General Flashcards
Use the:
Read and do method.
ECAM, in response to:
Abnormal behaviour of systems, monitored by the FWS.
QRH, applied in response to:
An abnormal event detected by any flight crew member.
One procedure at a time.
Once a procedure has been applied, it must be completed unless:
- An action requests to apply/consider another procedure.
- Flight crew needs to update their situation assessment to an unexpected abnormal or emergency situation.
Information is applicable to a time critical situation. Land as soon as possible at nearest suitable airport.
Consider landing at nearest suitable airport.
Fire that cannot be confirmed as extinguished, or persistent smoke:
Carry out emergency landing.
With a LAND ASAP, consider:
Overweight landing rather than delaying to burn excess fuel.
Handling of cockpit controls.
PF and PM must crosscheck before any action on the following controls:
- Engine master lever
- ADIRU panels
- All guarded controls
- All hydraulic pump switches and PTU
- Cockpit CB’s
- Prevents any inadvertent actions with irreversible effects.
Take sharing rules for thrust lever operation:
- PF indicates and requests confirmation from PM.
- PM verifies and gives confirmation.
- PF operates thrust lever as required.
Cross confirmation.
PF shall monitor all:
ECAM/checklist actions.
Cross confirmation.
Actions associated with memory items shall be:
Confirmed by the PF when all memory items are complete and aircraft is stabilised on ththe desired flight path.
Reference to ECAM memos.
Handling overhead panel control.
PM shall indicate the related panel then:
- Name Of System
- Name of control or system reset
- The action
After selection of a control, PM should check SD page in order to verify that the selected action was performed.
Handling of ECAM/OEB/QRH.
Delay any read and do actions until:
400ft AGL (This is a compromise between stabilisation of the aircraft and a delay in the actions).
-READ & DO actions may be initiated below 400ft AGL provided the flight path is safe.
Handling of ECAM.
ECAM actions on the ground or in flight following an ECAM alert.
The PM must:
- READ & DO ECAM procedure.
- Analyse operational impact on affected systems via SD page.
- Read status page and associated procedures.
- If ECAM requests flight crew to apply QRH procedure:
- Keep procedure displayed on ECAM.
- Apply requested QRH procedure.
(The objective is to avoid the flight crew being disturbed with subsequent ECAM alerts that may trigger with less priority).
Stop ECAM.
Stop ECAM actions when it becomes necessary to:
- Perform actions which require acknowledgement, check or cross check from both crew members.
- Read the status page, checklists, consider any system reset or application of engine relight.
The status page provides:
An overview of the technical state of the aircraft.
The status page may contain:
Some actions that should be performed by flight crew at a more appropriate time.
- CONFIG: Flap/slat setting, approach speed increment, landing distance procedure, control law for landing.
- GEAR: When to lower gear and whether normal or gravity lowering.
- BRAKES: Normal, alternate or alternate without anti skid.
- REVERSE: Availability.
- LDG WEIGHT: Overweight landing.
If ECAM warning or caution disappears:
Can be considered no longer applicable and application of procedure can be stopped.
Multiple warnings and cautions.
Complete all require:
Blue actions associated with the first title.
Multiple warnings and cautions.
Clear the title of the first failure before dealing with:
The next failure.
The first ECAM title and any remaining action/boxed items will be cleared from the display down to the next title.
Subsequent ECAM failure titles must be announced and confirmed.
Multiple warnings and cautions.
Carry out second/third drills until:
It’s red/amber title can be cleared.
Don’t leave red/amber titles when all associated actions have been completed.
When all actions have been completed there will be no red/amber titles.
Independent failures:
Amber or red, have affected system underlined and are not boxed.
Primary failure:
Amber or red, have affected system underlined and are boxed.
Secondary failures:
Associated with a primary failure. Amber and have a star in front of the affected system.
Handling of the QRH.
- Use the contents page to search out the applicable procedure.
- QRH can be stopped if condition disappears.
When ECAM/QRH/OEB actions are completed:
- Resume normal task sharing
- Review any FCOM info
- Assess situation
- *Recall status (fuel penalty, remaining fuel, divert, ldg distance for destination and diversion, operational, maintenance and commercial aspects.