General Anesthetics Flashcards
Surgical Anesthesia
Eliminates sensation of pain to permit operation
(morphine, fentanyl, meperidine)- ↓ Dysphoria associated with pain
- ↑ Pain tolerance
- Do not produce surgical anesthesia
(diazepam, midazolam, alcohol)- ↓ Anxiety
- Can produce amnesia
- Provides no analgesia
- Cannot produce surgical anesthesia
Muscle relaxants
(pancuronium, curare, succinylcholine)- Prevent movement in response to pain
- Produce neither amnesia nor analgesia
Properties of Anesthesia
- Unconsciousness and amnesia: no response to command, no recall
- Analgesia: no response to surgical incision
- Blunting of protective reflexes: no response to non-surgical stimulus (e.g. laryngoscopy)
- Reduced muscle tone: allows entry into abdomen
Depth of Anesthesia
Stage 1: Analgesia ⇒ Patient is conscious, ↑ pain tolerance (only nitrous oxide and ketamine)
Stage 2: Excitement ⇒ Disinhibition, patient unresponsive to command, thrashing even without stimulation
Stage 3: Surgical anesthesia ⇒ Patient still, not responsive to command or surgical stimulation
State 4: Medullary depression ⇒ Life-threatening CV and respiratory depression
Anesthesia Goals
Maintain homeostasis
- Oxygenation and ventilation
- CO and arterial pressure
- Protect the unconscious patient from injury
- Provide optimal conditions for the surgeon ⇒ a still bloodless field
- Perioperative care ⇒ optimize patient’s condition before and after operation
Inhaled Anesthetic Drugs
All are administered via inspired gas and eliminated via exhaled gas
Unique pharmacokinetics
- Nitrous oxide ⇒ gas at room temperature
Halogenated hydrocarbons ⇒ most are volatile liquids at room temperature
- Isoflurane (“Forane”)
- Sevoflurane (“Ultane”)
- Desflurane (“Suprane”)
- Enflurane ⇒ used infrequently
- Halothane ⇒ used infrequently
Inhaled Anesthetics
- Dissolved anesthetic agents tend to come out of solution ⇒ partial pressure
- ↑ Solubility ⇒ ↑ molecules required to achieve a given partial pressure
- Anesthetic effect is produced by partial pressure, not by concentration
- Highly soluble agents ⇒ require more dissolved molecules (i.e., more time) to produce anesthesia
- Agents with low solubility produce faster induction and faster recovery
Inhaled Anesthetics
Solubility Assessment
Blood:Gas Coefficient ⇒ ratio of blood concentration to gas concentration
Low B/G = low solubility = faster acting
Inhaled Anesthetics
Adequacy of Anesthesia
Partial pressure of agent in the brain to produce absence of movement in response to surgical incision.
(Measured in % of inspired gas at sea level)
- Measure partial pressure in exhaled gas ⇒ approximation of alveolar gas ⇒ approximates blood gas ⇒ approximates brain partial pressure
- For each anesthetic agent, clinical studies determine the minimum alveolar concentration to prevent movement in response to surgical incision
Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC)
The alveolar concentration at which 50% of healthy patients do not move.
- A statistical property
- Each patient responds differently
- MAC differs among different populations
↓ in the elderly, pregnancy, and sickness
- Less anesthetic is required
- All anesthetics are titrated to effect

Alveolar Concentration
During induction:
- Solubility of agent ⇒ low solubility = faster rise
- Anesthetic concentration ⇒ higher concentration = faster rise
- Ventilation ⇒ normal is optimal for induction
- CO ⇒ low CO = faster rise
- Concentration in venous blood ⇒ high = faster rise
During emergence:
Same factors, with exceptions- Inspired concentration cannot be lower than zero
- Long anesthetic time means higher venous concentration ⇒ slower drop in alveolar concentration
Inhaled Anesthetics
Mechanism of Action
Exact mechanism unknown
Inhaled Anesthetics
Physiologic Effects
↓ Cellular metabolism
- ↓ O2 consumption
- ↓ Myocardial O2 consumption
- ↓ O2 demand ⇒ ↓ O2 supply in response
↓ Sympathetic tone
- Arteries dilate
- Veins dilate
- ↓ Contractility and HR
Direct cardiovascular effects
- Some ↓ in contractility
- ∆ SA node rate
- Some directly dilate arteries
Respiratory effects
- Bronchodilation
- ↓ TV, ↑ RR, ↓ alveolar ventilation
- ↓ Response to hypercarbia
- NO response to hypoxemia
- ↑ CO2 apnea threshold
CNS effects
- All functions ↓
- ↑ Cerebral blood flow; a concern with ↑ ICP
- Exceptions: nitrous oxide, intravenous anesthetics
Other organs
- ↓ Muscle tone
- ↓ Renal GFR
- ↓ Hepatic blood flow with ↓ CO
Inhaled Anesthetics
- Renal: fluoride ion with enflurane? Not as much of a problem with sevoflurane
- Hepatic: halothane; via metabolites? Antibodies?
- Respiratory: sevoflurane interactions with soda lime in anesthesia circuit
Malignant hyperthermia: genetic predisposition to a hypermetabolic response to volatile anesthetics and/or succinylcholine
- Leads to ↑ temperature, acidosis, hyperkalemia, hypercarbia
- Fatal if untreated
IV Anesthetic Drugs
- Thiopental (“Pentothal”)
- Methohexital (“Brevital”)
- Etomidate
- Propofol (“Diprivan”)
- Ketamine
IV Anesthetics
Conventional ⇒ concentration proportional to drug effect
- Rapid ↑ in concentration with bolus ⇒ rapid onset
- Rapid redistribution after bolus ⇒ short duration
- Large doses/long duration fill volume of distribution ⇒ prolonged effect
IV Anesthetics
Same as inhaled
- ↓ Oxygen consumption
- ↓ CO and arterial pressure
- ↓ Ventilation
- ↓ Cerebral blood flow (only difference from inhaled)
- Sedatives, not anesthetics
- Produce amnesia and unconsciousness, not analgesia
- Reverse w/ Flumazenil (a partial antagonist)
- Difficult to reverse respiratory depression
- Analgesics, not anesthetics
- Produce intense pain relief
- Can ↓ anesthetic agents required
- Cannot produce surgical anesthesia alone
- All effects (including respiratory depression) 100% reversible
- Can be used as the sole anesthetic agent
- Unconsciousness
- Surgical anesthesia
- Cardiac and respiratory depression
- Death
- No muscle relaxation
- Like other IV anesthetics: high doses or long infusions fill volume of distribution
- Requires metabolism to end effect
- Produces dissociative anesthesia
- Patient remains responsive
- Low doses provide analgesia
- Stimulates cardiovascular system
- Preserves airway reflexes
- Short elimination half-life
- ↑ cerebral blood flow
Inhaled Anesthetics
- Nitrous oxide: low solubility, rapid induction
- Iso-, sevo-, and desflurane: Not metabolized, hepatic and renal safety
- Enflurane: renal toxicity from fluoride
- Halothane: hepatoxicity
- Malignant hyperthermia: rare side effect of inhaled anesthetics, treat with dantrolene
IV Anesthetics
- Thiopental: rapid induction
- Propofol: rapid induction, short procedure, anti-emetic
- Ketamine: dissociative anesthesia, cardiovascular stimulant, ↑ cerebral blood flow, disorientation, hallucination, bad dreams
- Benzodiazepine: sedative, used adjunctively with general anesthetics, respiratory depression, amnesia
- Narcotics: analgesics, can ↓ anesthetics necessary, respiratory depression