Gender Indentity Flashcards
Margaret mead
Gender norms as relative
Several tribes cultures
Gender behaviour and expectations
Arapesh both were gentle and cooperative
Mundugumor violent ans aggressive
Chambri opposites . Women dominat and aggressive and not involved in child caring
Men as timid ans decorating themselves
Hegemonic mascunility
Western societies
Traditional version given men dominance and power in all public and private spheres a
Alpha male breadwinner paid work as central to their identity
Values of aggression risk taking and competition
All agents of socialisation promote this ideal
Hegemonic femininity
Defined by hegemonic masculinity
Women’s role are defined and restricted by men’s interest and needs
Female beauty behaviour
Ann okay
Creation and reinforce
Verbal appellation
Peer groups and femininity and masculinity
Sue lees
Double standards on sexual behaviour
Tern slag
Policed vs encouraged
Peer groups and masculinity
Mac and ghail
3 F
Boys learn to be mine in their peer groups as skol . Policing their own and others sexuality
Hyper masculinity and macho culture
Media masculinity and femininity
Billington et al
Mass media
Women in narrow range of roles
Men performing the full range including occupational roles (high status and power )
Women as overrepresented in domestic settings
Or as sexual objects
Media representation the male gaze
Laura mulvey
Camera in film focuses upon the female body
Encouraging viewers to asses their bodies and attractiveness from a male perspective
Reinforces the notion of a women worth based on her apparance
Changing aspirations
Sue sharpe
Work center end
Hyper sexual femininity
Media celeb
Present difficulties and contradictory to young women
To be sassy and independent but not feminist
To be up for it and drink but not drink like men
Encouraged to look and act sexy but to distance themselves from the drunken slut
Empowering or victim of patriarchy
The media and femininity
Always run like a girl campaign
Turn these phrases into positive ones
And challenge the stereotype underpinning them
Most consider like a girl to be an insult
Ban bossy
Camping regonsigung the Knick to girls confidence when called bossy
Boys called leaders
Don’t raise ur voice or speak up
I’m not bossy I’m the boss
Supported by Beyoncé
The new man
Connel complicit masculinity
Accepted the social changes in gender
Less aggressive more considerate more feminine characteristics
Emotionally expensive and active role in parenting
The metrosexual
Mark Simpson
Keener interest in clothes hair and personal appearance
Their identities inc resolve around their dress sense and the right look
A crisis in masculinity
Mac and ghaill
A term to refer to the insecurity’s felt by working class men today
Loss of the breadwinner identity with decline of trad male industries mining steel
Cannabis research found that men felt emasculated due to their employment
The rise of transgender identities
Greater social acceptance
Celebs like Caitlin Jenner
Idea that gender ans sex are less binary and more complex
The gender recognition act 2004
Allows ppl to apply to change their legal gender in the uk
Gender recognition certificate GRC
Asfter 2 years of transition
And evidence of change in lifestyle
The equality act 2010
Protect trans ppl at work , ed and as consumers