General Anatomy (Nervous Tissue) Flashcards
What are the basic properties of nervous tissues?
- To receive stimuli from within and outside the body
- To conduct stimuli from Receptor to CNS (afferent)
- To transmit impulses from CNS to (efferent)
i) muscles for contraction
ii) glands for secretion
What are the subdivisions of the nervous tissues?
- CNS - Central nervous system
Brain and Spinal cord - PNS - Peripheral nervous system
i) Cranial nerves (12 pairs) from brain
ii) Spinal nerves (31 pairs) from spinal cord - ANS – Autonomic nervous system
i) Sympathetic and
ii) Parasympathetic
What are the two types of cells in the nervous tissue?
- Neurons (or ) Nerve cells
- Nervous connective tissue – Neuroglial cells
What are neurons?
• Neurons are structural and functional units of nervous tissue.
• Adult neurons do not undergo mitosis
Nerve cells or neurons are responsible for the reception, transmission, and processing of stimuli, the triggering of
certain cell activities, and release of neurotransmitters.
What are the three parts of the neurons?
- Cell body or perikaryon - which is the trophic center for the whole cell and also receptive to stimuli.
- Dendrites - Multiple elongated processes specialized in receiving stimuli from environment, sensory epithelial cells, or other neurons. They possess Nissl granules
- Axons - Single process specialized in conducting nerve impulse to other cells (nerve, muscle and glands).
Axon hillock- initial segment of an axon, devoid of Nissl granules.
What are the three types of neurons?
- Bipolar neuron – One dendrite and one axon emerging from the cell body at opposite ends. Found in special sense organs example retina, olfactory neuron.
- Pseudo unipolar or unipolar neuron – single process dividing into two. One goes to peripheral ending and the other to the CNS. Found in posterior root ganglion.
- Multipolar neuron – more than one dendrite and single axon . Most neurons of the brain and spinal cord.
What are motor neurons?
Send motor impulses to muscles and glands and bring about movements of muscles and secretion of glands.
Found in:
i)Brain –Cranialmotornuclei
ii) Spinal cord – Ventral horn of the grey matter
What are sensory neurons?
receive impulses from peripheral receptors
Found in:
i) Brain – Cranial sensory nuclei
ii) Spinal cord- 1. Posterior root ganglia
2. Dorsal horn grey matter
What are connector neuron?
connect and integrate the motor and sensory
i)- gray mater of spinal cord
What are the types of neurons according to the size of the axon found in the CNS?
- golgi type 1 neurons
- golgi type 2 neutons
What are golgi type 1 neurons?
Have long axon. Axons form long fiber tracts (ascending and descending) of the brain and spinal cord and nerve fibers of peripheral nervous system.
Examples are
i) Pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex
ii) Purkinje cells of cerebellar cortex and
iii) Motor cells of the spinal cord.
What are golgi type 2 neurons?
have a short axon that terminates near the cell body.
They are more numerous than the Golgi type I neurons. They are numerous in the
i) cerebral cortex
ii) cerebellar cortex and are often inhibitory in function.
What are synapses?
• Site of functional contact between two neurons at which nerve impulses pass from one neuron to another.
• There is no anatomical continuity.
• The function of the synapse is to convert an electrical impulse from the presynaptic cell into a chemical signal that acts on the post synaptic cell.
• This is done by releasing neurotransmitters.
What are neurotransmitters?
Neurotransmitters are chemicals that when combined with a receptor protein initiate second–messenger cascades.
How are synapses formed?
• The synapse is formed by an axon terminal(presynaptic terminal) that delivers the signal.
• A region of another cell where a new signal is generated is postsynaptic terminal.
•The thin intercellular space between them is the synaptic cleft.
What is the presynaptic terminal?
• The presynaptic terminal always contain synaptic vesicles with neurotransmitters and numerous mitochondria.
• Neurotransmitters are synthesized in the cell body and then stored in vesicles in the presynaptic region.
• During transmission they are released into the synaptic cleft by exocytosis.
If an axon forms a synapse
• With a cell body it is called an –
• With a Dendrite – Axodendritic
• With an axon - Axoaxonic
What are the two types of synapses?
1 Chemical synapses (use chemical messengers)- commonest
2 Electrical synapses (transmits ionic signals through gap junctions).
The two types differ in structure and in the mechanism of impulse transmission.
Impulse transmission is faster at electrical synapses. Eg: CNS
What are neuroglial cells or glial cells?
Non-neuronal nervous connective tissue cells
• Consists of cell and processes
• Their number is more than the neurons
• They provide a microenvironment suitable for the neuronal activity.
What are the types of neuroglial cells?
- Astrocytes
- Microglia
- Oligodendrocytes
What are Astrocytes?
Astrocytes are star shaped cells with multiple radiating processes. There are 2 types of astrocytes
What are the two types of Astrocytes?
- Fibrous astrocytes located in the white matter
- Protoplasmic astrocytes with many short branched
processes found in the grey matter.
What are the functions of astrocytes?
- Structural support- hold blood vessels and neurons in place
- Metabolic exchanges- increases blood supply when need arises
- Blood brain barrier- perivascular feet
- Repair processes – scar tissue
can form
What are microglial cells?
• Are small elongated cells with short irregular processes and dense elongated nuclei.
• Found in the CNS.
• Phagocytic cells of the mononuclear
phagocytic system in the nerve tissue.
• They are involved in inflammation and
repair in the adult CNS.
What happens microglial cells are activated?
- Microglia retract their processes and become macrophages which are phagocytic
- Act as antigen presenting cell
- Dispose off unwanted cellular debris caused by CNS lesions.
What are ependymal cells?
- Are low columnar epithelial cells, lining the
i) ventricles of the brain and
ii) central canal of the spinal cord - Secreting epithelium which produces the
cerebrospinal fluid. - In some locations ependymal cells are ciliated which facilitates the movement of cerebrospinal fluid .
What are oligodendrocytes?
• Small cell with less number of processes.
• Function is formation of myelin and electric insulation in CNS. Oligodendrocytes can branch and serve one neuron and its processes
What are Schwann cells?
• Myelin production and electric insulation in the PNS.
• One Schwann cell forms myelin around a segment of one axon by wrapping of the Schwann cell membrane around the axon.
What are nerve fibers?
• Consist of an axon enveloped by a special sheath
- In PNS the sheath cell is the schwann cell.
- In CNS the sheath cell is the oligodendrocyte.
What are three distinct components of connective tissue that support the Schwann cells?
- Endoneurium
- Perineurium
- Epineurium
What is endoneurium?
loose connective tissue surrounding each individual nerve fiber.
What is perineurium?
specialized connective tissue surrounding each nerve bundle or fascicle. Serves as a diffusion barrier that contributes to the formation of the blood-nerve barrier.
What is epineurium?
dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds a peripheral nerve and fills the spaces between nerve bundles or fascicle
What are the three types of nerve injury?
- Neurapraxia
- Axonotmesis
- Neurotmesis
What is Neurapraxia?
• Mildest form of nerve damage.
• No disruption of nerve or its sheath.
• Only interruption in conduction of impulse in the nerve.
• Full recovery with true regeneration within hours to months of injury.
• Eg: compression of nerve, disruption of blood supply, numbness
What is Axonotmesis?
• More severe injury
• Disruption of neuronal sheath sparing myelin sheath.
• Can cause paralysis of motor, sensory and autonomic functions.
• Eg: Stretching of fractured bones and joints causing nerve injury
What is Neurotmesis?
• Most severe lesion.
• Disruption of axon and myelin sheath.
• Involves perineurium, endoneurium, axons and myelin sheaths.
• Complete loss of motor, sensory and autonomic functions.
• Eg: severe contusion, stretch, laceration, local anaesthetic toxicity.
What are the reactions of neurons to injury?
- Damage of the cell body results in death of the neuron.
Neurons cannot be replaced postnatally because
i) neurons cannot undergo cell division
ii) no neural precursor cells are present after birth. - Severing or crushing of an axon (axonal injury) leads to characteristic changes.
a) Wallerian (anterograde) degeneration occurs in the distal portion of the of the axon
i) The axon swells and degenerates, the myelin sheath fragments and phagocytes remove cellular debris.
ii) After 3 weeks Schwann cells proliferate and form a tube of cells distal to the injury.
What is the process of the recovery and regeneration of damaged axons?
If the lesion in the peripheral nerve is in a sufficient distance from the cell body, the nerve may recover
i) Axonal sprouts are produced at the distal end of the axon stump using materials synthesized in the cell body.
ii) The axon stump elongates and seek the tubes formed by Schwann cells.
iii) If sprouts penetrate the Schwann cell tube and reestablish contact with the appropriate effector cell, regeneration is likely to occur.
What happen if axon injury is close to cell body?
If axonal injury is close to cell body, reactional changes occur in the neuron cell body (retrograde degeneration)- loss of trophic support
i) The cell body swells due to edema and nucleus is displaced peripherally
ii) Nissl bodies disperse known as chromatolysis (absent cytoplasmic basophilia)
What are the demyelinative diseases of the nervous system?
- multiple sclerosis
- Pathophysiology of MS
What is multiple sclerosis (MS)?
- is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease that attacks myelinated axons and oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system, destroying the myelin and the axon in variable degrees.
- Its counterpart in the peripheral nervous system is inflammatory demyelinative polyradiculoneuropathy (Guillain-Barré syndrome- GBS) and its chronic variants.
What is pathophysiology of MS?
BBB disruption (The blood–brain barrier is a protective barrier that denies the entrance of foreign material)→ penetration of the barrier by lymphocytes and activated→result in direct attacks on myelin sheaths and oligodendrocytes within the CNS→characteristic demyelination