General Flashcards
Bomb Threat during Flight - what are the differences in crew actions if the notice is from reliable/non reliable source?
If the notice of the threat is not from a reliable source the PIC shall declare an emergency and land at the nearest suitable airport;
If notice of the threat is from a reliable source, the source shall define one of the following conditions:
a. There is reason to believe that a bomb is on board the aircraft. In this case the PIC shall refer to the QRH – Ops Info Bomb Threat/Suspicious Object Checklist;
b. It is uncertain whether a bomb is on board the aircraft. In this case, the notification should be accompanied with details and specific instructions. In the absence of instructions, all actions are at the PIC’s discretion;
c. The threat has been defined by security to be a false threat. In this case, in the absence of any specific instructions, no actions are required from the PIC.
HIJACKING - guidelines: on the ground / during flight
On the ground: do not takeoff, keep cockpit door locked at all times. After landing - park the aircraft so that a succeeding take-off is prevented.
During flight: see QRH ops info. Switch transponder to 7700. Switch transponder code from 7500 to 7700 to signal “situation appears desperate” ( hijacker in the flight deck).
Define fueling zone.
An area up to a 6 m radius from the filling and venting points of the aircraft at the wing.
(OMA introduction)
Define Off block.
The time when all engines are running AND all wheel chocks have been removed, OR - if the aircraft has to be towed / pushed back before engine start - the time when the towing / push back begins.
(OMA introduction)
Define On block.
The time, after “OFF BLOCKS”, when the aircraft has come to a complete stop AND all engines have been shut down, OR when the ground crew announces that wheel chocks are in place (whichever comes first).
(OMA introduction)
Define Temporary Downgrade (RFFS).
RFFS category as notified, including by NOTAM, and resulting from the downgrade of the level of RFFS protection available at an airport, for a period of time not exceeding 72 hrs.
(OMA introduction)
Define VMC
VMC reflects meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling, equal to or better than:
1. Flight visibility 5 km;
2. Distance from cloud 1,500 m horizontally and 1,000 ft vertically; and
3. Ceiling is not below 1,500 ft.
(OMA introduction)
Define Wet RWY.
RWY can be considered wet when more than 25 percent of the runway surface area (within the reported length and the width being used) is covered by any visible dampness or water that is 1/8 inch (3 mm) or less.
(OMA introduction)
When starts the responsibility of the PIC for the safety of all crew members, passengers and cargo on board?
Starts as soon as he arrives on board, and it stops as soon as he leaves the aircraft at the end of the flight.
Actions after landing in the event of an accident or incident have occurred which may be subject to mandatory reporting.
Switching off or disabling both recorders at the end of the flight and making an entry in the ATL stating:
- Time of landing; and
- Time the flight recorders were disabled.
(1. 4.3)
Which applications shall be updated when dispatching from TLV?
- Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro from the EL AL Store (JeppFD-Pro);
- Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro from the Apple App Store;
- AirWatch Secure Content Locker (“Content”);
- OPT.
(2. 1.6.2)
When does the ATC flight plan expire in Europe?
The ATC flight plan will expire 15 minutes after the Estimated Off Block Time (EOBT) for flights over Europe.
PIC actions in case of tarmac delay.
- When the delay on the tarmac is more than 4 hours, the PIC shall allow passengers to deplane, if possible;
- The PIC shall notify passengers every 30 minutes regarding the status of the Tarmac Delay, including the reason for the Delay;
- the PIC will notify passengers every 30 minutes after the Scheduled Time of Departure (STD) that they have the opportunity to deplane from the aircraft if the opportunity to deplane actually exists;
- EL AL will provide food and potable water no later than 2 hours after the aircraft leaves the gate/touches down if the aircraft remains on the tarmac, unless the PIC determines that safety or security considerations preclude such service.
(2. 4.3.6)
Can the PIC allow other crew member to be at the controls (left side) during takeoff/landing? Under which conditions?
In exceptional circumstances, if the PIC decides that it is necessary in the interest of flight safety, he may allow another flight crew member who is qualified to serve as PIC to be at the controls during stages of flight other than cruise. In such a case the PIC shall report to the CAAI.
Right-Hand Seat Restrictions for Captains.
A Captain occupying the right-hand seat for take-off, departure, arrival, or landing shall:
a. Have Right-Hand Seat Qualification;
b. Act as Pilot Monitoring, unless he is a Check Airman;
C. No Captain shall occupy the right-hand seat for All-Weather Operations.
What is the minimum number of cabin crew to be onboard an aircraft during ground operations?
During boarding/disembarkation the minimum number of cabin crew shall be present in the cabin.
However, when the only remaining passengers on board are those waiting for special assistance from ground personnel (i.e. wheel- chairs), the minimum crew shall be the ISM and one or more cabin crew member(s) at the ISM’s discretion.
PIC limitations regarding CAT B/C airports.
- According to OM D “PIC Route and Airport Competence Qualification”; And:
- CAT B - shall be briefed or self briefed.
- CAT C - shall be briefed and have visited the airport as an observer or have done a simulator training.
Restrictions to a crew member regarding deep diving and blood donation.
Deep diving - 48 hours.
Blood donation - flight crew members shall report to an AME for hemoglobin determination and blood count prior to assigned flight duty.
Define duty period.
Any period during which EL AL requires a crew member to be at a given place (excluding a place of rest), including:
- Operating Crew – for the entire duration of the flight, from 75 minutes before STD until 15 minutes after “On Blocks”;
- Deadhead time, or when assigned by the Company to be a passenger on an aircraft – for the entire duration of the flight as deadhead crew or as a passenger, from 20 minutes before STD until “On Blocks”;
- Simulator training.
(7. 2)
Crew flight and duty time limitations.
Flight time during 24 hours: Single crew: 8 Augmented crew: 12 Double crew: 16 120 hours/month, 300 hours/quarter, 1000 hours/year. Duty: 12/15/17 (7.3.1)
Under which conditions a crew member can exceed 8 hours flight time in 24 hours?
- A rest period is provided between two flight segments of at least double the flight time performed prior to said rest period,or the minimum rest period, whichever is greater;
- After completing all of the flight time in a 24 h period, a rest period of at least 18 hrs is provided.
(7. 3.1)
Rest Requirements.
The larger of:
- (Sum of the duty periods + breaks less than 8 hours, rounded to the next hour) minus 2 hours, or:
- 8 hours.
(7. 3.3)
Under which conditions it is possible to exceed flight/duty time or rest requirements?
If circumstances which did not exist prior to the start of a Duty Period, justify exceeding the Duty Period limitations in , the Duty Period Limitation is extended by 2 hours.
PIC may deviate or direct a crew member to deviate from the Flight and Duty Time Limitations or Rest Requirements if in his opinion the deviation is essential for one of the following:
1. Saving the life of a person in danger;
2. Matters of national security;
3. Safety of the aircraft;
4. Returning the aircraft to the home base if the aircraft was delayed from returning to the home base due to force majeure and as long as the deviation is reasonable.
Guidlines for crew actions in case of HIJACKING.
- As long as the aircraft being hijacked is still on the ground, the Flight Crew will not take-off.
- The Flight Deck Door will be kept closed and locked mechanically.
- Land as soon as possible in a suitable airport.
- After landing the aircraft will be parked so that a succeeding take-off is prevented.
- Establish Air Ground communication.
- Transponder 7700 -> 7500 if situation is desperate.
(10. 6)