Gene Structure 5 Flashcards
What is an overlapping gene?
Adjacent genes located on either the same or the opposite DNA strand, sharing one or more nucleotides of coding sequence. Genes can also overlap regulatory regions.
What do overlapping genes allow?
Multiple proteins encoded from the same sequence, coding regions to be on both strands and for co-regulation of related proteins.
Where were overlapping genes first seen?
ssDNA in phage genomes.
Where are overlapping genes found?
In mitochondria, microbes and eukaryotes. Seen in 10% of human genes.
Give 3 types of overlapping gene.
Same strand, different strand and partial/terminal overlaps.
Describe a same strand overlap.
Unidirectional. The 3’end of one gene overlaps with the 5’ end of another gene on the same strand. Genes may be regulated by common promoter.
Where are same strand overlaps commonly found?
In bacteria, for example E.coli has 586 same strand overlap gene pairs.
What are the two types of different strand overlap?
Convergent and divergent.
Describe a convergent different strand overlap.
Overlap of the 3’ ends of two genes on different strands, Overlap contains polyadenylation sites.
Where are convergent different strand overlaps commonly found?
In drosophila
Describe a divergent different strand overlap.
Overlap of the 5’ ends of two genes on opposite strands,. Transcription of both genes may be controlled by a bidirectional promoter.
Describe a partial/terminal overlap.
Involves a small 5’/3’ overlap (often 1bp) of coding sequence. Terminator site for one gene overlaps with the initiator site of another. Common in prokaryotes.
Give an example of partial/terminal overlap found in bacteria.
1 base overlap between TrpE and TrpD. Shine-Dalgarno of TrpA within TrpB. Allows proteins to be synthesised in equal ratios. Translation coupling is dependent on partial overlaps.
What is the result of in phase overlaps?
Coincident reading frames.
Where are in phase overlaps commonly found?
In bacteria and viruses.
What are the two types of in phase overlaps?
Different initiation or different termination.
Describe in phase overlaps with different initiation sites.
Alternative transcription start sites, can have the promoter for one gene within the coding region on an adjacent gene. Genes share the same terminator- proteins have dissimilar N termini and identical C termini.
Give an example of an in phase overlap with different initiation sites.
Aspartokinase in Thermus flavus-initiation differs, askB subunit overlaps with the 3’end of the askA subunit.
Describe in phase overlaps with different termination sites.
Genes have the same initiator codon but termination occurs at distinct codons in each gene. Proteins have dissimilar C termini and identical N termini.
Give an example of an in phase overlap with different termination sites.
Pili gene C53 in E.coli- termination differs, produces 5 different polypeptides due to overlap.
What results from out of phase overlapping genes?
Overlapped genes are in different ORFs to one another. Short overlaps are often in phase 2 and large overlaps are often in phase 1.
Where are out of phase overlaps commonly seen?
In prokaryotes and phages.
Give an example of an out of phase overlap.
Mouse lnk4a/Arf- alternative first exons (1α and 1β) transcribed from different promoters. Both spliced to same acceptor site in exon 2, which gets translated in alternative frames. Produces two different tumour suppressor proteins.
What is ribosomal frameshifting?
The ribosome pauses on the mRNA and shifts before continuing- usually by 1 base. Codons read after the shift are in a different reading frame.
What is required in mRNA for a site specific programmed ribosomal frameshift to occur?
Slippery sequence, spacer sequence and downstream stimulatory structure.
What is the role of the downstream stimulatory structure?
Forms pseudoknots/kissing stem loops. Acts as an energetic barrier, aiding positioning of the ribosome over the slippery sequence so that a frameshift can occur.
What are the 3 models for ribosome slippage during translation elongation?
3 tRNAs model, 9A model and the cotranslocation model.
Describe the 3 tRNAs model for ribosome slippage.
Slippage occurs before peptidyl transfer, whilst the aa-tRNA is still in the A site. Peptidyl transfer is blocked by the pseudoknot, ribosome pauses and shifts -1.
Describe the 9A model for ribosome slippage..
Pseudoknot resists 5’ mRNA movement- tension caused by 9A movement of the anticodon loop. This causes +1 frameshift. Occurs before aa-tRNA binds the A site.
Describe the cotranslocation model for ribosome slippage.
Occurs after peptidyltransfer. tRNA moves to E site and aa-tRNA moves to the A site. Downstream element of mRNA resists movement. EF-Tu causes the P site to be deformed, breaking anticodon-codon interaction. This causes the ribosome to pause and shift.
Give an example of a -1 PRF.
dnaX in Salmonella typhumerium/ E.coli - codes for DNA Pol III. PRSF 2/3 way into transcript length. Termination codon after frameshift- proteins produced from frameshift are shorter. Can also have -4/+2 frameshifts.
Give an example of a +1 PRF.
OAZ1 in Saccharomyces cerevisae. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) produces polyamines. OAZ stimulates ubiquitin-dependent degradation of ODC. Polyamines stabilise pseudoknot, increasing +1 frameshifts and and OAZ production, as a high enough conc. of polyamines have been produced, and ODC is no longer needed- negative feedback.
Give the advantages of overlapping genes in bacteria and viruses.
Allows genome compression which results in faster replication and lower mutation rates. Increases protein diversity and genome complexity. Can allow coordinated control- different expression levels of different proteins relative to each other.
Why is genome compression particularly important for viruses?
Viral genome is limited by the capsid size.
Why are overlapping genes more conserved than non-overlapping genes?
Any mutations could affect the functions of both gene products.