General Flashcards
Richard Bachman is the pseudonym of what author? The the general view among publishers was that an author was limited to one book per year, since publishing more would be unacceptable to the public. This author therefore wanted to write under another name, in order to increase publication without over-saturating the market.
Stephen King
What is the term, derived from the Spanish for “rogue,” for a type of literary narrative, usually comic or satirical, that depicts the escapades of a single, likeable, roguish hero living by his (or her, but more often his) wits? English examples include Huckleberry Finn, A Confederacy of Dunces, and Moll Flanders, while the progenitor is widely considered to be the 1554 novella Lazarillo de Tormes.
What Australian-born writer, whose books The Shock of the New and American Visions were both serialized for television, was dubbed by the New Yorker as the “most famous art critic in the world,” a role he filled for Time magazine for more than 30 years?
Robert Hughes
The Tuck family finds a fountain of youth in this novel by Natalie Babbitt.
Tuck Everlasting
This author’s first book of tales in 1835 included “The Tinderbox” and “The Princess And The Pea.”
Hans Christian Andersen
This author, while primarily known for writing children’s books like “The Tale of Peter Rabbit,” was also an avid artist and expert in the field of mycology (the study of fungi).
Beatrix Potter
Co-writing a children’s book can lead to some odd pairings. Name the co-author, not exactly associated with purity and childhood innocence, whose name has been redacted from the cover of the book seen here.

Bill O’Reilly
The title wrongdoing in this novel is the murder of a pawnbroker and her sister by Raskolnikov.
Crime and Punishment
In the standard English version of “Jack and the Beanstalk”, what item does Jack trade in exchange for the magic beans?
If You Need Healing, Do These Things; The Miracle of Seed-Faith; and Something Good is Going to Happen to You! are works by what Pentecostal preacher and university founder?
Oral Roberts
Whittier is the last name of what cheerful and irrepressibly optimistic (and arguably naive and self-delusional) character created in 1913 by Eleanor H. Porter?
What are the only two letters of the alphabet that each span two volumes of the World Book Encyclopedia?
C, S
The first novel in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, the story of a cynical failed wizard named Rincewind, is The Colour of what?
A brutal death in a vehicle accident kicks off the events that conclude the story of The Great Gatsby. Give the first name of either the character who dies in the accident or the character who was driving the car at the time.
Myrtle, Daisy
In this 1945 novel, Moses, a raven, tells the other creatures about a better life to come on Sugar-Candy Mountain.
Animal Farm
This author wrote and illustrated “The Tale of Pigling Bland”
Beatrix Potter
Wolf, this Washington Irving character’s dog, fails to recognize his master after a 20-year absence.
Rip Van Winkle
Boy: Tales of Childhood, which includes stories of Norwegian holidays, the author’s sadistic schoolmasters, and his childhood fantasies as an inventor of sweets, is the first volume of memoirs by what British writer?
Roald Dahl
What Anne Tyler novel, first published in 1985, tells the story of a middle-aged travel writer named Macon Leary who does not like traveling?
The Accidental Tourist
Irving Stone’s bestselling novel based on the life of an artist was made into a movie starring Charlton Heston and Rex Harrison. Who was the artist, and what was the book’s title?
Michelangelo, The Agony and the Ecstacy
This wildly successful and scandalous novel (which would hardly earn the latter adjective today) was set in the fictional New England town of Tarbox. Author and title, please.
John Updike, Couples
Simone Beck and Louisette Bertholle were two of the three co-authors of a hugely influential book first published in 1961. Who was their far better-known American collaborator?
Julia Child
What organization’s adventures were most famously described in the 1924 novel Beau Geste?
French Foreign Legion
Twenty-two years before he appeared in Closing Time, this character—usually known only by his surname—appeared in a much more famous novel by Joseph Heller. Name that character.
John Yossarian