Flight Procedures Flashcards
Conditions to do “Divert to destination”.
- An assured landing can be made in the immediate and prevailing operational conditions; and
- An Expected Approach Time (EAT) has been allocated, or confirmation directly from ATC of the maximum likely delay.
(8. 3.8)
What is “Minimum fuel” declaration?
The PIC shall advise ATC of a minimum fuel state by declaring MINIMUM FUEL when, having committed to land at a specific airport, the pilot calculates that any change to the existing clearance to that airport may result in landing with less than planned final reserve fuel.
Policy for flying in a thunderstorm area.
- Avoid severe thunderstorms even at the cost of diversion or an intermediate landing.
- Inform ISM, seat belt PAX + crew.
- Speed, autopilot and anti-ice according to FCOM.
- Cockpit lighting.
- Avoid flying over the top of a thunderstorm.
- Never fly beneath a cumulonimbus cloud.
- Do not take-off towards a thunderstorm, unless the flight path can be deviated to avoid the storm.
- Do not perform an approach through a thunderstorm. Delay or divert if necessary.
(8. 3.10.2)
Guidelines for use of Weather Radar.
Up to 20,000 - avoid echoes with strong intensity / strong gradient / sharp edges etc. by 10M.
Above 20,000’ - avoid all echoes by 20M.
Maintain at least 5,000’ vertical separation from a storm cloud tops.
Policy for flying in icing conditions.
The flight shall not be continued to operate en-route, or land when icing conditions are expected or met that might adversely affect the safety of the flight. (1.4.2)
Flight in known severe icing conditions is not allowed. If such conditions are nevertheless encountered, alter the flight path/altitude as quickly as possible. (
ICAO Wake Turbulence Separation for Arriving Aircraft - Radar Separation
737 after: Super (J) - 7M Heavy - 5M Medium - 3M Light - 3M (
ICAO Wake Turbulence Separation for Departing Aircraft.
Take after:
Super: 3’/4’
Heavy: 2’/3’
ICAO Wake Turbulence Separation — Displaced Landing Threshold.
3’ from category J (super)
2’ from Heavy.
RECAT-EU Distance-based Separation Minima on Approach and Departure.
Super heavy (Airbus 380)- 5M Upper heavy (747/777/787) - 4M Lower heavy (767)- 3M (
Conditions for Controlled Rest on the Flight Deck.
- Only one rest period per person is allowed for each leg, and only if there is no other available crew member fit for duty;
- The controlled rest period should be no longer than 40 minutes;
- Allowed from the top of climb to 20 minutes before the planned top of descent;
- Cabin Crew shall be advised of the rest. One Cabin Crew Member is to contact the flight deck every 20 minutes.
(8. 3.12.1)
Cabin crew shall not contact the flight deck for any matter during what time period?
From the beginning of the take off run until 2 minutes after take-off.
Conditions for “Cabin Ready”.
- All doors armed;
- Passengers seated with seatbelt fastened;
- Tray tables and footrests are stowed;
- No food, beverage or tableware provided by EL AL is located at any passenger seat;
- Baggage secured, galleys secured, stowage spaces and bins closed;
- Lavatories locked, separation door open;
- No passenger uses any portable electronic device;
- exits and escape paths unobstructed, curtains, shutters at emergency exits, which are required to be open secured in the “open” position;
- passengers sitting in exit rows and passengers with no mobility have been briefed;
- That cabin attendants are at their assigned stations with their safety belts and their harnesses fastened;
(8. 3.17.5)
When a CCM shall contact the cockpit after takeoff?
After takeoff: immediately after the Fasten Seat Belt signs have been turned off after take-off or 15 minutes after take-off, the earlier of the above.
During flight: at interval not greater than 40’.
Policy for use of portable electronic equipment.
Electronic devices, including Wi-Fi and bluetooth functions may be used during all phases of flight as long as they are in flight mode.
Laptop computers shall be stowed for take-off and landing;
Remote control devices are prohibited to be used during all flight stages.
Can we continue, after an engine malfunction, to a suitable airport other than the nearest one? Under which conditions?
Whenever engine damage is suspected during flight, but the engine is not shut down, the PIC may consider it. Considerations may include:
- Possible deterioration in the condition of the damaged engine;
- En-route alternates should the damaged engine need to be shut down;
- Fuel onboard, landing weight, approach, landing and go-around performance;
- Weather en-route and at the landing airport;
- MEA and MSA;
- Crew familiarity with the airport of intended landing.
Speed policy.
Max 250k below FL100;
If higher speed are required, the following speeds must not be exceeded:
Max 250 KIAS below 5,000’ AGL;
Max 300 KIAS below FL 100.
200 KIAS or less when in the TMA unless instructed otherwise by ATC
Distress Call should be composed of which elements?
- Name of the station addressed (time and circumstances permitting);
- The identification of the aircraft;
- The nature of the distress condition;
- Intention of the person in command;
- Present position, level and heading.
Flight Crew should be prepared to give the following information: - Fuel on board (in terms of time);
- Dangerous goods on board (if any);
- Souls on board.
OPT takeoff calculations policy.
For a report of light and variable wind, use 3 knots tail wind;
- For tailwind, use twice the value;
- For headwind, use half the reported head wind;
- Use ramp weight;
- When the temperature is expected to rise, use the expected temperature;
- Flaps 5, unless a higher setting is required.
- Two independent OPT calculations shall be performed and cross-checked;
- If there is a difference of more than 2 kts between the OPT and FMC speeds (excluding V 1 ), the calculations shall be re-checked or explained.
- The N1 settings received from the OPT and those from the FMC shall be compared. Variations of less than 0.2 N1 are acceptable.
Describe NDAP 2 procedure.
Take-off to 1,500 ft above airport elevation:
Take-off power, Take-off flaps. Climb at V 2 + 10 to 20 kts.
At 1,500 ft:
Accelerate to flaps-up speed with flap retraction on schedule, Set thrust to climb power;
At 3,000 ft: Accelerate to en-route climb speed.
Under which conditions we need to do OPT landing calculations?
Under any of the following:
- The landing performance is in doubt;
- Conditions are significantly less favourable than those presumed at time of dispatch;
- The runway is contaminated;
- LDA is less than 8,000 ft.
Autopilot Disconnect Height - according to the OMA and according the limitations chapter at the FCOM.
OMA: for manual landing, the standard height for disconnecting the autopilot is not below 500’ AAL, with the runway constantly in sight, and if possible after receiving landing clearance. If the PF intends to disconnect the autopilot at a lower height, he shall state so specifically.
The last height to disconnect the autopilot during a visual approach shall be 500’ AAL.
During a Non-Precision Approach (NPA) or Approach Procedure with Vertical guidance (APV), the autopilot shall not be used below the MDA/DA, except when performing a go-around.
FCOM: For single channel operation during approach, the autopilot shall not remain engaged below 50 feet AGL.
Define EDTO significant systems.
- A System that may affect the proper functioning of the engines to the extent that it could result in an in-flight shutdown or uncommanded loss of thrust (fuel system etc.);
- A System which contributes significantly to the safety of an engine inoperative EDTO diversion and is intended to provide additional redundancy to accommodate the system(s) lost by the inoperative engine (APU);
- A system such as the anti-icing system, essential for prolonged operation at single-engine altitudes;
- A system for which certain failure conditions would reduce the capability of the aircraft or the ability of the crew to cope with an EDTO diversion (NAV);
- Time-limited system including such items as cargo fire suppression and oxygen;
- Systems whose failure would result in excessive crew workload for an EDTO diversion.
(8. 5.6)
What are the components of EDTO critical fuel?
- Fuel to fly to an EDTO Alternate Airport, taking into account the worst case scenario of the following (at the most critical point along the route): Rapid decompression/rapid decompression+engine failure/engine failure. Including:
* Additional fuel equal to 5% of the fuel required for paragraph (1) to account for errors in wind forecast;
* Fuel to account for icing (the higher of airframe icing during 10% of the diversion time, or engine+wing. Anti-ice when conditions are forecasted);
* Fuel to account for engine deterioration; - Fuel sufficient to hold at 1,500’ above field elevation for 15 minutes upon reaching an EDTO Alternate Airport and then conduct an instrument approach and land.
- Fuel to account for APU use.
(8. 5.8)
EDTO Alternate Planning Weather Minima.
Approach Facilities CAT I/II/III: Ceiling DA/DH + 200’, VIS/RVR+800m.
All other: DH/MDH+400’, VIS/RVR+1,500m.
Validity period of suitability of EDTO alternate during planning and inflight before EEP.
Planning: 1 hour before the earliest estimated time of arrival at the considered en-route alternate airport and ends 1 hour after the latest estimated time of arrival at this airport.
Inflight: Above landing minima from the earliest to the latest time of arrival (not below CAT I).
(, 8.5.11)
Procedures for MEL after the Closing of the Aircraft Doors.
- Perform QRH;
- Maintenance procedures are limited to switching off a system or pulling a circuit breaker. These may be performed by the crew, only after consulting with maintenance. Any other maintenance procedures may only be performed by maintenance personnel;
- Prior to take-off, the flight crew shall enter the failure in the ATL and defer it according to the MEL;
- The FOO shall be notified;
- The FOO and the PIC shall amend their copies of flight release.
(8. 6.1.1)
Minimum Requirements for Supplemental Oxygen.
All occupants of flight deck seats on flight deck duty - at least 2 hours.
All required Cabin Crew Members - at least 30 min.
100% of passengers - the entire time the cabin pressure altitude is above 15,000’.
Use of Oxygen Masks by Flight Crew Members.
When operating at flight altitudes above FL410, one pilot at the controls of the aircraft shall at all times wear and use an oxygen mask secured, sealed, and supplying oxygen.
At all times when the cabin altitude is above 10,000’, both pilots shall wear and use an oxygen mask secured, sealed and supplying oxygen.
Whenever one pilot leaves his station at the controls when operating above FL390, the remaining pilot shall put on and use his oxygen mask until the other pilot has returned to his duty station.
Equipment and Functional Requirements for RVSM Operations.
- Two primary altitude measurement systems;
- One automatic altitude-control system;
- One altitude-alerting device;
- One SSR altitude reporting transponder.
(8. App. 3.4)
Dangerous goods incident checklist.
- Follow the Fire or Smoke removal checklist;
- No smoking signs;
- Consider landing as soon as possible;
- Consider turning off non-essential electrical power;
- Determine source of smoke / fire / fumes;
- For incidents in the cabin - see the cabin checklist and coordinate the actions;
- Determine emergency response drill code;
- Use guidelines from emergency response drill chart.
- Notify ATC of the D.G. Being carried.
After landing: - Disembark crew and passengers before opening any cargo door.
- Inform ground personnel of the nature of nature of item and where stowed.
- Open an entry in maintenance log.
What types of approaches are approved for El Al?
- ILS/LOC/LOC BC (including side step landing);
- VOR;
- NDB/Locator;
- Visual Approaches;
- Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA).
(8. 1.5)