GeneMapper & Interpretation Flashcards
what causes -A and split peaks and what does it look like
- Taq polymerase adds an extra nucleotide (usually adenine) to the 3’ end of a PCR product as it copies the template strand
- called adenylation, the +A form of an amplicon
- if PCR ends before adenylation, the amplicon is one base pair shorter than the true peak
- the -A form of the amplicon
- creates a “split peak” with a shorter -A peak and a taller +A peak
- occurs with too much template DNA
- adenylation is most common in amelogenin
explain allele designation
- once the DNA fragment is sized, an allele call needs to be determined
- allele calls are assigned by comparing the sizes of the unknown fragments with the sizes in the allelic ladder
what is an alleleic ladder
- an artificial mixture of common alleles present in the population
- each plate must contain at least one successful allelic ladder
- ladders do not represent all possible alleles
explain the analytical threshold
- defines the height requirement at which peaks can be distinguished from background noise
- data from any analytical instrument will contain background noise
- peaks above the AT are considered reliable
- LSPCL Fusion 6C Analytical Threshold: 100 RFU
what are the different panels for analyzing CE data
- analysis method: forensic 6C
- panel: forensic powerplex fusion6C panels
- size standard: WEN ILS 500
- SOS: sizing off scale
- green square indicates peaks are within range
- yellow triangle indicates peaks are above range
- SQ: sizing quality
- green square indicates good size standard quality
- yellow triangle indicates peak broadening or artifacts in ILS
- red circle indicates sizing failure
- MIX: peaks present above analysis threshold
- green square indicates possible single source
- yellow triangle indicates possible mixture sample
- OMR: off ladder allele/off marker range peaks present
- green square indicates none present
- yellow triangle indicates some present
how do we assess ABs and EBs
- if the locus label is green, then no alleles calls above the analysis threshold are present
- correct sample type must be designated
- the baseline needs to be examined to ensure no peaks are present below threshold
what is an amplification negative control (AB)
detects DNA contamination of the amplification reagents
what are some biological artifacts
- stutter
- -A, split peaks, non-template nucleotide addition
- non-specific amplification
- null alleles
how do we calculate stuter
- if stutter is suspected or called on the egram, it should be calculated and documented
- each locus has specific stutter percentage
- can be removed if it is within 2% of those filters
- stutter is calculated by dividing the smaller RFU value by the larger and multiplying by 100
what is a contributor ratio
- related to percent contribution calculations
- separate major and minor contributors
- add all suspected major alleles and divide by the sum of all suspected minor alleles
- if the ratio is >3:1, it is distinguishable
explain the data interpretation steps
- evaluate the data to determine if the results are interpretable or uninterpretable
- establish the minimum number of contributors and evaluate sex determination
- designation of true peaks and artifacts should always occur prior
- determine if mixture data is distinguishable or indistinguishable
- designate genotypes if applicable
- utilize available assumptions for further resolution of genotypes if appropriate
- compare to applicable reference samples
- perform statistical evaluation when applicable
explain the data review steps
- view the raw data for each ladder, control, samples, and primer peaks
- apply analysis settings and analyze the project
- assess the internal size standards, allelic ladders, positive controls, negative controls, and reagent blanks
- assess each sample for the presence of extraneous peaks and determine if they interfere with interpretation
what do degraded samples look like
- DNA is susceptible to degradation, meaning the DNA molecules can be severed into pieces
- damaged by the environment, improper storage, temperature, etc
- degradation appears as a “ski-slope” on an egram
- loci with high molecular weights and longer sequences are prone to degradation
- quant results can indicate degradation
- resolves by re-amplifying the sample with more template
what is differential amplification
when amplification is better at some loci but shows dropout at others
what is differential degradation
- when two or more biological samples in a mixture show different levels of degradation
- complicates interpretation
what does distinguishable mean
- a mixture can be either distinguishable or indistinguishable based on how much DNA each contributor contributes
- if a mixture is distinguishable, it can be easily sorted into individual profiles (major/minor)
what is a DNA analyst
- someone who can conduct the analysis of forensic samples, interpret data, reach conclusions, and generate reports
- stated in the FBI QAS
what are dye blobs
- technological artifact
- free fluorescent dye molecules that coexist with dye-labeled primers
- by-product of incomplete coupling during primer synthesis
- occur in the 6-90 base pair range
- more common than older kits
- broad, rough, low-level peaks
- easily observed in negative controls
- interfere with low-level DNA detection
what are electronic spikes
- technological artifact
- caused by electrical impulse during injection
- not reproducible and can be resolved by reinjection
- usually present linearly in all dye channels
- can be thin, sharp peaks, or broader blobs
describe electropherogram documentation
- automatically documented:
- project name, well position, sample ID, plate ID, instrument name, injection time
- in batch table settings:
- analysis thresholds for allele labels (ladders and amp controls)
- documented by analyst:
- analysis thresholds for sample e-grams
- if necessary, document reamplifications, re-extractions, and TrueAllele analysis
what is an exclusion
- an individual can be excluded/eliminated as a potential contributor of DNA obtained from an evidentiary item
- an individual can be excluded as a contributor of a DNA sample if at two or more loci, genotypes differ between the known individual and the evidence profile
what are formamide blobs
- technological artifact
- formamide can decompose over time in formate
- formate ions are preferentially injected into the capillaries, causing signal loss
- resolves by replating with new master mix and fresh formamide
what is genemapper ID-X
- a data analysis software that converts raw capillary electrophoresis data into an electropherogram
- genemapper can resolve dye colors for each peak, size DNA fragments, compare alleles to an allelic ladder, assign allele calls, and provide quality indicators
- in CODIS, is it used as an expert system to streamline database analysis (forensics only interprets)
what does the genemapper X-axis measure and what does it correlate to
- measures time when the DNA fragment was detected
- correlates to base pair size
what does the genemapper Y-axis measure and what does it correlate to
- measures the intensity/height of the peak in RFUs
- correlates to the amount of DNA present
what is an inclusion
- an individual cannot be excluded as a potential contributor of DNA obtained from an evidentiary item
- an individual will be included as a contributor is the known individual’s alleles match the alleles of the evidence profile
what is an inconclusive conclusion
no conclusion (inclusion/exclusion) can be drawn after comparison to the known
what does indistinguishable mean
- a mixture can be either distinguishable or indistinguishable based on how much DNA each contributor contributes
- if a mixture is indistinguishable, there is no clear difference as to which profile contributed which DNA