General Flashcards
How does a cyclone work?
A cyclone uses centrifugal force to cause impaction of large particulates on tighter turns.
How does an electrostatic precipitator work?
An electrostatic precipitator uses electrostatic attraction to cause particulates to adhere to its walls.
How does a venturi scrubber work?
A venturi scrubber uses a narrowing duct to increase pressure, condensation, and collection efficiency for the cyclone.
How does a settling chamber work?
A settling chamber uses a widening duct to decrease air velocity, causing large particulates to settle.
Objectives and evaluation should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
Lean Philosophy
Any activity or material that does not add value to the end product should be eliminated.
Six Sigma
Specific tools and techniques should be employed to reduce variation and improve the process.
GPS Model
Objectives represent our destination on the map. Evaluation represents our location on the map.
Case Method
An active form of instruction that focuses on a case and involves students learning by doing. Case studies simulate reality and require trainees to wrestle with real-world and complex problems.
Cascade Impactor
Tool designed to simultaneously collect viable mold spores at different cut points.
Dust Mask APF
Lyme Disease
A tickborne disease more commonly encountered in the midwestern and northeastern U.S.
Severe headaches and neck stiffness
Additional EM rashes on other areas of the body
Facial palsy
Intermittent pain in tendons, muscles, joints, and bones
Nerve pain
Hydrogen sulfide Exposure
Upper respiratory tract irritation
Workers in what industry are exposed to Hydrogen sulfide and respirable crystalline silica?
Oil & gas
What is the relationship between production and safety?
Both safety and production are the results of effective management.
At what temperature should special provisions, such as warm air jets, radiant heaters, or contact warm plates be used to keep workers’ bare hands warm while doing fine work for >10 minutes?
16 C (60.8 F).
Which bloodborne pathogens are of primary concern?
Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV.
What is the health effect and work environment associated with Methylene chloride?
Liver damage - degreasing/paint stripping.
What are two health effects associated with Mercury exposure?
Renal damage (nephrotoxicity) and neurological effects.
Flock Worker’s Lung
Lung disease (Pneumonoconiosis) caused by inhalation of nylon flock.
What assumption is made when determining if a gaseous mixture exceeds the mixture TLV?
Similar effects/same target organ.
What principle of leadership ensures workers feel a sense of ownership for a company’s safety and health programs?
Employee participation.
What is one of the most important benefits of using stories in training?
They bundle information together in a way that is meaningful or memorable.
When is it best to train or re-train workers in the context of IH and occupational health?
When there is a change in role, personnel, process, or procedure.
What type of radiation can penetrate several material types, make other objects radioactive, and produce many of the radioactive sources used in industrial, academic, and medical applications?
When sampling for indoor airborne mold spore concentrations, what reference should be used for comparison?
Outdoor airborne mold spore concentrations.
How is hand-arm vibration typically measured?
With an accelerometer placed on the worker’s forearm.
What kind of gloves should be worn when working with Dimethyl mercury?
Silver shield
Which teaching tool is likely to help workers learn to problem solve, use critical thinking, make decisions in complex situations, and cope with ambiguities?
Detailed case studies
What is the traditional risk management approach for industrial hygiene?
Anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control, and confirmation.
Universal Precautions
Treat all bodily fluids as if they are potentially infectious with bloodborne pathogens.
Education and training programs are considered which type of control on the hierarchy of controls?
Which model do many occupational safety and health management systems use to ensure continuous system improvement?
Plan, Do, Check, Act.
Transparent, oily liquid used as a disinfectant or tanning agent that can cause eye, skin, and respiratory irritation, as well as skin and respiratory sensitization
What industry commonly uses Perchloroethylene?
Dry cleaning
Bacterial infection that affects birds, can infect humans, and can cause mild illness or pneumonia.
Control Banding
Qualitative strategy for managing health hazards based on a range of exposures in the absence of OELs.
What is the basis for Manganese’s low TLV?
CNS impairment
What is the basis for Organophosphates such as malathion and parathion low TLV?
Organophosphates are cholinesterase inhibitors.
Inflammatory thickening of the fibrous sheath containing one or more tendons, usually caused by repeated minor injury.
Swelling of the tendons that bend your wrist backward away from your palm.
Which biological agent tend to be the most difficult to sterilize, often requiring autoclaving as part of the process?
Which standard is most appropriate for evaluating health risk exposures to formaldehyde in a personal residence?
EPA Indoor Air Quality Guidelines
Standard Deviation
Average distance of each sample from the mean
In a normal distribution, what percentage of data points are within about 1 standard deviation of the mean?
In a normal distribution, what percentage of data points are within about 2 standard deviations of the mean?
What three things are equal in a normal distribution?
Mean, median, and mode.
Covalent Bond
Bond created when electrons are shared between atoms.
Ionic Bond
Exchange of electrons so that an element has 8 electrons in its outer shell.
Something that dissolves stuff.
What characteristic ensures that a molecule is water soluble?
Gram Molecular Weight (MW)
The mass of one mole of molecules.
Avogadro’s number of units (6.022x10^23).
Molar Concentration (M)
Moles solute/L.
Molar concentration.
Density of Water
1 g/mL OR 1 g/cc OR 1 g/mol.
Specific Gravity
P substance/P water.
Molecular Weight
[H+] =
Ideal Gas Law
What is the ideal gas constant (R)?
Higher vapor pressure is proportional to what ?
High evaporation rate
Single-bonded Carbon atoms.
Contains at least one benzene ring.
What is the name of the air sac in the lungs that are at risk from respirable particles?
GPS Model
Often used to represent objectives, evaluation, and their relationship.
Case Method Teaching
Active form of instruction that focuses on a case and involves students learning by doing.
Cascade Impactor
Designed to simultaneously collect viable mold spores at different cut points.
What is the vector for Lyme disease?
Deer ticks.
Symptoms of Lyme Disease
Rashes (bulls eye pattern), facial palsy loss, arthritis, and severe headaches and neck stiffness.
Symptoms of H2S Exposure
Upper respiratory tract irritation, dizziness, and weakness.
In what industry is H2S commonly found?
Oil and gas.
What are 3 good work practices for reducing hand-arm vibration?
To keep the body and hands warm and dry, to avoid smoking, and to use anti-vibration tools.
At which temperature should special provisions, such as warm air jets, radiant heaters, or contact warm plates be used to keep worker’s bare hands warm while doing fine work for >10 minutes?
16 C
What industry is associated with metallurgical coke?
Steel manufacturing.
Which 3 bloodborne pathogens are of primary concern?
Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV.
What is the primary health effect associated with Mercury exposure?
Kidney damage.
Which cancer is associated with Benzene exposure?
What industry is at risk of Benzene exposure?
Rubber manufacturing.
What is the primary health effect associated with Methylene chloride exposure?
Liver damage.
Which operation is at risk of Methylene chloride exposure?
Degreasing operation.
What assumption is made when determining if a gaseous mixture exceeds the mixture TLV?
The gases have similar toxic effects.
Due to their complex nature, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to prevention.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD’s).
Which type of radiation can penetrate several material types, make other objects radioactive, and produce many of the radioactive sources used in industrial, academic, and medical applications?
Which chemical is used to manufacture many different types of polymers and co-polymers?
What are the health effects of 1,3-Butadiene exposure?
Eye, nose, and throat irritation, leukemia, and lymphoma.
What is associated with Team Leadership?
Inspiring people, supporting decisions, and influencing change.
What is associated with Participatory Leadership?
Involving people, getting input for decisions, implementing change.
What type of gloves should be worn when working with Dimethyl mercury?
Silver Shield.
Which model do many occupational safety and health management systems use to ensure continuous system improvement?
Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA).
What type of respirator is generally best for carcinogens?
What chemical is commonly used in the dry-cleaning industry and can cause irritation?
According to ACGIH, which type of clothing ensemble is associated with the largest adjustment factor?
Limited-use vapor-barrier coveralls.
Bacterial infection that affects birds, can infect humans, and causes mild illness or pneumonia.
At which particle size fractions do P100 filters allow the most penetration?
.2 -.4 um
For which metal is CNS impairment a TLV basis for?
What international safety and health management system uses PDCA?
In how many mutually orthogonal axes should acceleration of a vibrating handle or workpiece be determined at a point close to where the vibration enters?
What is the TLV basis for organophosphates such as malathion and parathion?
They are cholinesterase inhibitors.
What type of media is commonly used to conduct airborne sampling for Hexavalent chromium?
37 mm PVC cassette with a 5 um pore size.
What is the goal of accuracy and precision in analytical chemistry?
To reduce uncertainty.
How many media blanks from the same sample lot does NIOSH recommend using?
What is the maximum amount of field blanks that should be used on a given sampling project?
Primary Standard
Direct measurement of volume.
Limit of Detection
Lowest concentration detected by laboratory instruments, generally 3x the “noise” level.
Limit of Quantification
Lowest concentration quantifiable in the lab, generally 10x the instrument “noise” level.
According to NIOSH, how many samples are required for a valid estimate of the confidence interval around the mean?
According to NIOSH, how many samples are required to estimate variance?
What does a Lower Confidence Limit (LCL) > 1 indicate?
A 95% probability that an exposure exceeds the PEL.
Gravimetric Analysis
Mass of aerosol = difference in weight.
What characterizes a fiber?
3:1 ratio.
What method is used to analyze asbestos samples?
What analytical technique is used to separate chemical substances?
Gas chromatography.
What class of chemicals is gas chromatography generally used to analyze?
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Similar to gas chromatography except the carrier medium is a liquid, not a gas.
For what analytes is HPLC generally used for?
PCB’s, herbicides, insecticides, phthalates, and isocyanates.
Which type of glove provides the best chemical protection for the aldehyde chemical family?
Constriction of the pupil of the eye.
The human body is best at absorbing non-ionizing radiation within which range of frequencies?
30 MHz to 300 MHz.
Deposition of excess iron in body tissue. Comes from exposure to iron or rust.
Relative Risk
The ratio of disease incidence in an exposed group compared to the ratio of disease incidence in an unexposed group.
What model do most occupational safety management systems use to ensure continuous system improvement?
Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)
What is the appropriate WGBT adjustment factor for an employee wearing normal work clothes?
What is Phalen’s test an initial screening for?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).
What is an accelerometer used to measure?
The acceleration and direction of vibration.
What is the reference value for sound intensity?
10^-12 W/m^2
Which type of instrument is typically used to monitor pressure drop across a filter?
Aneroid Anemometer.
Condition in which blood clots form within the blood vessel.
Lateral Epicondylitis
Commonly known as “Tennis Elbow,” a condition where pain is felt on the outside side of the upper arm, near the elbow.
What is the primary target organ for aflatoxins?
What health effect is Cadmium most associated with?
Renal (kidney) damage.
Tubular Proteinuria
Increased urinary excretion of serum proteins and the first sign of renal damage.
What is the most significant threat from Radon gas?
Alpha radiation.
Which type of cancer is associated with Radon exposure?
Lung cancer.
Observational Bias
When information on disease status is recorded differently between the exposed and non-exposed groups.
Type I Error
Rejection of t
he null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true.
What are the 3 most important factors when determining whether a worker becomes infected after being exposed to an infectious agent?
Pathogenicity, infectious dose, and host susceptibility.
Contamination Reduction Corridor
The area between two access control points.
Lung disease that develops due to inhalation of asbestos fibers.
Lung disease caused by inhalation of cotton or jute dust.
Metal Fume Fever
Illness caused primarily by exposure to chemicals such as Zinc oxide, Aluminum oxide, or Magnesium oxide which are produced as byproducts in the fumes that result when certain metals are heated.
Exposure to what chemical can cause upper respiratory tract irritation, cataracts, hemolytic anemia, and is a suspected carcinogen?
Solid or liquid particles dispersed in a gaseous medium (usually air in IH).
Dusts, fumes, mists, smokes, and fibers are all considered what?
Dry particle aerosols produced by mechanical processes.
Very fine solid aerosol particles produced from vaporized solids.
What compounds are fumes generally associated with?
Spherical droplet aerosols produced by mechanical processes.
Complex mixture of solid and liquid aerosol particles, gases, and vapors resulting from incomplete combustion.
Elongated particles with an aspect ratio greater than 3:1.
Range of particle sizes.
Inhalable Dust Fraction Size
Thoracic Dust Fraction Size
Respirable Dust Fraction Size
What are the three typical sampling cassette sizes?
25 mm, 37 mm, and 47 mm.
In air sampling, what is concentration equal to?
What will be the result if leakage occurs from an improperly assembled air sampling cassette?
The results will be underestimated as some of the target constituent will be lost through the leak.
Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE) cassettes are primarily used to analyze what kind of analyte?
What will be the result if the flow rate is too high when sampling with a cyclone?
Very small particles will be over-represented and medium and large particles under-represented.
What is the drawback of gravimetric analysis methods?
They can only detect the total mass accumulated and can’t differentiate between different compounds in the air.
IOM Sampler
Particulate sampler that simulates collection of inhalable particles inhaled by mouth and nose.
Which particulate sampler can also be used to sample viable mold spores in the air?
Button sampler.
What kind of air sampling device would be used to collect culturable and/or viable biological samples?
Anderson/Cascade Impactor.
What does a spore trap sample collect?
All biological materials.
Terminal Setting Velocity Equation (Vts)
What are impingers capable of sampling for?
Gases and vapors.
Something that dissolves gas in a liquid media.
Something that physically adheres gases and vapors to media.
What sampler would be the best choice to sample for semi-volatiles?
What is the most common type of adsorbent?
Activated charcoal.
What constituents are silica gel used to sample for?
Polar compounds, including alcohols, amines, and phenols.
If breakthrough occurs in a sorbent tube, how will it affect the result?
The concentration will be underestimated because analyte is being lost through the back of the tube.
What percent mass can the breakthrough section of a sorbent tube accept before invalidating the sample?
10% of the mass of the collection section.
What environmental factors can decrease adsorption efficiency in air sampling?
High humidity and temperature.
What is the sample rate determined by in passive diffusion air sampling?
Fick’s law.
When using colorimetric tubes, what is the length of color produced proportional to?
Concentration in the air.
What is a downside of using colorimetric tubes?
Accuracy is +/-20%
What information does a PID provide?
Qualitative information on the amount and class of chemicals present in the air.
What can a PID detect?
Organics and some-non organics.
Which PID lamp size will detect the broadest range of compounds?
11.7 eV
Which PID lamp is most commonly used?
10.6 eV
What is the difference between a PID and FID?
PID uses UV light to ionize compounds, and FID uses a hydrogen flame.
What information does an FID provide?
An estimate of the total concentration of organic chemicals present in air.
What is an example of an electrochemical cell?
Multi-gas meters.
Infrared Analyzer
Measures trace gases by determining the absorption of an emitted infrared light source through a certain air sample.
What instrument could be used to sample airborne formaldehyde concentrations in real time?
Infrared analyzer.
What is it referred to when particles (or photons) with sufficient energy to remove electrons (or ionize) molecules with which they interact?
Ionizing radiation.
What are the 3 basic types of ionizing radiation?
Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.
Which radiation particle is the largest?
Alpha particle.
Which type of ionizing radiation can be stopped by a piece of paper but is a significant internal hazard?
Alpha radiation.
A high-speed electron is also known as what kind of ionizing radiation?
Beta radiation.
What type of particle is released in the decay process when a neutron transforms into a proton?
Beta particle.
What is the QF of alpha radiation?
What type of ionizing radiation will continue through any medium until it has a chance encounter with an atom?
Gamma radiation.
What type of ionizing radiation requires the densest shielding?
Gamma radiation.
Radiation Activity Equation
QF x Rad
What is the effective half-life a combination of?
Radiological and biological half-lives.
As low as reasonably achievable.
What are the 3 primary control methods for radiation?
Time, distance, and shielding.
What are two preferred shields for Beta radiation?
Glass and plastic.
Why is using high atomic mass shielding for Beta radiation not a good idea?
When Beta particles hit atoms of high atomic number, x-rays are created (Bremsstrahlung radiation).
What two units should we look for in radiation shielding equations?
HVL and TVL.
What is the dividing light emission time between a continuous wave laser and a pulsed laser?
0.25 seconds
Irradiance Calculation
What part of the body is most vulnerable to a laser?
“Penetration increases as wavelength increases” is true of what physical hazards?
Noise and lasers.