General Flashcards
Example of when you have promoted trust
Working on estates in West Somerset often told information about clients which is confidential. I ensure this information is not shared to third parties.
Example of acting with integrity
Was asked by a member of public if a parcel of land was coming to the market as they had bene told it was. i was aware that the vendor did not want it to be public knowledge until it had been launched as it was sensitive sale for the family. I decided to inform the member of public that I was unable to answer the question but happy to help with anything else
Example of acting responsibly
Sent an email to a client with some figures for a CSS agreement, after sending the email I realized the figures were wrong. I phoned the client to inform them that the figures were wrong and I would re send with correct figures
Example of high standard of service
Client wanted to submit a mid tier agreement, we were getting close to the deadline and it was important to meet to understand what options they wanted. Met out of wokring hours as it was only time avaible for client
Dealt with client pressure
Accepted instruction from current client to firm, to carry out MA on land. Produced a letter, client asked me to chnage the value of the land by a 10% increase. I was aware that this was a good client for my firm but did not allow their pressure to chnage my professional judgement.
Good client communication
Vendor selling a property via auction with us, was away on holiday and unable to watch auction. Property did not meet reserve and we were unable to sell after auction despite lots of pre auction interest. Decided to phone the client to break the bad news and arranged a face to face appointment to discuss the next opton for them.
Successful negotiation
Existing client to firm recieved a letter from an agent on behalf of a neighbor requesting my client removed a newly installed replacement gateway that adjoined their driveway. I arranged a site meeting with the agent, prior to the meeting I noted my main points so i was prepared. Listened during the meeting to understand the agents points, having informed the agent that it was a replacement gateway replaced by the local authority and my client had no plans or desire to use it for vehicular access we agreed that the gate would remain in situ and therefor a win win situation.
How do you conduct yourself in negotiations
I plan ahead and make sure i am prepared
understand who I am against and how I should communicate
listen during discussions and be respectful
provide my stance and refer to supporting evidence
be empathetic and aim for win win scenario
How you ensure good communication
make sure i am contactable for clients
be clear and concise
honest and open
select appropriate communication methods
invite feedback
Promote trust in the profession
When agreeing HoTs for an FBT i became aware that the tenant did not have an agent acting on their behalf. I advised the tenant that they should seek professional advise in order for them to fully understand the terms that they were agreeing to. Rather than taking advantage of the situation I believe I promoted trust
Treated surveyor with respect
Ensure i always treat others with respect as per the professional rules of conduct. Listen to their ideas and opinions whilst conversing with them. Understand rhat they act in their clients best interests so our pro opinions will not always align
Example conflict in firm
Firm were instructed to act on behalf of an ingoing valuation for a Devon County Council Farm. My firm had acted for the out going tenant on the same holding ubut seven years ago. Obtained informed consent from both parties and DCC approved.
PII for firms
claims made basis
underwritten by RICS apporved insurer
mim limit based on firms turn over
run off cover 6 years limitation act 1980
run off pool cover
certificate sent to RICS as part of annual return
Tell me about Bio Diversity offsetting
Legal requirement under the Environment Act 2021, from Feb 2024 it was a legal requirement that all planning permissions granted must deliver a 10% bio diversity gain, small sites were exempt but from April 2024 they wont be.
What legislation governs Bio Diversity
Environment Act 2021
What is an SSSi/ NVZ/ AONB
SSSI designated areas of water or land that are valuable for geology or scientific purposes. NVZ areas of land that are designated as being at risk of Nitrate pollution. Area of outstanding natural beauty areas of land designated for conservation due to significant landscape value
What are ELMS
Environmental Land Management Scheme under Agricultural Act 2020, public goods for public money concept
Talk me through a grant application you have completed
Recently completed a CSS stand alone grant, this has a rolling application window and allows applicants to apply for options that deliver environmental benefits under different categories such as water quality, air quality, boundaries tree and orchards.
Met with client to confirm which options they required whilst advising on the payment value and application process.
FG2- £7.47
FG12- £189.90
LV7 & LV8
accounts letter
Viability Assessment
Jo Marshall
Winter Bird Seed / hay making
Talk me through a CSS mid tier you have completed
Olly Mathews
approx 200 acres improved grassland with low inputs on Exmoor
70% went into GS2 low input grassland as it wouldnt affect his farming regime
GS4 on some parcels that had evidence of white clover etc
left some parcels free to give him degree of flexibility
BE3as applicant was not trimming hedges every year
also looking to incorporate some SFI
RP28 grant- how would it benefit the client
Client had already idented the need for a sprayer washdown shed as the strawberry enterprise was growing
paid £72 psm which would fund most of the project and doing it under the scheme ensured it would be EA compliment
RP28- talk me through application from start to finish
The application was a stand alone application, we therefor were not tied to a deadline.
The client runs a large farming business and has a farm manager who is hands on, having confirmed their instruction and got signed terms of engagement the manger obtained a number of quotes from local suppliers and contractors. In the mean time I completed CSF request form which detailed the farming business details, advice we required and the items we wished to apply for.
Met on site with CSF officer to talk through application and agree approval. He requested concreting of front of shed adjoining concrete track to dity water doesn’t reach ditch.
Received CSF approval and submitted the application with supporting plans
RPA requested accountants letter as application was over £50K threshold
What comments did the CSFO make
They were in support of the application as the roofing would reduce rainwater pollution by preventing rain water getting into proposed sprayer wash down.
They requested a new area of concrete to be laid to the front of the shed to meet an existing concrete track to reduce amount of surface water run offer containing sediments and phosphate.
FIPL- what was the criteria for applicants
Farmers and land managers in an AONB or national park, must manage land within application and have full control of proposed activity. Must provide benefit to landscape or landscape bodies objectives.
Advice given to development of poly tunel and irrigation system?
Looked into the feasibility and viability of the business. Growing on site sourced seeds to grow replacement native trees for ancinet woodland.
Advised that if the grant funding was achieved a pilot scheme should be done within 3 years, if succesful then look to become commercial profit makign business.
Advice that permitted development would need to be submitted for permanent polly tunnel
applicaiton £5K total
SIG application
Currently has approx 4 months slurry storage for pig holding, requires a minimum of 6 months storage
had approx 3,000 cubic sq m
How is planning decided
In accordance with Section 70(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 which you can view here and section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 planning applications have to be determined in accordance with the development plan (our planning policy) unless there are material considerations that indicate otherwise.