General Flashcards
What is the role of the Principal Contractor?
Plan, manage and coordinate construction phase Prepare Construction Phase Plan Provide welfare facilities Give site specific inductions Take steps to prevent unauthorised access to site Only appoint people with suitable skills, experience and organisational capacity
What is F10 and when is a project notifiable?
Notice to HSE to notify them of a relevant project Notifiable if: longer than 30d, more than 20 workers at once or more than 500 person days
What info would the instructions to tenderers contain in an ITT?
Date for return Address for return Site visit details Details for clarifications What must be included in the submission
What should be considered when selecting a procurement route?
Details of the project Client’s attitude to risk Client’s requirements re cost, programme, quality
What is novation?
New contract that transfers the rights and obligations of one part to a third party
What should be in place if the client novates the design team?
Collateral warranty in case there are any breaches of contract
When have you experienced a novation?
Transfer of design team to contractor on D&B TWBC - transfer from County Council to Borough Council
What are the differences between Management Contracting and Construction Management?
Under Construction Management the client has direct contractual relationships with each trade contractor Under Management Contracting the client has contract with the Management Contractor
When and how do you identify client requirements before recommending a procurement route?
On St. Marylebone, held a procurement workshop with client and design team to identify priorities re cost, time, quality and attitude to risk
If the client wishes to start on site ASAP what procurement route would you recommend?
Construction Management if don’t mind about no cost certainty. Otherwise D&B
What is GMP? What are the advantages/ disadvantages?
Guaranteed Maximum Price Lump sum contract where price doesn’t change unless scope changes. Contractor prices in risks and design development. Ad: greater price certainty Dis: contractor’s risk allowance likely to be higher than the reality so client pays too much, can be adversarial if you’re trying to design if something is design development or a change
What is PFI and what sort of projects might it be used on?
Private Finance Initiative - private sector provides finance for capital costs and is paid back through maintenance contract e.g. schools, hospital
What contracts can be used for partnering?
JCT Framework Agreement NEC3 Framework Contract
What are the main methods of tendering?
Open Restricted - single or two stage Negotiation Serial/ Framework Joint Venture
What do tenderers return at first stage of a two stage process?
Price of prelims % for OHP Construction programme Experience and team Info on sub contractors
What is serial tendering
Contractor is appointed to deliver one project on the understanding that if it goes well they will be asked to carry out others of a similar nature using the same rates
What could happen if you select the wrong contractor?
Issues with H&S due to lack of experience, skill or organisational capacity Unhappy client Insolvent contractor Risks/ issues due to inexperience
What should be in a set of tender documents
ITT Instructions to Tenderers Conditions of Contract Prelims Pricing Document Specification Design info e.g. drawings Empoyer’s Requirements Pre Construction Info Form of Tender Submission of Bona Fide Tender
How did you decide which contractors to go out to?
recommendations from design team made inquiries PQQ
What happens if a tender is late?
Better not to accept it as there is a risk of collusion If private client it’s their decision but I’d advise the risks If its only a few minutes late then you’d use your discretion but discuss with the client
How do you evaluate tenders for D&B?
Cost/ Quality Programme Contractor’s proposals against ERs Method statement Team
How do you with errors in tender returns?
Depends what was stated in the instructions to tenderers Alternative 1 - contractor invited to stand by tender price or withdraw Alternative 2 - contractor given opportunity to confirm or amend errors
What info would you include in a tender report?
Process followed List of tenders received and their tender sums Assessment of quality Revised tender sums Recommendation
Is there an alternative to Liquidated Damages?
Yes, you can claim damages through litigation
How do you execute a contract?
Under hand - 6y liabilities As a deed - 12y liabilities
What are the insurance options under JCT?
A - Contractor takes out all risks insurance for the works B - Employer takes out all risks insurance for the works C - Employers takes out all risks insurance for the works and to cover the existing building against specified perils
What climate agreements has the UK signed?
Paris Agreement - cut carbon emissions 68% by 2030. COP26 this year to discuss progress against commitments
How can you transfer the benefits of a contract?
3rd Party Rights Collateral Warranties Assignment
What is a capital allowance?
UK income and corporation tax reliefs for businesses on capital expenditure Client is allowed to deduct capital allowances from taxible profit so can help business case for doing work e.g. plant, lifts, M&E, office equipment
What were the pros and cons of Passivhaus certification on PHG?
Pros: clear standard to work to more efficient building higher performing building lower carbon impact lower running costs Cons: additional capital costs intrusive on historic fabric needs design team and contractor with relevant expertise and commitment
On IWM what were the merits of an insitu concrete frame vs pre cast concrete vs steel?
Pre cast - quicker to assemble on site, better quality control, no additional fire protection Steel - quicker to assemble on site, longer lead in time, bespoke, lighter so less foundations
How did you develop the brief for St. Marylebone?
Reviewed the clients statement of need Had a workshop with them to further understand their needs Included: Objectives Business case Statutory constraints e.g. listed building Operational requirements e.g. keep it open KPIs Phasing requirements Benefits/ outcomes Site info and restraints Understand time/ quality/ cost balance e.g. critical dates BIM Sustainability
How do you check contractor’s financial information at tender?
Credit checks through Experian Ask to submit accounts
What are BCIS Indices?
Data gathered by RICS on cost and price to enable you to benchmark and forecast inflation
What are the four different types of risk
Design development Employer’s changes Construction Employer’s other
What can you claim under loss and expense
direct loss and expense, not normally consequential loss e.g. loss of profit but it depends on wording in contract
What is a work breakdown structure?
diagram that breaks the project down into work packages
What is a precedence diagram?
Logic network that shows duration, float and critical path
What is a resource curve?
Line graph that sets out time/ resources
What is a gantt chart?
A bar chart that shows tasks set out over time
What is a retaining wall?
Structure designed and built to withstand lateral pressure of soil
What are the thresholds for the Public Sector Procurement?
£4.7m works £189k services
How has procurement been effected now we have left the EU?
OJEU regulations have been replaced by Government’s Procurement Policy Notes All contracts over the thresholds must be advertised on Find A Tender
When should you submit a non-material amendment?
When there is a small change to a planning application which doesn’t conflict with conditions or increase height of roof or size of external envelope. Avoids the need for a new planning application
What do you include in a closeout report?
Summary of the project Contact details of key people Details of any unresolved issues Lessons learnt Confirmation that project has been signed off
Give an example of a project where you have set KPIs
PHG - set KPIs for the design team e.g. Complete RIBA 2 by X, ensure it is within budget, submit progress reports one week before progress meeting, consultation with Conservation Officer
What are SMART objectives? Give some examples
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely E.g. delivery of X no. of workshops by X to X different schools with feedback forms collected
What is Senge’s theory on Learning Organisations?
The people within organisations need to continually learn and grow together, if they do this then the organisation will be more adaptable to changing environments Need to put systems in place to enable growth
What does RICS Value the Planet say?
Talks about the significant impact of the built environment industry on the planet in relation to drawing on resources and impacting the lives of people. Surveyors have a big role to play in developing trust in the profession and to demonstrate that we act for the public benefit. 40% of UK’s carbon emissions are from built environment
What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
17 goals to provide a blue print for a better sustainable future e.g. good health and wellbeing, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, sustainable cities and communities
What is SKA rating?
RICS sustainable standard for retrofitting buildings
What is EPC? When do you need it?
Energy Performance Certificate Required for buildings over 50sqm when sold, let. Exemptions are listed buildings, churches, temporary
What was the Green Deal?
Linked to the Energy Act 2011 Aims to make homes and businesses more energy efficient by removing up front costs for sustainability measures Low take up due to unattractive finance rates
What’s the role of the CA under JCT?
Act impartially Administer the contract Issue instructions re changes and clarifications Certifies sums due Assesses delays and grants cost and time
How is EA different to CA?
EA is client’s advisor to protect their interest. CA is impartial.
What status does programme have under JCT?
What is a non-completion certificate? What are the consequences of it?
Certificate to say that works have not been completed by sectional or practical completion date in the contract Employer has right to withhold LDs. Must issue a pay less notice and write to the contractor to notify them of their intention to withhold LDs
What is Practical Completion? What are the consequences?
Point that the contractor finishes work and hands over to the client Must be fit for purpose, nothing should not be done that prevents it from being used % of retention released - often 50% Defect period starts, often 12months Client needs to insure site and take responsibility for the building No longer able to impose LDs
What can you do if the CA does not believe that work is in accordance with the contract?
CA can instruct opening up works. Contractor’s cost if not in accordance with Contract. Employer’s cost if is.
What is an Extension of Time?
Provision in the Contract that allows the CA to extend time to fix a new PC date. This prevents time becoming at large and employer’s ability to recover LDs.
What’s the process for claiming an EoT?
As soon as becomes apparent that delay is likely, notify CA in writing, identify cause and if cause is a Relevant Event give likely extent of delay CA notify outcome in writing Contractor must make all efforts to mitigate effect of delay
How long does CA have to grant EoT?
12w from notification If less than 12w to PC, should try to decide before PC
What is Pre Construction Information?
Allows tenderers to be aware of H&S requirements and to make suitable allowances in their tender Includes: Description of works Client considerations and management requirements Environmental restrictions Existing onsite risks Significant design and construction hazards H&S file
What is the H&S file?
Prepared following the completion of construction Includes info for future construction, cleaning and maintenance PD ensures it is prepared with info from client, designers and contractors Includes: description of works any hazards info re dismantling/ removal of plant and equipment Nature and location of services residual hazards and how dealt with e.g. asbestos survey
What are the different forms of excavation?
excavation for foundations cut and fill reduced level dig (to reach formation level to start construction) stripping top soil site clearance
What do you need to consider when excavating?
nature of soil moisture content excavation method need to prop ground proximity to existing buildings archaeology tree roots UXO
What are temporary works?
Any works required to enable construction but will not be there at the end of the project e.g. scaffolding, shuttering, temporary propping
What is scaffolding?
Temporary platform to work from
What is shoring?
Temporary support to existing buildings or structures to prevent collapse, damage or injury
What is substructure?
Everything below the super structure, normally below damp course membrane e.g. foundations
What is the purpose of foundations?
To transfer loads from the building to the ground
What determines foundation choice?
load of building nature and bearing capacity of ground
Name some different types of foundation
Strip, pad, Raft, Piles
Name some different types of piles
Bored, Screw, Driven, Sheet
What is heave?
upward movement of ground due to expansion of clay soil when wet
What is SUDS?
Sustainable Urban Drainage System Reduce reliance on existing drainage by slowing and holding back water e.g. attenuation tank, green roof
What is a raft foundation?
Large foundation which covers the footprint of the building Spreads the load over large area to reduce the load per sqm Good for low load bearing soils
What is a pad foundation?
Provides a base for column Usually made of reinforced concrete
What is pile?
series of columns inserted or constructed into the ground to transmit load to a lower level of subsoil Good when high water table or no suitable foundation conditions near ground Good in build up area with no space to construct other foundations Either end bearing or friction
What is superstructure?
Everything above the substructure e.g. frame, external and internal walls, roof, doors, windows, upper floors, stairs
What are some different types of brick bond?
English - alternate headers and stretchers Stretcher - single brick width
What do you need to consider when designing external walls?
Weather protection Fire resistance Noise reduction Thermal performance Structural performance Aesthetics
What are different types of load on a building?
Dead load - weight of building Live load - people moving around in it Superimposed load - wind, snow
What is curtain walling?
non structural cladding system typically aluminium framing with glazing/ opaque panels
What are the advantages and disadvantages of timber frames?
Ad: Sustainable Can recycle Aesthetics Quick to assemble on site Lightweight Disad: Need skilled workman Need additional fire protection Rot, infestation
What are the advantages and disadvantages of concrete frame?
Ad: material readily available no additional fire protection required thermal and acoustic properties low maintenance Disad: not renewable material high carbon emissions lengthly set up and drying times on site heavier so needs larger foundations
What are the advantages and disadvantage of steel frame?
Ad: large spans quick to assemble on site recyclable lighter than concrete Disad: needs additional fire protection no acoustic or thermal properties can fail under extreme heat long lead in times price of steel varies
What factors should you consider when choosing a framing system?
fire protection requirements size of spans required height of building foundation design aesthetics programme requirements market conditions and supply costs
What factors affect choice of internal partitions?
acoustic requirements need for glazing/ doors need to hang things on them fire rating requirements fixed or movable
What is CAT A?
the shell, open plan space with air conditioning, fire and smoke alarms, raised floors and suspended ceiling
What is CAT B?
Finished including decoration, below floor power and data, IT and comms, FFE, fully fitted kitchen
What is 3 phase supply?
Supply of three AC voltages 120degrees out of phase with each other
What is Cat II lighting?
light fittings that limit glare on computer screens
What issues would you consider in design of a ventilation system?
occupants requirements and use cost (lifecycle cost) external conditions e.g natural unfeasible due to pollution outside level of control needed space for air handling units BREEAM requirements
What is a UPS?
Uninterruptible Power Supply
How many professional groups/ faculties does RICS have? What are they?
18 to cover different surveying services e.g. PM, QS, BS Good way to connect, contribute to standards, guidance and technical journals Also series of sector forums e.g. Building Conservation - can get Building Conservation Accreditation from RICS
What RICS guidance are you aware of?
Black book is suite of all guidance notes e.g. Conflict Avoidance and Dispute Resolution Retention Client Money Handling Surveying Safely
If you were setting up a RICS firm what health and safety factors would you need to take into account?
Risk assessment of work place Adequate fire procedures in place PPE for employees H&S policy Training for staff Lone working policy Check employees are happy in workplace
What is SAP?
Standard Assessment Procedure energy assessment for commercial and new buildings
Can you terminate a JCT contract?
Either side can terminate if: breach of contract e.g. contractor suspends work one party goes insolvent employer does not pay employer interferes with issue of instructions
What are typical defects on a timber frame?
rot, infestation, cracking
What would you expect to be in the PEP?
Aims and objectives Programme Budget Procurement strategy Governance Roles and responsibilities Stakeholder analysis and comms plan statutory consents strategy H&S strategy Sustainability strategy QA strategy
What does the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply’s Code of Conduct say?
Sets out ethical guidance for procurement
What does RIBA’s post occupation evaluation primer say?
Agree strategy and requirements at the beginning of the project Consider what you will evaluate e.g. project delivery outcomes user feedback energy use building performance compare to expectations benchmark against others
What is the Future Home Standard?
Aims to support the UK’s commitment to get net zero carbon emissions by 2050 From 2025 all new homes to have low carbon heating systems and not be connected to gas Effects Part F and L
What does the National Planning Policy Framework say about inclusive environments?
need to design built environment to ensure that they can be accessed and used by everyone
What are CABE’s inclusive design principles?
inclusive responsive flexible convenient accommodating welcoming realistic
What accidents must be reported?
fractures severe burns member of public going to hospital worker off work for 7d crush certain near misses occupational diseases
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
Who has to report to RIDDOR?
Responsible person that has control of the site
What must you do when working at height?
Ideally find alternative to risk Risk Assessment PPE
What do you know about asbestos?
Construction material that was banned in the UK in 1999 Greatest cause of work related deaths in UK Blue, brown, white Lagging, floor tiles, ceiling panels, roofing, fire proofing
What is the party wall process?
BO issues notice to AO, 1m in advance of start date AO has 14d to respond (do nothing, accept, dissent) If AO doesn’t appoint PW surveyor BO can appoint one for them Surveyors review each others terms and agree 3rd surveyor for dispute Complete schedule of condition of AO property Agree works to be completed Confirm in writing
What does it mean if your insured on each and every claim basis?
Every single claim made during insurance year is entitled to the full indemnity limit
What are the advantages and disadvantage of two stage tender process
Ad: early contractor appointment can bring PC forward expert input into design improve buildability encourage collaboration Dis: 2nd stage not competitive
What is difference between Prime Cost and Prov Sum?
Prime cost - allowance for item (excl. profit and attendance) when not chosen brand, model e.g. carpet Prov sum- allowance (est. by QS) that’s inserted into tender docs for item not yet defined enough for tenderer to price
What act governs contracts and payments?
Construction Act 1996 and amended in 2011 -right to be paid in interim -no pay when paid clauses -incl date for payment, issue payment notices
What level of PI are there?
value of project what client asking for worst case scenario
What are typical defects on steel frame?
corrosion in humid/ marine climates
What do companies need to provide in accordance with Companies Act 2006
company accounts (profit and loss, balance sheet and notes) signed directors report signed auditors report
What do small companies submit to Companies House?
Abridged accounts No audit if turnover under £10.2m, under 50 employees, not public
What is gross income?
All income
What is net income
all income minus any discounts e.g. bulk order, early payments
What is gross profit?
net income minus cost of sales
What is operating profit?
gross profit minus overheads and fixed costs e.g. rent, marketing, wages
What is net profit?
profit after tax
What is equity?
assets minus liabilities
What is retained earnings?
profit not paid to shareholders and used to reinvest in the business/ reduce debt/ fund expansion
What different types of liabilities are there?
current - due in one year long term - deferred tax, long term debts
What are fixed/ non-liquid assets?
land, building, equipment
What are liquid assets?
cash or easily converted to cash
What are intangible assets?
copyright, patents, franchise agreement
What is depreciation?
if new kit costs £10k and lasts 10y it reduces in value by £1k/ year Put it on accounts as a loss to reduce taxable profit HMRC gives guidance Capital allowance
What is difference between profit and loss statement and a balance sheet?
profit and loss - shows financial health for a period, total outgoings subtracted from total income to show profit/ loss balance sheet - statement of financial position at one time, shows value of everything owned/ owes/ owed on last day of financial year
What is the PM’s role within BIM project?
Make sure requirements are incl in brief i.e. Employers Information Requirements Procure team with suitable capability
What are the most common causes of project failure due to the contractor?
poor estimating resource shortages inexperienced team unfavourable contract e.g. payment terms, pricing of changes lack of senior management support lack of risk management lack of coordination overly aggressive programme
What are the common causes of project failure due to the client?
scoping issues - scope doesn’t address business requirements inexperienced team poor estimating construction starts on incomplete design lack of risk management governance structure not set up properly unrealistic programme
Tell me when you’ve prepared a consultancy service plan and what you took into consideration
scope schedule of service programme level of support/ experience of client budget PI levels form of contract
What types of problems, risks and issues might arise with consultancy during project?
need different skill sets at different points (strategic, technical) but also want to maintain some consistency loss of personnel on long projects if challenging at beginning of project people use up too much resource then less good will when you need it on site
Tell me about KPIs for consultants
mutually agree with client and consultant make sure capture quality and not just quantitative review at performance reviews normal on frameworks where there’s annual review standard on NEC contract
What is client’s responsibilities under CDM regs?
make sure named person is responsible and have right skillset ensure H&S is embedded in project carry out spot checks
Why is it important to agree a clear contract with a client?
Manage expectations Set out clearly schedule of service, scope, programme, fees, day rates for additional work Agree terms and conditions be clear on dispute process
What ways are there to procure consultancy services?
direct approach and negotiate appoint from a framework tender process
What are the statutory regulation around running a business?
Companies Act 1985 GDPR Employment law H&S at Work Act
What tools does your company use to manage business?
Rapport Cashflow Business plan profit and loss statement balance sheet
What is your company’s business model?
hiring people with specialist skills charging clients for access to those people
What is a business plan and why is it important?
describes business aims and how they can be achieved strategic (3-5y) operational (1y)
What are the key elements of a business plan?
executive summary about you market analysis your offer organisational structure financial section risk analysis sensitivity analysis
How would you describe a good business plan?
concise specific realistic know market know finances
How do you carry out a credit check?
Dun and Bradstreet Experian
What is the purpose of a cash flow statement?
understand the movement of your cash balance to make sure that you maintain viable
What type of financial info do you usually require in an SSQ?
credit check accounts confirmation that turnover is twice this contract value
Can you explain how the criteria for success in the project brief were arrived at on St. Marylebone?
familiarised self with project and client’s previous work understand business needs and project objectives understand what issues are most important e.g. business continuity understand any other work that their doing concurrently discuss with project sponsor and my manager
What’s the difference between sectional completion and partial possession?
SC is agreed up front and written into the contract. Contractor is contractually obliged to do it, LDs liable PP is by mutual agreement
What is the payment process for D&B contract?
Stage payments as no QS
Who is named in JCT traditional contract?
CA Contractor Employer Principal Designer Principal Contractor QS
Who is named in a JCT D&B contract?
Employer’s Agent Contractor Employer Principal Designer Principal Contractor
What is difference between relevant even and relevant matter?
relevant event = extension of time relevant matter = loss and expense, extension of time change of legislation = matter
What if PC date passes and the contractor has not finished?
Issued Certificate of Non Completion, even if arguing over EoT Employer can claim LDs
What happens if a client disagrees with a valuation?
Issue a Pay Less Notice, min 5d before payment due
Whats the difference between JCT Minor Works and Intermediate?
Can’t have sectional completion or named sub contractors in MW. MW is for smaller, simpler projects
What are the different types of surveyor in RICS?
BS, QS, PM, Auctioneer,
What other professional bodies are there in this industry?
RIBA, ICE, Chartered Institute of Builders,
What do you need PI insurance?
To protect the client against any negligence that causes them losses
Who is the president of the RICS?
Kathleen Fontana
Who is the CEO of RICS?
Sean Tompkins
What types of insurance does your company need?
PI, employer’s liability, buildings and contents, public liability
What is run off cover?
Need it for 6/12y when you stop doing a service or close company
What happens if there’s a claim against your sub consultant?
We settle with the client and then claim against the sub consultant’s insurance
What signs are there that a contractor is going insolvent?
sub contractors stop working work slows down, less people on site anxious about invoicing
What do you do if a contractor doesn’t carry out an instruction?
issue 7d notice if doesn’t comply with instruction, instruct another party to carry out work and contractor liable for costs
What do you need to define for sectional completion?
LDs retention duration of rectification period physical boundaries and interfaces section commencement and completion dates protocol for contractor to enter site to complete wider works e.g services ensure insurances are changed
What is the structure of RICS?
Privy Council Management Board, Audit Committee, Standards and Regulation Board, Nominations Committee Finance Committee, World Regional Boards, Renumeration Committee
What are the RICS 5 principles of better regulation?
Proportionality Accountability Consistancy Transparancy Targeting
What is RICS motto?
There is measure in all things
What is the role of RICS?
Regulate and promote the profession Maintain highest educational and professional standards Protect client through strict code of ethics and professional standards Provide impartial advice and guidance
What is the Royal Charter?
1881 Requires RICS to promote usefulness of profession to the advantage of UK public and worldwide Important changes of bye laws must be ratified by UK gov
What is RICS?
World’s leading profession body for land, real estate and construction
What are the rules of conduct for members?
Behave ethically Be competent and carry out work with due skill, care and diligence Regard for standard of service and do work in timely manner CPD Manage finances appropriately Give info to RICS Cooperate with RICS
How much CPD do RICS members need to do?
20h incl. 10h formal
What are the main certificates associated with a JCT contract?
Sectional Completion Practical Completion Payment Certificate End of Making Good Final Certificate Partial Possession
What are Contractor’s Obligations?
To complete work in line with Contract and comply with legislation e.g. CDM, H&S at Work, Building Regs
What are the Employer’s Obligations?
Pay Contractor and Consultants Allow Contractor to carry out works Not hinder works
What are the key roles in a Contract?
Employer Contractor Contract Administrator QS Principal Designer Principal Contractor Adjudicator
When would you use JCT Minor Works?
Simple works Design provided by Employer CA
What makes a Contract?
Offer Acceptance Consideration Intent Legal Capacity
What happens if a company can’t get PI?
Join RICS assigned risk pool
What should you check before accessing scaffolding?
Tags are up to date If it’s been worked on/ adapted Overall condition
What checks are carried out before a contractor is added to a tender list?
Experience Financial SSQ
Prior to taking on a new client what procedure is followed in your office?
Contract with agreed scope, schedule of service, fee and programme Issue Complaints Handling Procedure Check any conflicts of interest
How can you predict risk?
Monte Carlo simulation
How do you consider sustainability in relation to the supply chain?
Use of local labour Use of local materials to minimise carbon footprint Training and education How supporting local economy
What level of design do you expect at the end of RIBA 3?
Surveys completed Coordinated Plans, elevations and some sections Visuals Info on materials Structural and services info
What would you do if the client wasn’t happy with the performance of the design team?
Understand client’s concerns Review their schedule of service and scope Make my own opinion Let DT know Performance review Mediation Adjudication/ arbitration/ litigation
What elements might be in the brief in relation to sustainability?
BREEAM / Passivhaus requirement Aspirations
Why is sustainability important to you as a surveyor?
Construction has a large impact on environment Our profession has significant role to play Resources are finite and unsustainable practices are depleting them Need to protect environment for future generations
How would you assess your organisation’s green credentials?
Carry out an audit Look at our Corporate Social Responsibility policy
How do you compile a risk register?
Hold risk workshop with the team Identify risks, mitigations, likelihood and impact
What is a risk?
Uncertain event or circumstance that would have impact on project’s objectives
What fire safety provisions would you expect to find in an office block?
Fire system e.g. alarms, sprinklers Fire risk assessment Fire exits and signage Fire evacuation procedure Fire dampers in duct work Fire barriers in floor and wall cavities and ceiling voids Emergency shutdown of ventilation
What is NEC?
Promotes partnering and collaboration Recommended in Latham Report Written in plain english No CA but PM Aim to encourage good management
What are the various NEC3 contracts?
Option A: Priced contract with activity schedule. Option B: Priced contract with bill of quantities. Option C: Target contract with activity schedule. Option D: Target contract with bill of quantities Option E: Cost reimbursable contract. Option F: Management contract.
What are the three pre conditions for registering a firm with RICS?
Offer professional surveying services 25% or more of partners must be RICS qualified Agree to observe with RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms
What is CIS?
Construction Industry Scheme Main contractors must sign up to this scheme Deduct money for tax and NI and pass directly to HMRC for sub contractors
What would you do if you thought a contractor was going into administration?
Be extra vigilant If Contractor fails to proceed with work, issue default notice
What is difference between Relevant Event and Relevant Matter?
Relevant Event - event that causes delay to completion date either by client or neither party Relevant Matter - matter that affects progress of work that client is responsible for
How do you assess if a client was happy with your performance?
customer care questionnaire performance review
How do you assess if sustainable technologies are suitable on your project?
feasibility study cost/ benefit analysis
How are LDs calculated?
genuine pre-estimate of loss and expense
What are the most common types of ventilation system?
natural - windows, trickle vents mechanical: extract only e.g. kitchens, bathrooms extract and supply e.g. air handling units, heating/ cooling
What is a parapet?
extension of a wall, often to provide edge protection
What is meant by sustainability?
The ability to continue doing something at the same rate
How does sustainability impact on legislation?
Energy Act 2011 Climate Change Act 2008
What does a PM need to do in relation to sustainability?
Incl. info in brief Appoint suitable team Ensure requirements met as project develops Ensure suitable contractor Ensure training if needed e.g. air tightness Certificates
What’s PM’s responsibility in relation to the brief?
Make sure there is one and it contains the right information Write/ pull together
What information should the brief contain?
Functions Adjacencies Spatial relationships Block planning Objectives Business case Budget Programme End users’ needs Quality Minimum standards
Does Part M apply to refurbishments?
You need to demonstrate that you have done the best you can. Understand heritage significance, seek guidance from authorities e.g. Conservation Officer, Building Control
What are the terms of reference between a client and PT?
What is the Party Wall Act?
Sets out the process for work to a party wall to prevent and resolve disputes. Allows owners to carry out work to a party wall which otherwise would have been trespassing.
What are the benefits of prefabricated construction to insitu?
Better quality control in the factory Faster onsite construction
What is buildability?
How easy it is to construct something
What are the RIBA Stages of work?
0 - Strategic Definition 1 - Preparation and Briefing 2- Concept Design 3 - Coordinated Design 4 - Technical Design 5 - Offsite Manufacture/ Onsite Construction 6 - Handover 7 - Use
Why do we have the RIBA Stages of work?
Framework for organising projects from start to finish Explains outcomes, key tasks and info needed at each stage
What is a programme?
Tool which sets out all the activities that are required to complete a project, their duration, dependencies, float Used to plan and monitor work
What does a programme show?
Activities and their duration and sequence Dependencies Milestones Float Critical path Used to predict cashflow and resource requirements
What is float?
Amount of time that one task can over run before it impacts upon the critical path
What is critical path?
The most efficient duration of the programme. Activities on the critical path have no float, so delays will effect the overall programme
What is a milestone?
Task of zero duration which shows an important achievement
What is PERT?
Programme Evaluation Review Technique Make programmes showing the pessimistic and optimistic scenarios and then one in middle showing the most realistic
What is a Gantt chart?
Bar chart showing activities, duration, float, critical path
What is a network diagram?
Flow chart showing all the activities
What is concurrent delay?
Two delays occurring at the same time but independently, which effect the critical path
What is time at large?
When there is no clear end date for completion of works by the contractor either: -no PC in contract -failure of CA to issue certificate of non-completion
Why assign resources to tasks?
determine resources required for project
How do you put together a project programme?
understand purpose of programme and detail needed identify tasks with durations, dependencies and constraints understand project deliverables and contractual milestones arrange in RIBA stages identify float and critical path monitor review
What’s difference between planning and programming?
Planning is understanding what/ how/ who Programme is a tool to collect, gather and present the information
What is acceleration and how might you achieve it?
Reducing the duration of the programme Additional resources Working longer hours Resequence activities to complete activities in parallel
What’s a drop line?
Demonstrates progress against the programme jagged - progress in % against each task straight - add % and then straighten tasks against reporting date
What are typical surveys for a construction project?
GI Topo Measured UXO Archaeology Opening up Utilities Drainage CCTV Environmental Asbestos Flood risk assessment Transport assessment
What is a CBR test?
Californian Bearing Ratio tests load bearing capacity of ground to inform foundation design
What’s a Complaints Handling Procedure?
Process that clients can complain about your services. All RICS firms must have one Acknowledge receipt Notify complaint handling manager Appoint person to carry out investigation Identify outcome and action to rectify Formally respond to client If client unhappy: right for separate review or mediation, independent dispute resolution Lessons learned shared internally Review at pre determined date Notify insurers
What are RICS rules in relation to complaints?
Rule 7 in Code of Conduct for Firms Operate Complaints Handling Procedure incl. Alternative Dispute Resolution (app by Regulatory Board) Maintain Complaints Log
What are the key principles of COSHH?
Employers to prevent or reduce workers’ exposure to substances incl. chemicals, fumes, dust, biological agents/ germs
What does COSHH stand for?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
What is Considerate Constructor’s Scheme?
Non profit organisation which aims to improve the public image of the construction industry. Encourages best practice.
What are the five CCS categories?
Care about appearance Respect the community Protect environment Care about safety Value workforce
What H&S hazards have you come across?
Working at height Slips, trips and falls Manual handling Noise Site traffic movement
What is a CSCS card?
Construction Skills Certification Scheme Proof individuals have appropriate training and qualification in relation to health and safety
What does it mean if a site has been issued with a prohibition notice?
Stop work immediately in that area until they have reduced/ removed the associated risks
What do you do if you find asbestos?
Stop work immediate Secure the site Notify site manager Get suitably qualified contractor to confirm if asbestos/ what type Decide how to address
What legislation relates to Asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
What are the three most common types of Asbestos?
Blue, brown, white
What types of asbestos survey are there?
Management survey Refurbishment and Demolition survey
Where do you commonly find asbestos?
lagging, floor tiles, ceiling panels, fire protection, cement gutters/ downpipes,
How can you manage asbestos?
Asbestos Management Plan Encapsulate Remove
What is an asbestos management plan and what should it include?
Document that sets out how you manage asbestos in a building. Asbestos register Person responsible for management Plans for work Schedule for monitoring condition Explanation of decisions made
When does an employer need a written H&S policy?
more than 5 employees
What legislation relates to H&S in construction?
H&S at Work Act 1974 Management of H&S at Work Regulations 1999 Construction (Des and Management) Regulations 2015 COSHH Regs 2002 Working at Height Regs 2005
What is H&S at Work Act 1974?
Sets out employer’s responsibility to employees and public and employees responsibilities to themselves and each other Requires employers to carry out risk assessment and record findings
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
What does RIDDOR say?
Puts duty on employers to report certain accidents and near misses incl. deaths fractures amputation 7d off work
What is RICS guidance on doing your role safely? What’s it’s purpose?
Surveying Safely 2019 Sets out good practice for H&S management for RICS firms and members
What are CDM regulations?
Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 Ensure clients, designers and contractors consider H&S of those constructing, maintaining and demolishing works
What is role of Principal Designer?
To ensure that design considers the H&S of those constructing, maintaining and demolishing the work Issue F10 notice Support client in coordination of Pre Construction Info Liaise with Principal Contractor re risks in Construction phase
What Employment Law must your company be mindful of?
Equality Act 2010 GDPR H&S at Work Act 1974
What is an Employer’s duty of care?
Employers have duty of care to their employees. Should take all steps that are reasonably possible to ensure health, safety and wellbeing
What are the RICS 5 ethical standards?
Act with Integrity Treat others with respect Take responsibility Always deliver a high standard of service Act in a way which promotes trust in the profession
Can you give some examples of data management software?
Viewpoint 4 Projects Business Collaborator
What benefits of data management software are there?
everything in place remote access for all parties
What are the issues of data management software?
Contractor has access to everything Copyright Security
Would anyone approve the project brief before it was issued?
The Project Sponsor who is the key client
Do you provide any documents to your client to assist with what your service fee includes?
Contract terms and conditions Resources schedule Schedule of service
Do you provide any documents to your client to assist with what your service fee includes?
Contract terms and conditions Resources schedule Schedule of service
You are asked by a client to coordinate surveys of a derelict historic building to review the condition and propose possible refurbishment options, what would you request from the client in advance of anyone, including yourself, entering the building? What RICS guidance would you refer to when considering these?
Travel to and from site, condition of property, occupation (in use?), security, Activity risk, site rules and welfare, dangerous substances, diseases, structural stability Surveying Safely 2nd Edition
What is the difference between arbitration and mediation?
Mediation and arbitration are alternatives to litigation. Mediation is “without prejudice” commercial negotiation to settle a dispute. Arbitration is a private court
How do the Civil Procedures Rules help resolve construction disputes prior to court proceedings?
Pre-Action protocol - set out all the documentation so either party can understand their position and make informed decision about a settlement and how to proceed.
What building regulations cover inclusive environments, and what is the name of this regulation?
Part M - Access to and use of buildings
What sections of the building regulations are discussed at length in the future homes standard?
L(conservation of power and fuel) and F(ventilation)
What were the main risks with leaving excavations exposed for a significant period of time?
cost /shutterings, security of site between contractors were appointed.
What is McGregor’s theory of motivating people?
X - people dislike their work, little motivation, need authoritarian style of management Y - people take pride, take ownership in their work, need to be trusted to do it themselves
What is Hertzberg’s theory of motivating people?
extrinsic motivators - basic needs e.g. salary, job security intrinsic motivators - demotivate if not present e.g. challenging work, recognition, growth potential
What is a RACI chart?
simple matrix that assigns roles and responsibilities to tasks or decisions Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed
Can you name some management theories?
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs - basic needs, pschological needs, self-fulfilment needs Six Sigma - uses statistics to reduce waste Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
Can you name a technique for problem solving?
A3 - structured problem solving and continuous improvement approach
What are the characteristics of a successful leader?
influences others decisive strong negotiator good communicator good listener empathetic set positive example
What is the difference between coordination and management?
Coordination - arranging things in correct order Management - maintaining control
What are soft and hard skills?
Soft - people or interpersonal skills e.g. communication, decision making Hard - teachable/ easier to quantify e.g. technical, speaking a language
What are soft and hard skills?
Soft - people or interpersonal skills e.g. communication, decision making Hard - teachable/ easier to quantify e.g. technical, speaking a language
What is your leadership style?
Democratic - welcome feedback, discuss ideas before making decision
How do you help your client review the brief?
Review it see what is missing Advise on BIM and what that means Advise on BREEAM/ Passivhaus Explain design stages Think about risk levels
What is NBS and why do we use it?
UK specification system Standardised system which design teams and contractors are familiar with
What is a specification? What types are there?
Document that sets out what you require - type, quality, quantity Performance e.g. u value Prescriptive - full details of product, materials and workmanship, not limited to a specific system Propriety - specific brand
What makes a good specification?
Clear, concise, specifies outcome not process, linked to British Standard
Where are insolvency procedures advertised?
London Gazette Companies House Insolvency Service website
What is corporation tax and what do you pay it on?
The tax that all limited companies pay on their profit 19%
What is corporation tax and what do you pay it on?
The tax that all limited companies pay on their profit 19%
What is a standard used for accounting?
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Public trading companies required to use it
What should you do if a contractor goes into administration?
Secure site and materials Stop payments Get in touch with administrative receiver Contact suppliers and sub contractors Keep record of time spent
What is insolvency? What is bankruptcy?
Insolvency - when company does not have enough assets to pay its liabilities when they should Bankruptcy - when an individual is declared insolvent by a court Illegal to trade whilst insolvent and its directors responsibility to know
What are the options for an insolvent company?
Administration - administrator takes over day to day control of the company whilst they negotiate sale of the business and assets to new company Voluntary arrangements - stakeholders agree to financial restructure to avoid insolvency Receivership - can continue trading in the hope of selling
Why is working capital important and what might effect it?
You need enough working capital to manage your cashflow. If you don’t have it you will become insolvent.
What is the Average Collection Period?
The average time between the sale of goods/ services and payment recieved
How do you work out a profit margin?
(profit / revenue) x 100
What is a typical profit margin in services and construction?
services - 17% construction - 4.6%
What types of ratio can you use to assess solvency?
liquidity ratio - ability to pay short term liabilities solvency ratio - ability to pay long term liabilities networking captial ratio - current assets/ current liabilities (optimum between 1.2 and 2)
What measures would you reccommend if your client insists on appointing a contractor with a low credit weighting?
uk based performance bond
What is an auditor and what do they do?
Person that carries out independent review of accounts to confirm whether they are in line with Company Law and if they give a fair and true reflection
What does an auditor’s report include?
Intro Description of their scope and standards used for audit Statement as to the auditor’s opinion if accounts have been prepared in accordance with Companies Act
Tell me about accounting records
Have to be kept by all companies 3y for private and 6y for public Record all monies received and spent Record all assets and liabilities
Tell me about accounting records
Have to be kept by all companies 3y for private and 6y for public Record all monies received and spent Record all assets and liabilities
What is required of LLP accounts?
each partner must be ltd prepare accounts as if ltd
What is the RICS vision for governance?
Enabling a more globally diverse Governing Council, drawn from members around the world and across the different sectors of our profession Introduction of a new role of Chair of Governing Council, separate from the ambassadorial role of RICS President Establishing a new joint Standards and Regulation Board
What is the RICS vision for governance?
Enabling a more globally diverse Governing Council, drawn from members around the world and across the different sectors of our profession Introduction of a new role of Chair of Governing Council, separate from the ambassadorial role of RICS President Establishing a new joint Standards and Regulation Board Currently working on second stage
What were the recommendations in the Latham Report?
NEC adopted more Encourage partnering Compulsory latent defects insurance Risks allocated to party best able to deal with it Speedy dispute resolution
What is unconscious bias?
stereotypes about people that effect people’s thinking at an unconscious level
What is the Equalities Act?
Protects people from discrimination at work or by wider society. Includes series of protected characteristics e.g. age, race, gender, maternity, race, religion
What models do you know about in relation to teamwork?
Tuckman’s Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing
What is the Data Protection Act 2018?
Controls how personal data is used by organisations UK’s implementation of GDPR
Difference between structured and unstructured CPD, can you give us some examples
Structured has clear learning outcomes Use CPD Decision tree
What Act covers the prevention of discrimination in the workplace?
Equalities Act 2010
Can you tell me what a latent defect is and how long these are covered for under a JCT Contract?
Defect that cannot be seen. 6 or 12y depending how contract signed
If you were checking a contractor’s insurances – what would you check for?
in date, name is correct and as listed, value is correct – checking for validity
How long after the due date must a Payment Certificate be issued by the CA under a JCT Contract
Why would you advise a client to undertake works under an intermediate contract rather than a minor?
Needed sectional completion or named sub contractors. More complex project that needed more complex controls
What should be considered when selecting a procurement route?
priority on time/ cost certainty/ quality, control over design, attitude to risk