Rea
- Sweet v Parsley (1969)
What happened in Sweet v Parsley (1969)?
- School teacher let out her house to students
- They smoked weed there without her knowledge
- Charged under the Dangerous Drugs Act 1965 BUT no conviction as HoL found that the common law required mens rea
How do courts decide whether a crime should be interpreted as a strict liability offence?
- They look at the wording Parliament has used in that particular statute
What is the issue with courts looking at the wording of particular statutes to decide whether a crime should be interpreted as a strict liability offence? (2)
- It is largely based on the judge’s interpretation of the wording
- Parliament rarely gives any strong indication that an offence should be one of strict liability and the statutes are mostly silent on the issue
What is the full name of the Gammon Case?
- Gammon (Hong Kong) Ltd v Attorney General of Hong Kong (1984)
What happened in Gammon (Hong King) Ltd v Attorney General of Hong Kong (1984)?
- Defendant had built a building in Hong Kong
- Part of it collapsed due to the builders having deviated from the original plans
- Strict liability offence
- Convicted
As a result of the Gammon Case, what did the privy council restate?
- The courts should always start with the presumption that mens rea is always required and then move on to four tests
What are the four tests that should be considered once the court has started with the presumption that mens rea is always required? (Re stated as a result of the Gammon Case)? (4)
- Does the wording of the statute indicate strict liability?
- Is the offence of a regulatory nature or a ‘true crime’?
- Is the issue involved an area of social/public concern?
- Will enforcing strict liability promote greater vigilance?
Name a case that illustrates how the wording of a statute affects whether mens rea is required. What was the wording?
- Alphacell v Woodward (1972)
- This involved the word ‘cause’. The factory ‘caused’ pollution to enter the river. No mens rea was required
Give two examples of words used in statutes that meant he offence requires mens rea
- Knowingly
- Intentionally
What is the difference between regulatory offences and true crime?
- Generally true crimes are those to which a stigma can be attached (e.g murder)
- Regulatory offences (e.g speeding) have very little, if any, social stigma attached to them
The courts look at the statute involved to decide whether it involves an issue of social concern. This can result in strict liability being imposed in what situations?
- Where there may be dangers to public health, safety or morals
Give a case that illustrates how the presumption that Mens Rea is required could be rebutted where the offence concerns an issue of public safety. What happened?
- Blake (1997)
- Accidentally transmitted an unlicensed radio station broadcast
The courts need to ask whether imposing strict liability will make the law more effective in promoting its objectives. Give two cases concerning this
- Lim Chin Aik v The Queen (1963)
- Smedley’s v Breed (1974)
What happened in Lim Chin Aik v The Queen (1963)? What was decided?
- Defendant convicted of entering Singapore when banned
- He had no idea
- Appeal allowed - held that strict liability should only apply if it will help enforce the law by encouraging greater vigilance to prevent the commission of the prohibited act. In this case it wouldn’t.
What happened in Smedley’s v Breed (1974)?
- Smedley’s made tinned peas
- 4 tins contained caterpillars
- Found guilty of strict liability offence because of the statute of health and safety