Gender Bias Flashcards
What is the issue in psychology?
Refers to a source of conflict that if ignored could undermine the value of theories in research
What are the three main issues?
Gender bias
Culture bias
Ethical issues
What is the debate in psychology?
Academic argument that lasts over many years and often have no resolution
enables to gain a better understanding of any other potential factors involved
What are three main debates that have long history in psychology?
- Free will and determinism
- Nature vs nuture
- Holism and reductionism
- Idiographic and nomethic approaches to studying behaviour
Psychology seeks universality but bias may be inevitable
Psychologists possess beliefs and values influenced by scoial and historial contexts within which they live.
This may undermine psychologists’ claims to discover facts about human behaviour that are objective, value-free and consistent across time and culture (universality)
What is gender bias?
- Gender bias results when one gender is treated less favourably than the other, often referred to as sexism and as a result does not accurately represent either gender.
- e.g , although female psychology students outnumber male, at a senior teaching and research level in universities, men dominate. This can lead to research focusing on male interests, with female concerns marginalised or ignored (androcentrism).
What is alpha bias?
Exaggerate difference
Difference between sexes are usually presented as real,enduring, fixed and inevitable
These differences occasionally heighten the value of the women but are more likely to devalue females in relation to male
What is an example of alpha bias?
- An Example of alpha bias can be seen with Freud’s psychodynamic approach in this approach women are seen as inferior as they endure penis envy
- . Due to this, they do not undergo the same Oedipus complex as boys. The superego develops from this conflict; therefore, women have a lower moral development.
What is beta bias?
Ignoring or underestimating differences between men and women
This occurs when female participants are not included in research process and assumed that research findings apply equally to both sexes
An example of beta bias
fight or flight response
Early research into fight or flight response was based exclusively on male animals(preferred for research because female hormones fluctuate). The fight or flight response was assumed to be universal response to a threatening situation
What is the consequence of beta bias?
What is the problem of beta bias?
Understanding of ‘normal’ behaviour is coming from research involving all male samples , then any behaviour that deviates from this standard is judged as ‘abnormal’
This leads to female behaviour is being misunderstood and even pathologised (taken as a sign of illness)
First limitation
Problem of gender bias in psychological research
- Gender bias research create misleading assumptions about female behaviour and validate discriminatory practices
- It may provide scientific justification to deny women opportunites to work within the workplace or wider society (e.g because of PMS)
- Gender bias in research is not just a methodological problem but may have damaging consequences which affect lives and prospects of real women
Second limitation
Gender bias promotes sexism in the research process
- A lack of women at senior research level means female concerns may not reflected in research questions in asked. Male researchers is more likely to have work published
- Also, female participants in lab studies are in a inequitable relationship with (usually with a male) researcher who has the power to label them irrational and unable to complete complex tasks
First strength
Understanding of gender bias leads to reflexivity
- Researcher recongnise the effect of their values on their work (reflexivity). They embrace bias as an important aspect of the research process rahter than seeing it as a problem threatening the objective status of their work
- In their study of the lack of women in accountancy firms. Dambrin and Lambert (2008) include reflection on how their geneder-related experiences influence their understanding of events
- Such reflexivity is an important development in psychology and may lead to greater awareness of role and personal bias in shaping future research
Second strength
Feminist psychologist proposes how gender bias can be avoided
- Worell and Remer (1992) suggest criteria researcher can follow to avoid gender bias. Women should be studied within meaingful real-life contexts, and genuinely particoate in research instead of being objects in a study
- Diversity in groups of women should be studied rather than making a comparison between men and women. Finally, there wuld be a greater emphasis on collabortative research methods that collect qualitative data
- Way of doing research may be preferable and less gender-biased then lab research
A second example of beta bias
An example in Milgram study 65% electrcuited with men
women - 65% - the same
no gender bias?
Outline some of the gender biases that can occur in studies due to the way the research has been carried out and comment how the results can be used to promote inequalities
Only use male participants
= if research is male
lead to inequalities
Explain why research supporting differences between men and women is more likely to be published
Since women and men would respond differently to situations
It will have extreme findings
More interesting
More journals are sold
Leading to misunderstanding
Why is it wrong to assume all research has a gender bias?
In Milgram study found electrocuted rates are the same for men and women
Not all approaches consider geneder differences
Behavioural - how they learn
Subtle differences are found in research between men and women might be exaggererated to suppot gender differences
Explain how this can lead to a maintenance of gender supremacy of men in our society
- e.g women are unreliable and expensive to emplloy as they miss work due to menstruation, pregnancy and childcare
- Attachment - focus too much on women (they make better mother) - less men in child care
- Bowlby says 2 and half is sensitive period
What is universality?
Aim to develop theories that apply to all people, which may include real differences
What is androcentrism?
Centred or focused on men, often to the neglect or exclusion of women