General 20 Flashcards
El regazo
The lap (upper legs of a seated person)
The lap (upper legs of a seated person)
El regazo
To hold, sustain
To hold, sustain
To rage, be angry, have rabies
Rabiar (la rabia, rabioso)
Rabiar (la rabia, rabioso)
To rage, be angry, have rabies
To be superfluous, left over, extra
Sobrar (la sobra, sobrante)
Sobrar (la sobra, sobrante)
To be superfluous, left over, extra
The purpose
La finalidad
La finalidad
The purpose
The plain
La planicie
La planicie
The plain
To cure, heal, restore
Curar (la cura)
Curar (la cura)
To cure, heal, restore
The priest
El cura
El cura
The priest
To bury
Sepultar (la sepultura)
Sepultar (la sepultura)
To bury
The horizon
El horizonte
El horizonte
The horizon
To color, dye, stain
Teñir (la tintura)
Teñir (la tintura)
To color, dye, stain
To shave
To shave
The tie, ribbon, strip
La tira
La tira
The tie, ribbon, strip
To pray
Rezar (el rezo)
Rezar (el rezo)
To pray
The creature, child, baby
La criatura
La criatura
The creature, child, baby
To charge, collect, gather up
To charge, collect, gather up
The meadow
El prado
El prado
The meadow
The discovery
El hallazgo
El hallazgo
The discovery
To disappoint
Decepcionar (la decepción, decepcionante)
Decepcionar (la decepción, decepcionante)
To disappoint
The limited corner store
El colmado
El colmado
The limited corner store