GENDER BIAS Flashcards
what is universality?
- influenced by social and historical context within which they live
- this may undermine psychologists’ claims to discover facts about human behaviour that are objective, value-free, and consistent over time and culture
what is gender bias?
when psychological theories and research may not accurately represent the experience and behaviour of men and women
what is alpha bias?
exaggerates the differences between men and women, they occasionally heighten the value of women but are more likely to devalue females in relation to males
what is an example of alpha bias?
favouring males - freud (1905) claimed children in the phallic stage, desire opposite-sex parent. this is resolved by identification with their same sex parent. but a girl’s identification is weaker, creating a weaker superego and weaker moral development
favouring females - chodorow said daughters and mothers are more connected than sons and mothers because of biological similarities - so women develop better bonds and empathy for others
what is beta bias?
minimises differences between men and women, e.g, no female ppt but findings are generalised to them
what is an example of beta bias?
fight or flight was based on male (because female hormones fluctuate). fight or flight was assumed to be a universal response to threat
- taylor et al suggests that women exhibit a tend and befriend response from the hormone oxytocin which is more plentiful in women (small in men) and reduces the fight or flight response. an evolved response for caring for young.
define androcentrism
male centred, normal behaviour is judged according to male standard.
female behaviour is misunderstood and even taken as a sign of illness
give an example of androcentrism
BRESCOLL & UHLMANN - feminists object to the category of PMS because it medicalises female emotions (e.g, anger) by explaining these in hormonal terms. but male anger is often seen as a rational response to external pressures
four evaluation points for gender bias
+ reflexivity [ dambrin and lambert ]
+ institutional sexism [ denmark et al ]
- misleading assumptions abt female
- essentialism [ walkerdine]
what is one strength of gender bias?
researchers are starting to recognise the effect of their own values and assumptions on their work
what do researchers see bias as?
a crucial and critical aspect of research process
what did dambrin and lampart do?
studied lack of women in exec positions, and included reflection of how gender-related exp influenced their reading of events
reflexivity is seen as an…
important development in psych, leads to greater awareness of role of personal biases increasing internal validity of gender bias
what does gender bias create misleading assumptions about?
misleading assumptions about female behaviour and fails to challenge negative stereotypes
gender bias creates misleading assumptions by providing…
scientific justification to deny women opportunity
how are women denied opportunity due to gender bias?
in workplace and in wider society, men set the boundaries of normality
gender bias is not just a methodological problem but has…
damaging consequences which affect the lives and prospects of real women e.g. 2x +likely to have depression
the _______ _______ is decreased as it has implication for the real world
external validity
another strength of gender bias is that there is ___________ ______ in theory and research
institutional sexism
gender biased research about women is carried out by…
male researchers, which is not a true reflection of female concerns due to lack of women appointed in senior research level
male researchers are…
more likely to have work published and studies that find evidence of gender differences more likely to appear in articles
give an example of how male researchers dominate over female ppts
lab experiment is seen as scientific foundation of psychology disadvantages women as they are inequitable to male researchers, women are labelled as unreasonable
denmark et al found that…
psych is guilty of supporting form of institutional sexism creating bias in theory and research
the _______ _______ of _____ ____ is ____________ due to institutional sexism
internal validity of alpha bias is increased
another weakness of gender bias is that gender differences are reported based on an ___________ perspective
what is an essentialist perspective?
that the gender difference in question is inevitable (essential) and is fixed in nature
the _______ ________ of gender bias is decrease by the essentialist perspective
internal validity