General Flashcards
What is phonological awareness?
Hearing sounds properly
Decoding sounds properly to constituents
Understanding relationships between sounds
What are lexical hermits?
Words with no close neighbours. Unique spelling/sound rules e.g. Ghost
What is a pseudohomophone?
Non-words which sound like real words e.g. Burd
What is a homophone?
Same sound, different spelling (e.g. Night/Knight)
What is a homograph?
Same spelling but different meaning (e.g. Row)
Why is spelling and reading hard?
We have complex grapheme to phoneme relationships
What is a phoneme?
A unit of spoken language (think of phone as being to do with sounds)
What is a grapheme?
Smallest unit of written language (think of graph as being visual)
What is a quale? (Pl = qualms)
Qualia are what ‘being’ is like from the inside
Which famous psychologist embraced reductionism to the fullest?
B.F. Skinner
What is reductionism?
Everything can be observed and measured (mind is a cognitive machine)
What is materialism?
There is only one thing in the universe and that is physical matter
What does functional mean? (Consciousness)
Consciousness has a purpose. It is contributing to everything else in the mind and body
What are emergent properties?
Interactions between simple units resulting in a more complex entity. The simple units don’t possess that property themselves.
What does epiphenomenal mean?
Consciousness happens as a result of physical things happening - but it isn’t meaningfully related to those physical things